VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Terminus Reach: Sentinel 2 [Update 40] [Talothral]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    At first the models threw me off but oh god that's one of the best i've played.
    Story 10/10
    Models 7/10 (nothing fancy but it did the works)
    The story was long enough to make me want to have a 3rd but what's more to tell. :unsure:
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the continuation of previous game, following story of super-powerful psionic in his quest of saving certain space station (and picking girls for his harem).

    + Very long, detailed sci-fi story. Game is worth playing just for that.
    + Decent quality of CGIs compared to previous game.
    + Lots of cute and sexy girls and lots of other girls (they are sexy too if your tastes are enough exotic/weird).
    + No dumb bimbos or random fucktoys. Every girl and most of other characters have their personality, background and place in the story.
    + Many sex scenes involving bunch of fetishes like pregnancy, aliens, weird body physiology or proportions - all of them avoidable through choices.
    + Nice background music.

    - Sex dialogues. While normal dialogues are good, the sex ones are quite terrible because almost every girl speaks lines taken directly from some cheap porn clips. While it suits some of them it completely doesn't match with the rest and breaks the immersion. Not sure while dev decided to go that way.
    - No animations. Instead we have sequences of switching static images. Loops sometimes gets too long an repeatable when it comes to sex scenes. Also they often lack feeling of motion - it's bit odd when only MC's pelvis is moving back and forth for like 30 seconds and the rest stays frozen.
    - It's not typical VN when we get many choices affecting main story. Again it's more like kinetic novel with some options to save life of certain characters or be nice to a certain girls thus giving us additional scenes (but it's not a large issue since good kinetic novel is still good even without many branching ending). As far as combat part goes MC is pretty invincible and I'm not sure if he can even be killed (maybe I missed bad endings).

    As usual for this developer we don't get typical porn game and fucking everything that moves is never top goal. Story sticks mainly around great politics, deep plots, murders, wars, conspiracies, saving galaxy and stuff like that. Yet in the same time we can still find lots of erotic encounters and chances to add more girls to harem but they are never essential. But it should be noted that in order to get all scenes and best outcomes we still need to get them all, so there is this balance between SFW and NSFW content.

    So is it worth playing? Yes it is without any doubt. Despite minor flaws it's really great game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Mike Hunt TG

    I loves this and the first one. Very complex plotline, cool aliens (some of which were pretty hot), great outcome. Lots of wry humor which I really appreciate. The only criticism was that the animation was a little clunky but there is no way I am going to reduce a rating for that, especially considering how often Wraith had sex. I am looking forward to a sequel but in the meantime, his other two works will keep me busy.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I really like the game and the story, but for the love of God, please get rid of the 2 frame animations for sex scenes! It would be so much better just to leave them out entirely and just have still renders for progression and text for anything that to be said and move on with the story (not forcing us to the deal with them at all). Either do them right, or don't include them at all.

    The animations break the flow of the game/story, which quite good without them.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Even though the author did put a lot into the story and lore. I can't raise the rating above two.
    As a porn novella it's bad. The sex here is boring and uninteresting.
    Someone who cares primarily about plot and theme might give it a try.
    However, even here there are problems - dialogs. The same dialogs can be repeated over and over and over again, I fell asleep several times while the characters were communicating with each other. This is a very strong indicator for me. There is constantly tons of exposition being thrown out with uninteresting text. If the amount of text in the dialogs were reduced by a factor of three and pieced together, the work would only benefit. It wouldn't make the text more interesting, but at least I didn't fall asleep during the dialogues....

    Well, and subjective problem for me personally, it's the main LI. The wife of the main character, she constantly puts other women under the MC, so do not expect strong emotions with other girls. And the number of sex scenes with his wife is huge. Only after this novel I realized why couples married for decades are so tired of sex life. After all, watching them, I've already felt the boredom and frustration.
    In the other work this mistake was avoided because he did not impose the main LI and gave the readers a choice. Therefore, the other girls sufficiently both gave emotions and received from the MC. And here it feels like two walls are having sex.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid storyline, great character ark. loved both parts. Was fun watching the evolution of all involved, especially the protagonist. Keep up the good work mate. Hope to see more from you in the future.
    Likes: Juv3
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is what a Sci-fi and Harem loving fan yearns for. Storyline is very good and have a fair chunk of inspiration from "Babylon 5". Erotic scenes are acceptable.
    The game makes me feel wanting more after seeing the epilogue unlike some other game that make me frustrated and just straight up spamming skip to get it over with.
    I hope that there will be part 3 or more game with the same quality along with part 1 and "Sorcerer". :)
    Likes: Juv3
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't think any extra word need for talothral I mean.... c'mon he always delivers what we want and delivers it in a such a way that after the epilogue we stay wanting more. Again another great finishing. So.... yeah 5 stars from me as I don't have really any excuse to give less stars
    Likes: Juv3
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game, plenty of story for those who want story and plenty of sex for those who want it (especially after main char can start making babies with basically every female).

