VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - The Amazon Experiment [v0.5.0] [Gfxmojo]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The review contains spoilers because it is so short and silly that it is impossible otherwise.

    This is version 0.5, you will ride a motorcycle and arrive at the place of the "experiment" where you meet girls who are ugly(the models here are tragically made) and all of them immediately want to jump on you after which you go to sleep and the game ends with all of them catching you with one who gives you a blowjob as she walks in her sleep.

    Don't waste your time on this one.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Ugly models and terrible premise. As of right now it just less than 5 min worth of game play, and not worth your time. I hope it positively surprises...

    Im already regretting writing this review, as there is not 200 words I want to use to describe this.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Super short read. I figured there would be more to this story seeing how there are already some updates after the initial release. Not the case. You get maybe 15 minutes of story.

    I can't really give any good or bad points because there isn't enough to actually state what's good or bad about the story so far.
    I will say that the twins look like they've had botched face lifts. Awful looking chins on both of them.
    The story seems like it'll be interesting, but at the same time it feels unrealistic. You would figure there would be a plot point to start building on but there really isn't anything established. I'm assuming that the updates have all been super tiny and we can expect more like them in the future.
    So, with saying all of that, I'm gonna have to hard pass on this VN.
    Good luck to Gfxmojo with this project.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.2.2, but really it's 0.0.1

    Story: You're a guy who is going to see his sister out in the woods. She's living with nine other girls somewhere in the south I think. You get some introductions with loads of innuendo and then the game runs out of content. Apparently this is some sort of weird experiment because every girl is highly accomplished in a field despite looking like they're about 22 years old at most. Also, the biggest problem facing the country appears to be a dire cloth shortage, requring everybody to save fabric by only wearing tiny short shorts and sheer see-through baby Ts. While there is no action in this version, one gets the feeling that this isn't going to be a slow burn. Literally everybody you meet is making blatant sexual innuendo from the word hello. One starts to worry about a "death by snu snu" situation developing.

    Graphics: They're Daz and rendered nicely enough. There's no low light grain or other such weirdness. Also, the backgrounds aren't just the default free assets which is nice. Some of the faces are a bit weird looking, but I'm happy to see variety instead of the default assets for a change. Gfxmojo put some actual work into the renders.

    Conclusion: It's a promising start, although the current version is very short. Even reading all of the dialog you'll be through it in about half an hour or so, and nothing actually happens yet. I might revise this rating once there is a little more content to chew on. I can't give 5 stars to something so skeletal.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    That’s a very odd attempt at sounding like someone from the American South.

    The buildings are European, despite attempting to be in the US.

    Faces are kind of interesting. Sometimes cute, sometimes a little strange.

    The girls are all supposed to be pretty smart, but sound like a Southern Valley Girl. Definitely out of character for well-educated women.

    Why are like 9/10ths of the shirts see-through? I get that it’s a porn game, but that goes a little beyond the suspension of disbelief.

    A number of missing images at the end.

    Maybe 30 mins of gameplay as of the first release.

    I’m still intrigued to see where this story goes. Could be interesting. Not enough story so far to make a real judgement call.