I can't understand, why you'd want to make a whore out of your own wife. If you want a change, don't get married, go with the prostitutes.
Some people like that kind of thing.
Only issue really is it only works for a few couples. Some guys like the idea of it until it happens then they realise they don't like it but by then they have already convinced their wives to fuck someone else and it's too late.
Some couple love it and it works for them. I've seen couples on the verge of divorce where a bit of swinging saved the marriage.
It's very rare though.
Either jealousy wins out in the end for some of them or the woman ends up falling for someone else.
I don't know about other women but I can get a bit emotional during sex and would assume some others do too so if you are constantly sleeping with someone else other than your husband then eventually you'll build a bond with them too. Sometimes the husband loses out.
Some women do it just to please their husband and hate themselves for it afterwards. Seen that happen too. At some point that hate they have for themselves sometimes turns into hate for the husband for pushing them into it.
All I know is if I was straight and married to a man that wanted me to fuck other people then i'd divorce him. If I was going to be sleeping around I don't need a husband for that and I certainly don't need one that's trying to push me into that.
One thing I have seen is once something like that happens that wife is marked as an easy target and word spreads fast about things like that especially if you pick someone in the town you live in. The husband is also marked as a non entity meaning no guys give a shit if he's there or not when they try and pick up the wife. A friend of mine had to move town when her husband talked her into it. Guys wouldn't leave her alone and her husband was pretty much ignored.
Some couples thrive on it, a lot get divorced through it.