    Graphics aren't that modern and same applies to animations but those are good enough.

    Game is long and has plenty to play so won't be finished in a day.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best stories in any kind of game. I wouldn't play this game if you are looking for the best graphics in terms of the porn scenes. Definitely play if you want a game with a super dope and in depth story that is well written. There is a first game that is worth playing as well. I would play the first game first so that you get the full story. It is not needed to to enjoy this game but it helps flesh out the characters.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I give them 5 stars for 2 reasons'
    1. Their updates are monthly or less and less error . The story is straight forward keeping you on your toes wondering what the next update will bring
    2. The fanciest of how are the galaxies and earth will be like is super superb.
    Some would complain about the character's looks or the sex scenes but if you really put yourself in it than yo will understand that there will be species hybrid and you just have to accept what the story teller is painting on the wonderful game, Its Not about sex or eties ... a new fantercy
    i rated 5 but i now change it to 2 star becouse it did not end well... dev did not close leads and just end ,,, NOT going to follow your games and very fustrating
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rereview on Update 40 and Completed status]

    So, game's finished and I can confidently say that none of the issues I brought up were addressed--if anything it only got worse.

    The sex kept on being boring, almost all of it was in bedrooms with uninspired dirty talk and barely any passion or eroticism which is almost impressive in a story with so much sex. For a game with so much breeding it is, ironically, incredible sterile.

    And the story... Oh my God, the story. I'll be completely honest, by the end I barely had any idea what was going on, there were just too many characters, too many plotlines, too many meetings... too many everything. And then all of it is solved in a rather anticlimactic raid that doesn't really feel any different from all the other raids and battles that preceded it. I was so bored and disconnected from it all that by the end I was skipping the fucking sex scenes to get to the end of the game.

    I think the scope got too big which in turn only highlighted and magnified all the issues I wrote about below. Its length is why I gave it 2 stars and why I don't recommend playing it--it's too long and not worth the days you'll spend slogging through it.

    My opinions on this game are very hard to pin down and trying to do so through a numerical score even more so, but I'll try my best to justify the 3 stars.

    While I do note that the renders have improved when compared to the dev's previous titles and that does deserve praise, most of my review will be focused on the writing. I will say that the general baldness doesn't bother me much and I find most of the LIs attractive, Nova especially makes me want to act up.

    This game's problems are Talothral's other games' problems: he's very good at worldbuilding and coming up with general plots, but he falls short when it comes to writing scenes and dialogue. The amount of thought put into the lore as well as its sheer quantity is commendable and one of the strongest aspects of the game (and the dev's other games), but the way it's written combined with the lack of mastery of conversational English makes the game as a whole a slog to read through.

    Characters talk too much, they say the same things several times over and elaborate on every facet of the conversation which only draws it out even more. A lot is said, most of it not important, and so when your eyes inevitably glaze over and you start only half-reading things you miss out on vital pieces of information since they're buried amidst fluff dialogue.

    And fluff dialogue can be useful, it enables deeper characterization or a peek at unrelated worldbuilding, but most of the dialogue in the game isn't that. None of it feels actually useless, it's just that what is there could be trimmed down to feel less dense.

    Another big problem is the sex. Unlike some other reviewers, I don't think there's too little of it, I think it's quite the opposite. Sex feels like a formality in this, and its execution is very clinical. It usually starts with oral, the girl cums once, then they move onto actual intercourse in which whoever's on bottom will simply lay there, then they switch to a different position, then there may or may not be a third position, then everyone cums and it's over. Factor in slight variations like pregnancy, threesomes, and anal and you're golden, that's every sexual encounter. It just feels superfluous, bordering on unnecessary.

