Ren'Py - Abandoned - The Big Beyond [v0.07] [Tjop]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    awesome sketches of the character,need more characters and animations but annoying bugs it needs to be taken care,needs more incest animated scenes especially with mom and with will be good if there is special efffects like natural and master sounds.
    Likes: Tjop
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this game but take my opinion with a grain of salt because I cheated my saves and gave myself hella gold and I would advise anyone playing this game to do the same as it saves some hassle.

    Let's get the great out of the way first: The art is just fantastic. The girls are gorgeous and I love all their different body types and looks. I also love the variation of big tits. This site for whatever reason hates giant tits but I'm glad the artist was not afraid to conform to this hatred. Not only do a lot of the women in this game have big tits, but they also vary in shape which still keeps each LI fresh. I especially love the looks of the mom character and the witch and her daughter. Also, for the level of detail the art has, the animations are very solid as well.

    As for intimate scenes, once again the art is great and the animations are good, but they could really use some more text, whether it be dirty talk or describing the feeling, sex scenes just need more text.

    Gameplay: Even with cheated money, the game is a tad bit grindy due to the map layout and how many annoying clicks you have to make. The exploring segment of the game (the big beyond part) is not too bad, all be it, a bit confusing, but not too tough to understand.
    As I said, the main form of tediousness that you will experience with this game is navigating through the normal map. This game seriously needs a "return to bedroom" shortcut to remove some of this lost time. Even so, the art is so hot that the grind feels worth it, sex scenes should just be a bit longer tho. Also, the gallery should be able to be accessed at any time of the day imo.

    Sometimes you can get soft locked out of content which is a clear issue and random bugs do exist but my experience with these was not terrible.

    All in all, rewarding game due to the hot asf art, content is actually pretty sizeable for a 0.05 version. and I hope the mom gets more content in the future bc M/S incest is wincest.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Lovely and unique artstyle compared to other erotic games. Nice thicc women, i especially like Emily and Hadria. The writing is generally fantastic and beautiful when it's not set back back by a few typos and grammatical mistakes, i would also love to see some writing that is a little bit more detailed and vulgar when it comes to the sexual encounters. For being in its early stage - the game shows great potential and i hope it goes far. Definitely my favorite porn game right now, i really hope it doesn't get abandoned.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art with unintuitive gameplay.

    I absolutely love the art, all the scenery and every character is fantastic to behold. Definitely expect to see great things from the artist in the future.

    Only thing I can say about the writing is that reading is essential if you want to progress in this game.

    I despise the game design and the object highlighting. Running around clicking on parts of the scenes that are not intuitive in the flow of direction. Example. If you go forward (upper edge of screen) in the last scene, now you need to go click an arrow back (lower edge of screen) to progress "forward".

    This design causes my sense of direction to land in somewhere between a party of lesbians pegging straight men and finding myself in a yiffing mass of sweating furries. Neither of which I would enjoy.

    The highlighting uses a standard black outline on objects, but has no glow or pop-out effect when you hover over an item. This betrays my mind, since I'm so use to seeing hand-drawn art look like this and not a great way to navigate.

