Unity - That Brothel Game [v0.42] [VioletAmbush]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is more or less just an bunch of random character images from the Internet wrapped in a extremely barebones 'game'. It's obnoxiously grindy despite having almost nothing to do. You're better off just going to your favorite image site instead of wasting your time with this.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    What the hell was this update? I'm genuinely so confused, did some random person take over the project for updates? There's so many weird choices throughout this update for no reason. Like... Arena being hidden and locked away at $200k? The weird store? Right clicking characters to give them items? Item durability in general? Buying staff members to access income reports? Visual overhaul which unironically made everything uglier? Difficulty options? Price changes across the board? Weird ass items added to the game (like a fucking gun)? All in exchange for making old saves (including 0.41 saves to 0.42??) and mods obsolete?

    Update: I feel like I should say that I'm glad the game is actually getting updated. Some changes are pretty nice like the passively increasing stat items, optimization changes, reordering characters and auto-assigning service. But overall, I think that this is a very weird path to take. Looking forward to future updates as 0.32 was genuinely pretty fun- assuming the dev can fix up all the current issues.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried this game, I tend to like games like this, but it is extremely difficult to level obedience for certain characters, and even then it is slow, I went through a full year of having someone with only 1 obedience and a max arousal of 18, and it was impossible to get obedience past 1, if you started with that character, it's usually a game over because that character will never make a profit. I would not recommend this game to ANYONE until there is a way to train characters, something people have been begging for since 2022.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Dont really know how to feel about this one...

    On one hand the moddability is really good, as testified by the 7 gb of additional characters you can download, on the other (as of 0.4) its just a glorified pic viewer with many annoying roadblocks and conditions to see them.

    In concept not that dissimilar from something like brothel king or cat o nine tails, except that, where those games had a "theme" (Brothel king comic stupidity and Cat o nine tails sadism/slavery), this one is just bland nothing.

    On the technical side here are my biggest bugbears:

    - Make progression more evident (eg. A end of day splash screen with earnings and characters learnings/stats change - Numbers going up and down matey! Coockie clicker style)

    - Rebalance the earning to make the experience less grindy and/or more engaging; Or give me the option to tweak the vales myself (A slider governing a multiplier perhaps)

    - Separate the stores of clothes/toys, consumables and brothel upgrades; as of now they are all in a big pot and its difficult to differenciate between them (Or even understand what they do!)

    - A quick tutorial would not go amiss (eg.I can't find were you equip/use items!)

    - When a character is fapping/resting if you try to look at theyr stats in the dorm it just spits out the respective image
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    they got rid of the max command, the one thing that made this tolerable by allowing you to skip the insufferable amount of grind. Every girl starts at 1 obedience, some require obed+arousal higher than their max base arousal to even do anything, meaning they're literal dead weight you can do nothing with. Hope you like 8 million years of the same two handjob pictures while waiting for that obedience to go up by the way

    tl;dr this game does not respect your time, so don't give it the time of day
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay loop is non-existent, boring and overly drawn out.
    You start with 3k money which can barely hire you 2 whores, then you realise that you only have a single room which costs another 900, so you are stuck clicking on both your whores and seeing which one generates more money by fucking a client. By default all your whores start with 0 obedience which means they don't want to open up their holes, which means you have to send them for handjobs which give 11+tip $, which barely pays for itself because every week they ask for 200+ bucks. If they don't do anything, arousal goes up, which allows them to fuck despite not being obedient, which gives a lot more money $40+ but in order to do that you gotta RNG a client that wants it and whose penis isn't too big, because if it doesn't fit then they can't fuck.
    I am currently stuck in a hole where i make $400 profit per week with no realistic way to improve it other than to keep grinding.
    Obedience and hole sizes increase weekly, but it's both slow and there's no way i found that can speed either of these up
    In order to hire a new whore i need somewhere between 1500 to 3000 depending on the character. In order to be able to use her as well during the week i need another room for $1920. I need a lot of clicking to get through the following 5 WEEKS of gameplay to hire a new person and another 5 WEEKS to buy a new room so i can service three clients, and while the gameplay loop is short, it's a lot of clicking for little gain.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great gameplay loop, which already sets it far above most games. A bit grindy though, game expects a lot of time to complete characters memories. very moddable, which is always a plus. Overall, strong start, but enthusiactic for further development.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Just think it's fun. Would like the client selection menu to be a little more user-friendly but I wouldn't know how to make it more functional / useful than it is. It just feels a little clunky, for lack of a better description.

    All in all very entertaining.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game not only has a wide variety of characters built into it and events, but provides the capability of modding literally every facet of it. You want a character, kink, etc? You can add it and share it with the community!

