Yeah, still I'd to update the changelogThere we go everything should stay up now.
credit goes to @Reepek
Up in here covering UncleVT's butt as usual lololololololol :tf:
hmmm, changing the link from .2 to .100 doesn't work for me. now i too want to know what's up with that "secret" games, duh. :OhMyGoodness:Dude! Check the link for the "secret" games it will lead you to /forums/games.100/ the original games link is /games.2/
i'm not good with trolls. i often take people seriously before i see their sentences as jokes. as a german i don't really troll... i like to use sarcasm.srsly ? you got blatantly trolled and complete oblivious to it ? i don't even...
Can confirm it worked yesterday, but now doesn't. I didn't really understand it anyway, it was just some random games.Yeah, the games.100 page is gone now. I had it bookmarked and when I reload the page now I get a ''page doesn't exist'' error.