    All in all it is worth trying out, but I will need to wait till much later see if things improve or get more confusing.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Pro's... The art. Wow the art. It's also got a decent story, at least some effort is put into the plot. Did I mention the art? Unique, quality, sexy, I would have quit playing maybe 1/2 the way in if that art wasn't so damn good.
    Con's... The grind felt excessive at times and wasn't optional. I didn't really enjoy the game play which if you're going more interactive game and less VN is pretty important. At times wondered if I should have just looked for a full save for the gallery which isn't something I do when playing a game is fun.
    The art is a 4-5. The game play/wasted time, at 2 at best, a 1 at points. I'll give it a 3 for now, say try it for yourself if you like the preview pics, and hope it improves on it's flaws and keeps adding to it's strengths.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely engaging game, although still in its early stages. Love a good game that is not just a VN, but has actual gameplay, plus the artwork is amazing. The only downside would be that sometimes it's kinda hard to tell what to do next, which is fine in the beginning (there are only so many things you can try and one of them will work), it might get a bit annoying in the future.
    Likes: Tjop
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 8/10
    Originality 8/10
    Renders 5/10
    Sound 6/10
    Playability 1/10 Worst navigation thought game i ever see....
    Performance 6/10
    Bugs 1/10 Game crash any time to go explore....
    Animations 5/10
    Voice Acting 5/10
    Grammar 7/10
    Amount of content 1/10
    Game have very good idea but poor realization....
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    STILL HAS A WAYS TO GO BUT I VERY MUCH ENJOYED THE TIME I HAD PLAYING IT. Its very hot too. hopfully more sis and mom content and maybe even aunt since she was mentioned..............................................................................
    Likes: Tjop
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy to play. nice story. Did not find a lot of actions with woomen. But those melons look amazing! Some of them are hot as hell =D I guess i need to play some more to get more actions. Anyway it's a nice game with great art. Go and try yourself
    Likes: Tjop
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The Big Beyond [v0.04] review

    What it is: Hand-drawn 2dcg game with point-and-click expolaration mechanics.

    + Gorgeous art
    + Good writing

    - Awful grind. Enough grind to make me quit the game outright before even getting to 50 % of the visual content. I can handle some grind, but this is definitely much too much.
    - Boring combat, and lots of it.
    - Walls of text. It's like the game can't decide on whether it's a book or a visual game.

    All in all, art is 5/5 but gameplay is 1/5. It ends up being just average. It really saddens me to se a good visual artist's work squandered like this. Maybe you'll like it if your tolerance for grindy gameplay is very high

    I'll check back on this when there's a grind-reducing mod available. I suggest you do the same.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice artwork, gameplay and story. Not enough explicit content though (0.04). There some nice erotic scenes but it takes a long time to unlock it. The artwork is beautiful. A few bugs which is normal for a very early access game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played:0.03

    The gameplay seems to be in homage to the old early 90's PC classics, the setting is intriguing and the art is absolutely gorgeous. This might be my favorite original art I've yet seen (in no small part due to the glorious bush). It's not all perfect, of course: the gameplay is a little janky and I really cannot be arsed to read long place descriptions as I slog through the titular "Big Beyond." The english also needs a bit of work.

    + Though slightly cliched, the setting is fun and interesting
    + Varied body types and different girls
    + Dev is active in comments and seems to be very kind
    + BUSH!

    - Gameplay is not really fun, but it's not a major impediment to progress. It's more of a neutral element at this stage
    - Characters need to be fleshed out more
    - English needs to be proofed
    - Not a lot of content currently

    Overall, this game shows tremendous promise if you like the art style and setting and is now in my top tier of watched games.

    Like this? Try!: Fantasy Valley (they have a very similar vibe going and FV comes with my highest accolades!), Long Live the Princess,
    Note to Devs: You have something really special here and I cannot wait to experience more! Love love LOVE the natural bodies on the ladies and the bush! Please spend more time developing the personalities of the ladies. Also, see if you can find someone to proof your english grammar. I would be happy to do it (for free) if you cannot find anyone, so feel free to PM me as necessary.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3408839

    As others have said, the the style and quality of the images is really amazing.
    The game design doesn't feel that refined at the moment. Some things like navigating in the beyond and ocasinally bugs still throw you of.
    While the implementation is still a bit clunky I really like the setting and the premise of the beyond. The dialog is also surprisingly good at keeping it light and entertaining and doesn't come across as akward as some games in this category tend to do.

    Overall: Love the theme and visuals all that is now needed is more content and improving the system.
    Stay with it man with consistency and some expirience this will be a Banger!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A game with great visuals, beautiful rubenesque body types, a heavy emphasis on exploration, and endless potential. I'm looking forward to seeing how this game pans out and wish the artist luck in his endeavors.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I am incredibly optimistic about where this game will go in the future. It's obviously a bit light on content right now but with high quality original artwork and thoughtful game design this could be one of the best projects of the next 2 years.

    Here's hoping.

