VN - Ren'Py - The Accidental Master [v0.5.1] [Network 34 Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The Accidental Master is a pretty vanilla game. I want to point, that I do not taking to accord the renderers (renderer's quality) in chapters 1 and 2, since (as far as I know) they are planned to be re-rendered at some point. It's a result of a weak hardware the time, author started his project. And from there, where i stay, i better have a new chapter, then old renders redone. My assessment is primarily based on the quality of the plot, on how the author writes, builds phrases, builds dialogues. Humor here up to my liking, as well.
    So the game is definitely worth spending 1-2 evenings on it (may be more, depending on your reading speed). And i'm eager to see more and more.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    As for v0.5.1, i personally disliked this "game" at all.

    Just giving 2 stars, as there's a lot more shitty games out there.

    The story is really bad and the renders are aweful. Never seen such grainy amateurish renders before. Aside being grainy, they have also a very bad lighting (way too much shaddows).
    I know it's marked as "kinetic", but the lack of choices also count towads negative points (being flagged as such doesn't exclude that fact).
    There are no animations. The very few "animations" we see, are for example a car moving with fixed tires - it's just a sprite being moved over the sreen.
    I could write up even more "issues", but you already get the gist.
    It's not worth to spent more time to evaluate the "why" - all you need to know is the fact that this game feels like a "first one" made by someone with really low-end equip and who doesn't know what and how to do.
    It really hurts your eyes.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Grainy and inconsistent renders are the least of this game's concern, but the poor-quality aesthetics is reflected in the rest of the game.

    When people say that the renders aren't great, they're being charitable. The renders in this game are pretty awful. Everything has an awful amount of film grain, making the entire game feel and look blurry. Worse, everything is horribly lit, leaving people's faces obscured in shadow for no particular reason.

    The renders aren't even consistent with each other. You'll see the same scene with single light sources but somehow both faces (facing each other) are obscured in shadow. The models are often posed weird, with their faces caught in what can only be intentionally ugly positions, including multiple renders that crash straight into the uncanny valley of creepy-looking faces.

    But it doesn't stop there. The story is slow, boring, and takes place at a crawl. The author clearly is one of those writers, someone who views their characters are fundamentally interesting and engaging, so they believe it's perfectly fine if they show them having long-winded conversations about the weather, or whatever random topic comes to mind to fill up the overabundance of poorly rendered panels. It's actually excruciating to sit through. At least half of the dialogue doesn't need to be there. It doesn't meaningfully advance the plot or give you additional insight into the characters. They're literally just there to chew space.

    There's no subtext in the dialogue. Everything is spelled out super explicitly to the point where the reader doesn't even need to work for it. Thoughts are clearly revealed in speech bubbles. There's no mystery about how any of the characters are feeling.

    The game falls into a lot of lazy storytelling tropes and cliches, often just to fill panels. Jabs at not getting to shower or use the bathroom (cause hurr durr, women hog bathrooms, so funny!) just don't really land, especially when the MC apparently owns multiple modern mansions—complete with walls of glass to enable indoor-outdoor flow—which all tend to favor en suites. Most of these dialogue cliches have no real impact on the story, so they can be safely skipped. They do, however, contribute to the story feeling too dragged-out. It's Bilbo's analogy all over, like butter scraped across too much bread.

    There's also no choice to speak of. Your first actual choice occurs well over a hundred panels in, and it's a choice of the genre of movie the MC chooses to watch. It ends up not mattering because all three of the choices results in the exact same lines of dialogue, barring one panel to reflect their choice. Between the ultra-passive playstyle and the endless filler dialogue, the game's pacing just feels terrible.

    The characters are likewise not particularly memorable. The most compelling trait about the MC is probably the interesting choice of him sporting a long hair don't care cut. Otherwise, he's just your typical generic wish fulfillment MC. All the girls instantly like him. He's instantly recognized as this super nice guy. He's rich yet doesn't seem to have many responsibilities. People want to get in bed with him as soon as they meet him but he's inexplicably single. You know, the usual.

