This sure was an... Experience...
I can say that this kind of content is not for me, I've only seen less than a quarter of these scenes, but it's such an aggressive bait that it feels like a bad joke. There is a lot of edits i made, before them is the review (sorry in advance)
EDIT AGAIN: I said i didn't get the hate to the artist, right? So now i get it. 25$ for this game in 1080p it's absolutely shameless; for that it's just better to make a movie or something with all animations in, instead of making it a barely shaped game that a lot of other games get way better. It's a scam.
The worst thing about all this, is this particular line: "I am probably one of the very few developers who release something every month". Yandere Dev will be proud of you, jackass
Another important EDIT: Checked the 6GB "full version" of the game. Never seen a scam this badly in my whole life. You are literally not having any new thing aside from slow ass animations in the rituals, which are not bad, they are terrible. So terrible that there is NOT a single one animation both in the book (activities) and in combat.
fuck, you can have the nerve to sell this for 25$ having 0 difference between the demo and the "full game"????????????????????????
----- Actual Review
Is painfully monotonous, confusing by an insane amount of stats that more than half of them you won't use (The most confusing being the book activities, unless you've seen that bible-sized tutorial that even I haven't found, you'll be a while to find exactly what key activates the slave activities and how you can unlock them in the first place).
There's a lot of focus on rituals, but they're one-click activities where, unless you spend more than *2 hours* grinding on rituals, you'll never see the special abilities that those rituals grant, don't fuck with me, you might do the rituals AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY DO.
It's very unintuitive, especially if I start talking about the combat, where the explanation given is not the same as what the character does (Killing NPCs using skills that are supposed to be "weak", 0 consequences if you have a lot of lust or rage, hunger doesn't go down, at least I haven't seen it and if this is really bad, I never suffered consequences for it XD) and so I could continue talking only about the gameplay.
I don't like to say that they are shit, because they are not even in the demo. This becomes a problem when they directly interfere with the rituals, which change very slightly or not at all; on more than one occasion I couldn't tell if I was facing a bug or something put in by the developer with that intention (since the tutorial says that if you skip too many times "she won't know what to do", when in many cases, the ritual doesn't advance even if you let it progress normally).
This brings me to the patreon issue, the demo is supposed to be an incentive to pay for the full game ($1 or $10, I don't know which tbh), which has all the animations not present in the demo. That wouldn't be a problem based on the very little I've seen on twitter, but that's my point; the only way I knew this game had animations was through twitter. The demo doesn't have any animations, not one to incentivize me to watch it in the first place, and it doesn't help that the gameplay to get them is insufferable and the fetish is disgusting (This is more personal but... ugh...)
This makes it so I can't even give a thumbs up to anyone who wants to try it for the vore and everything else, because it's really not worth it, there's no incentive.
I wouldn't talk if this wasn't a game, if I'm being totally honest.