Others - The Big Thaw [Beta 39] [Bruemeister]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    the models and animation are a bit janky but mostly faithful to the source material and theres a bit of variety in women

    but the dialog can be just short of unreadable and it requires an install plus loves frequent crashing

    i love leela but she isnt worth this much pain
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    too bad the guy has some problems in real life sometimes, so the game has some delays then and again. but im not even exaggerating that this is literally my favourite game on here haha. the ugly yet unique and weirdly sexy faces, and hot animation and models make this a one of a kind on here (as far as i know?) please keep it up brumeister, the porn industry needs you!
    Also one minor thing... can you please make sure that the creampies in some of the animations, i think its leilas, and the doctors one? actually might be the same with different skins. but it doesnt show a trail after you cum inside which kinda ruins the creampie for me... imagine what a game you made if thats all i have to complain about!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I played a lot of games and this game surprised me in apossitive way. First I lke the art style and that it's something different for a change. I like that you have to acctually put som effort in before the reward. Cheetcodes will make it faster if you want. The game will not leave you un satisfied, you can f**k the shit out of everyone from differend angles and endings. Real hardcore shit. really whish more game had conntent like this. It will keep you etertaind for hours. The sounds ad a whole extra dimension to the experience. Very nicely donne game here. I will suport the DEV. Most other DEVs just milk pepole for money and hold back on the conntent and this game is not like that :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting gameplay. Story is about what you would expect from a sex game, but pretty entertaining nonetheless. I do love all the options and the interesting scenarios. Would be great to have kind of a gallery
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game!
    Great animations, lots of dirty talking and scenes.

    The only con in my opinion is it may get a little bit frustrating before you learn how to thaw out. (I recommend to read how to do it in the thread), or to figure out how to progress with a girl.

    5/5. It's still not a complete game but the current contents are very well worth the ticket price.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Interesting premise but I just can't get into it.

    Lets get the gigantic horribly colored elephant in the room out of the way first. The graphics. If you somehow manage to avoid the retina searing graphics and colors, it's still pretty terrible. For some reason every character has inverted pyramids for heads with a neck that goes from their collar directly to their lips and only continues extending upwards till you get to what I suppose is hair, but usually looks more like a blob of something you'd scrape off your sneaker after a day in the dog park.

    Then there's the writing. I mean, I suppose you have to call it that. "Oh you like my tits? Here why don't you fuck them? Oh you can't yet. But I can't wait stud."

    Whew, ok, moving on from that the gameplay just doesn't make any logical sense and you feel like you're just skipping around randomly and clicking on stuff to hear poorly written lewd things said to you completely out of context. Oh there's a choice, it doesn't matter what you pick, none of it makes any sense. I suppose there's sometimes a right and wrong answer, but good luck guessing what they are at any given choice.

    Really this game would probably be one star, but for a few exceptions: I appreciate that the creator is trying something new, and I do love futurama, so the idea behind the game is appealing to me. Also, if I can be honest, despite the otherwise terrible acting, there was something that seemed to 'stick' in some of Leela's dialogue that is almost commendable. It almost fit, almost worked for the character....

    Right up until she was yanking on her pants to show me her clit / camel toe.

    I'd avoid this one personally.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Muy bueno. No requiere muchos recursos. es divertido. cachondo y pone muchísimo. esperando a la nueva actualización como agua de Mayo. A ver si la doctora rubia nos pone el chip y por fin podemos romperle el culo a Leela.