    The girls especially are mediocre. There's nothing particularly interesting or compelling about them, if we're being perfectly honest. They aren't totally flat, which is what's saving this game from a 1 star rating, but at the same time they don't feel fully fleshed out either. It's probably because none of their motivations or personalities feel entirely real. There's only so much "I like the MC but I don't know how to tell him" that you can stand before it gets boring, and outside of liking the MC, there's just not enough there.

    Instead of being marked by their own agency, they're mostly defined by what happens to them. Shayna's getting stalked by an ex-boyfriend. Ashley has to deal with an abusive mother. Melissa's car broke down. They enjoy lusting after the MC and teasing him. It's just so... blah! Where are their passions, their goals and ambitions? What kind of hobbies do they have? What kind of futures are they pursuing? What specific aspects of the MC do they even value?

    Ultimately, the story is completely average (at best) while the renders are wholly below standard. Feel free to play it if you like, but it's hard to recommend.

  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I found myself really enjoying this VN. The story, while nothing too exciting, has engaging characters and it makes me interested in seeing what happens next.

    The writing is solid, characters are all unique with fleshed out back stories and the MC is not too much of a Gary Stu. My only concern are the renders. At first, I thought it was just a style, but the renders are just bad. Hair assets sized incorrectly, grainy shots, odd poses and over the top expressions. The staging of the shots are pretty good and the locations are all well done, but the quality really needs to be improved. It's possible the dev is using a poor graphics card or something, but, IMO, the renders really need to improve to rate this game anything over 3 stars.

    Having said that, the dev has some writing skills, and while the pop culture references are many, the dev has struck a decent balance between humor and seriousness. As the render skills improve, I am looking forward to more from this dev.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Not sure why the other two have rated this so high. There is nothing in it that is above average. The story is the closest thing to average compared to other AVN's. Everything else is below average. The renders are horrible and even the models are inconsistent sometime they look okay and sometimes they couldn't get much uglier.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    So far it isn't a bad VN. The writing is pretty good, the models are good except for the face of your neighbor. The plot is actually interesting.

    With saying that, here are some of the things that held it back from getting that 5th star.
    MC needs something done with his hair. In a few scenes it switched between being super long to shoulder length.
    Ashley and her BFF had issues with their hair as well. Looked way to unnatural. Meaning it was super long in some scenes.
    Maybe give us a heads up to where the episodes change, and a warning when the content is about to end. ( Just my thoughts)

    This is what is looking to be a slow burn VN. Not sure if the dev(s) are planning on adding more tags or not. Don't let it stop you from enjoying.
    This is a solid VN. It has a really good plot, and characters. The neighbor of the MC has a weird looking face, but it doesn't take away from the story. It is still in the early stages, but I think this will take off and develop into a great story. I recommend this VN and look forward to where it goes in the future. Good luck to the dev(s)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review as of Version 0.1.7]

    • Renders: Good with some graininess that needs to be cleared up.
    • Sandbox: No, this is a kinetic novel.
    • Choices: Very few (e.g. which sexy underwear to buy, which movie to watch). No obvious consequences to choices (yet?)
    • Humor: Good
    • Story: Urban life
    • Author Access: Patreon, Discord. [Update: Author also has SubscribeStar.]
    • Sexy Bits: Primarily sexual tension/Buildup currently. Several solo H scenes.
    • English: Good. Couple of minor typoes.
    • Music: Generally upbeat and well fitted.
    • Quantity: Decent amount of content, 1-2 hours depending on reading speed.

    The story centers around the MC and is largely setting up a couple of potential love interests at this stage.
    - Neighbor (Looks like she will be the primary LI. Significantly younger than MC. MC and Neighbor are long term friends and have strong feelings for each other.)
    - Daughter (Away at school, but looks like she has feelings for Dad)

    The title and at least one fantasy scene indicate some upcoming BDSM/Domination content.

    The humor is generally in the form of banter between the characters.

    Overall: A solid entry into the genre with no significant drips, runs, or errors. Solid story development, good characters and renders.

    Recommended if:
    You like contemporary kinetic harem AVN fare in an Urban setting.

    Not Recommended if:
    You hate playing before the game is complete.
    You don't like the genre (contemporary urban)