    It's extremely easy to create the files with the instructions provided both on f95 and in the game files themselves, and can be easily done in a short amount of time depending on how intricate you wish your creation to be. No special spriting needed or extreme code knowledge, just simple inputting of what you like and you're good to go!

    I love games with such incredible versatlity, especially when I can put my favorite art from my favorite artists into a game and experience them whenever I like while managing things. It's part economic simulator, part porn, and all sexy.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is how you make an indie game properly:

    - Simple gameplay loop
    - Let the community create content
    - Don't bite more than you can chew

    This game does all of it. Unfortunately, I can only give 3* now because it is pretty barebones (no BGM, 'placeholder-like' menus, etc).
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2261700

    The game is good and glad it doesn't have an rng mechanic also its just
    hire = service = buy =get more space =arena to unlock a special event.

    Bare bones at the moment but it can go up
    - unfair comparison to other games-
    character aspect = custom characters and repeat sex with the special mod / need a special sex option interaction has variety 4/5
    interaction world = best to use paper doll images in fear of certain art callout and increased function ability but lacks interaction option 2/5
    management = add the planner option than click click give more depth 2/5
    gender/tag = the dev. dosent give a flip and knows what the horny audience want - gay/trap/futa/les/hetero why we love this 5/5
    fetish = bdsm is a start wont be surprise if we get immortal charcters and more darker fetishes. (we have evangelion,HxH ect. to thank for those fetish.)
    background = flavour text just a little but don't make an essay 5/5 for now.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    It is a competent tech demo for a simbro game. The basics are there and work well enough:
    • Staff fuck customers at the click of a button.
    • Matching the customers and girls matters.
    • Some amount of leveling up and girl customisation.
    • Special options to break up the monotony.
    • Bunch of popular R34 characters to employ.
    • A gallery that slowly unlocks.
    • Generally inoffensive UI. E.g. not being forced to look at all the sexing if I don't want to.
    • Art theft is credited. Yes, really.

    That's about it, though:
    • No story whatsoever.
    • No interacting with your staff.
    • No real sense of progress. The three things you upgrade are: obedience (unlocks special shows and the use of 'forbidden' orifices), circumferences (to service those big-dick clients, also sort of an unlock), rooms/equipment. The last are straight-up bought for not too much money, and either unlock said special shows or allow you to expand your roster. Pretty basic.
    • Not much in the way of QoL stuff in the UI. Automation options for client selection instead of doing it manually day after day, a nightly log available at the click of a button instead of a fleeting weekly one, some coloured numbers going up to mark progress, etc.
    • You have to go a bit out of your way to see the porn, choosing to 'peek in' on the action. It's all just pictures, too. No text, no stats fluctuating, no direct feedback.
    The 2/5 rating is to reflect the current state of the game. There's nothing truly wrong with it per se, it's just so barebones.

    Oh, and having little Gwen Tennyson (who's suddenly '18') willing to fuck anyone in any position for $50 a week but not really being able to because of all the big dicks is hilarious. (y)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I might follow this game progress, as i really like these kind of trainer/management games, but so far, this one is a bit too simple.

    I can't extend myself over different aspects like i usually do yet, the main thing i have to say it's that it need more diversification of events and options, a faster progress system, and ways to reduce the clicking necesarry for each night, like adding small portraits about what each client want without clicking each of them to read them one by one. (Maybe also some BGM?)

    Other than that, the concept is nice, it works fine for what it has, and it's easy to understand, so it's a 3/5 for now from my part, good luck with future updates!

    UPDATE [v0.3]
    Decided to play it again, and wow:
    -There's way more options available
    -Adressed my issue with customer choosing, by highlighting the ones you can actually serve when selecting the girl (or boy) for the job.
    -Also, added 3 stat bars, which add a little of dificulty, but also variety and management to the Game.
    -Modding is now easier, and you don't 100% need the base pack if you don't like, specially with so many cool mods i see some do.

    Game is going in the right path, so i will raise my score to a 4/5 now.
    Gonna keep keeping an eye on this one. <3
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I know this is the first release but here are my thoughts.
    The chosen art is all of good quality and the character variety is also good for a first release.
    There is no story and I don't know if the author is thinking of implementing any but it would be nice if he did.
    There is no tutorial as of writhing this but the UI is simple and easy to use so I had no problems figuring out how to play.
    Even though there exists a seen artwork counter it dose not seem that there exists a album or gallery feature witch is disappointing.

    All around the game is quite good for being this early in development and I would recommend that anyone reading this gives the game a follow and keeps an eye on its progress.