    To Tjop: I know you're getting some criticism and such. Please stick with it. This will work out, but it will take time. You've really got a lot of potential here. I hope you stick with it.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I am reviewing this as of the 0.2 version. This game has such amazing promise, the core gameplay mechanic/loop has enough content sprinkled in that I did not find it to tedious. The art and characters have tons of charm and substance and I am really looking forward to where this is going. It is a little bit grindy and quite sandboxy. I am not the hugest fan of this but some people are.

    Huge potential, will be looking to adjust my rating in the future, well done creator! Consider me a fan!
    Likes: Tjop
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good start hopefully rest will be as good if not better
    it seems like this is your first game (i may be wrong) if it is all the props to you my friend can't wait to see what will you show us in the future
    Likes: Tjop
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply. Wonderful. Can't wait for updates! so far what you have and the story is interesting, the characters are all unique and have a natural body ascetic. In love with the fantasy aspect of the game. This has huge potential overall and is very well done.
    Likes: Tjop
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    By the time I am typing this it is currently version 0.01 and I do hope my opinion shall change. Read the conclusion at the bottom if you wish for a short summary.

    Story: From what is presented the story is very confusing, well from my perspective you are just dropped in your room without any backstory or such and make your way through life as is which is not only hard to grasp since there is no drive on why you should see a tomorrow but the characters presented through out discovering them are not exactly interesting considering the little they tell you. Nothing much is said on the current time or land the main MC is resided so I can't say anything. You find a letter during the prologue of the game and something about lying to the keeper then going to the beyond for something. The pacing isn't smooth and sometimes you may need to see other characters to progress or see smut scenes. The story is short despite a handful of side quest that must be presented in dialogue. (2/5)

    Gameplay: I will try my best on trying to explain how infuriating it is with this game on literally everything related to gameplay from my experience. I'll start nice with the pros, guidance throughout the game is elementary which is perfect considering the progression in this game is really confusing also the UI is unique with the setting blending in really nicely also music despite not needed is surprisingly here. Now the cons. Navigation is almost terrible considering how entering and exciting areas are really confusing despite it not contrasting to the previous area you resided in. For example the secretary room has a door which you thought will return to the main hall but leads to the outside training grounds but like they say doing the same mistake over and over again becomes a habit and the exit the room to the hall is on the bottom of the screen hovering dangerously close to the skip etc options. This is a reoccurring thing but that's more of an inconvenience the really infuriating part is the combat adventure system. There is no way back home unless you use a scroll or you find a troll on the bridge or the common one. You die. Combat is terrible considering it is more RNG than skill especially when you finally scrap enough money to train your attacks sometimes do decimal damage which will inevitable make you die even being full and an enemies you've beaten before example: Boars, harpy, imps. Now on my save I've upgraded my character 3 times and still struggle with normal encounters it is infuriating spending almost 1000 hard to earn gold on training. Now the navigation is as normal which set up camp and directions which is simplistic and nothing more there. Lastly which is the most problems if had with this game is money, when you die you lose all your money from what I experienced, you can gain it by killing enemies in the beyond or sell items. IMPORTANT: I also found out late in the game there is an option for the secretary to bundle something to get huge amounts of money. I hate this high risk low return method since it just makes the game grindy and less enjoyable. (2/5)

    Scenes: Finally a redeemable factor. The scenes from what I have seen are superb, I only encountered 1 smut scene which is a blowjob from the witch after finding a emerald somewhere around the beyond. Excluding the ways to see it the art is amazing and the land scape during different times are eye pleasing. Characters are well drawn and the amount of details presented within locations is spectacular. The art is good but the lack of smut is a problem sadly.(4/5)

    Conclusion: Read this if you want a short summary. Almost 1 GB and literally fuck all to see. This enrages me considering the Story is so vague it might as well not exist but Gameplay is worse considering the combat and navigation is a literal hair puller in contrary the art is amazingly well done. Either wait till it gets better or not this game isn't good but isn't bad since it is beatable after numerous trail and errors. (3/5)

    P.s I wish good health upon the players and dev and try not to break something when playing-Justapervert