    I understand that sex isn't the focus of the game, but that's no excuse to neglect it. The slow burn nature of the story lends itself to each sex scene feeling special but for that they'd need to be well-executed. As it stands, what is there is no different than fading to a black screen with the words "And then they had sex." displayed on it.

    My final bit of criticism is toward the MC. I've no problem with him being ultra-powerful or an incredibly competent assassin, I just wish everyone else got the chance to show off their competence. This imbalance of competence is at its worst when it comes to everyone else in leadership positions: if a plan isn't coming straight from the MC's mouth, it's likely there's some flaw in it no-one but him will see. It gets annoying after a while, as does his constant whining about being put in positions of power. When he was just an assassin suddenly being handed huge amounts of responsibility it made sense, but my man's had 5 years to process that and yet he's still harping on about it despite being the most effective leader on board the Sentinel by miles.

    In conclusion, I still think the game is worth a readthrough, I just recommend doing it in bursts so you don't get too bored and start missing crucial details.

    I hope I didn't come across as harsh, I'm just passionate about writing and I can see the amazing potential shining through the game's writing-related flaws.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played both the prior Terminus and Sorcerer. Both have wonderful stories that are well thought out and very engaging. I love a game that has a great story and this one even without any lewd content would be amazing. I’ve played games from some of the late heat producers as I’m sure most of us have, their stories I find lacking compared to this ( looking at you Bethesda).
    - if you love story driven games this is a must as it is wonderful
    -the lewd content is okay but definitely could be better with enhanced graphics and sound
    - the npcs are all unique and well thought out
    -to me this is a must play and support type of game that will certainly not disappoint
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Like this very much. From political drama to the characters specially the MC handling things and Chiel is the best. Damn the upgrade from from TRS1 to TRS2 is very good. Sentinel station is now much better. Very like the clothing upgrade as I didn't like the TRS1 clothing looks cheap. Overall like it very much and I recommend everyone to try specially the TRS1 first to know more about the game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Very dense - in a good way (mostly). All the relationships and politics keeps the story interesting. But it can be a lot to remember between updates. Characters and story are well written.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    loving the following of sentinel 1 so far. great follow up story and how it adapts and picks up from the first one. loving the update speed and how creator handles the game and his people and interract with them. will definitely keep updated on creators future works and updates. <3
    Likes: Juv3
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Despite the fact that this is a game that takes place in space where the MC fucks alien ladies and explodes peoples' heads with his mind, this game still ends up being pretty dull. There's a lot of fairly boring political drama, and the sex scenes are pretty vanilla and don't feel particularly authentic or engaging. Lots of typical power fantasy stuff that ends up being kinda cringe inducing when it isn't done very well.

    Overall certainly not a bad game, and I generally like it. Just not particularly well made in a lot of ways imo.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best developers he work hard
    I loved all the previous games
    This game is a sequel to the previous game so far so good
    Renders He needs to work on it But it's not bad And need more body versatility
    Sex good
    But the best is the characters
    They all have their own unique personality
    Story good well written
    There are worse games Without meaning or depth out there that have more support than this one
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent, like the other Games from Talothral. Great Strory writing and the Updates are monthly and not one in a year like other games. I recommend Terminus reach and Sorcerer , also Great Games! I really hope Talothral goes on with his excellent Games
    Likes: Juv3
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoy Talothral's work on this VN and the past VNs that have been done., but this one feels more sluggish that the previous VN and their other work.
    I understand completely why things are going the way they are in this VN. It makes sense that there would be lingering effects left over from the first one.
    I like the story
    The renders are pretty good
    Lighting is better than most other VNs
    Sex scenes move a little slow( unless you click the spacebar constantly)
    Very small hiccups in the writing
    The story is focused on cleaning up the fallout from the first VN. It can come off as over loaded or even tiresome if you don't know what happened in the first part.
    The last few updates have ended with some decent sex scenes, but they end with the TO BE CONTINUED screen right after. Maybe give us an extra scene to give us the time to save there instead of when that message pops up.
    I am not being negative towards Talothral at all. The previous 2 VNs that have been produced have shown constant improvement with skill, writing and story telling.
    I wish Talothral the best with the continuation of this story and I'm looking forward to seeing it to completion.
    I recommend this VN, and the other two that have been done by this dev.
    Likes: Juv3