Bunny Black: JP Dungeon Crawler. Japan seems to be the only place where porn games aren't limited to crowdfunding or hobby. I find it's the best place to look if you want high quality completed games. See also
Eiyuu Senki and
Kamidori all 3 are translated.
Princess Trainer Gold: Ren'Py 2DCG. One of the better trainer games. See also
Four Elements Trainer
Son Of A Bitch: QSP Real Porn. This is a harder recommendation. It has perhaps the most content out of any real porn game with some of the longest clips. But gameplay wise it's a pain even with cheats and as all Russian games has some..funky translation at times. See also
The Company and
Bimbo Life Coach better gameplay less content.
Saya no Uta: JP VN. Not really a porn game more supernatural horror. It's an intresting story that has stuck with me.
I would also liked to have included a 3DCG section but a lot of them fall in the uncanny for me and some of the better ones either weren't my jam or had a pitiful amount of content when I last played them. So meh