VN - Ren'Py - The Builder [S2 Ep. 9.2] [LewdRobotics]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    So, go to a place where I am the only fertile male in a sea of sexy ladies. Insta download. Renders are great. There are some preggos to love and some rivals to cuck, all aboard! Too bad the wheels fall off due to some janky animations and an uninteresting story. Gotta have one or the other to keep me from deleting. 3 stars for a good story premise, nice renders, and cucking my kinda girlfriend's current boyfriend.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Impregnation is one of my main fetishes. I really wish i could give this 5 stars. At the end of S1, it would have made it to 4 stars. The renders were pretty good, the scene scenario's were creative, and the plot, whil of course suffering from porn logic wasn't bad.

    However S2 ruined a lot of wht was good about S1. The visuals of the scenes went downhill. one of the new women, Kiki/Barbie, strait up looks like a sleep paralyses demon.....

    The plot seems to have lost it's last remaining brain cells. Choices made in S1 are not transferable to S2, while the point system isbecomming more important.

    While some of the scene scenario's are still good, there are also some that just end in disappointed (even if you play the good guy, it ends with "what did you do, i didn't want this!".....).

    Wbat might hae been the most disappointing of all though was the scene with theprotesters. Where previously lovely dovely Pam and her sister get chararcter assasinated and strait up turn against you.

    I can't go lower than 3 stars because i still love the concept, but i have low hopes for whatis to come. If you also have an impregnation fetish, go try the game. If else, you might be better of looking for another game.

    PS: apparently this game has been in development for more than 4 years now. The game is called "The Builder". And yet after all these years, MC has't build a single thing!
  3. 1.00 star(s)



    I’m so tired of saying the same thing to so many developers who think they are doing a Visual Novel just because they offer false choices. The Builder is no exception, You can try to avoid any interaction with X or Y because you don’t like her, but the next day X or Y will still talk to you as if you had an interaction together the day before. The MC is treated like shit anyway, and again you have no choice, you can’t man him up, he is just a baby-maker, a bull as they say.

    More than 3 years of development and this game has still not improved despite receiving the same complaints over and over. Too bad, renders are good, some girls are very pretty, but the lack of meaningful choices kills the fun. This game clearly needs a total rework from someone who knows how to code so that the renders are not totally wasted.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    "You don't have enough perv points."
    That statement alone finally just made me click out of the game in a huff and delete it.
    It was unfortunate, too, because there were a few relationships that were proving to be interesting and, at some points, actually very erotic.
    But that damn "point" system that seemed to spring up in "Season 2" did absolutely nothing for me except turn me off of the game.
    VERY unwise idea to have a point system that not only angers a player who, for a variety of reasons, may not WANT to, say, fuck a fat and ugly woman with bad skin and broken teeth -- but if you DON'T, oops, you're not building up your "perv" score! Which might actually be something worth enjoying later on -- but apparently you have to pay for it by dipping mc's wick in stink. The dev likes fucking with players, and eventually I cried uncle, and pulled the plug. I wish Lewd Robotics liked us more...
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    God, this is fucking trash.
    Why make player have choices in the first season if they don't translate to the second?
    Why do all characters behave as if they were "mentally challenged"?
    Why are most women so incredibly ugly?
    Whats up with abundance of annoying royalty free BGM and SFX?
    How could this plot get any dumber?
    How do you make those sex scenes even more uncanny and repulsive?
    "You don't have enough perv points"
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    STORY:...........................(1/5) (GOOD CONCEPT BUT LACKS PLOT MEANING)
    (0.5/5) ONLY IF WANT PERV OR NOT (plus skippable but still happens)
    RENDERS....................(2/5) NOT GREAT BUT ALSO ISNT BAD
    OVERALL:....................(2/5) CURRENTLY ISNT WORTH PLAYING, easily forgettable and very short, plus missing tags

    If you are into 95% kinetic/ 5% choice stories with crazy women, job pregnant all of them will no romance or care in the world then go for it.
    I absolutely hate Carla, she is a manipulative cunt, I wished we could ignore her

    1) choices: Choices don't matter (hidden kinetic tag) only choice if have enough conf, karma, and perv points for scenes. In Season 2, if you make a choice and 4-5 minutes later if the wrong choice, the game takes you back and redo it but you have chosen another path.

    2) STORY: season 1 was okay but short. You pretty much some kind of builder has to go to the location where guys aren't fertile and pregnant all women and build the memorial center. you meet crazy women, who want to have sex or argue with you. Carla, if ignored her call but later on she called you and says I've been thinking about our conversation last night. (wtf I ignore you at the airport and call), Carla loves you but doesn't love you at all, just uses you and moves on because during a scene WITH HER AND GIRL meets up and the last frame tells holding each other and about to kiss, she a lesbian and has a secret lover with a girl, and she uses MC for dick.

    Season 2 story: so far it's way worse. Zero choices again don't matter for the season 2 start. In the beginning, Carla comes, they have sex and at breakfast, she gives BJ but spits in tube without Mc knowing, Clearly is to impregnate the girl she is with. After that scene met on the boat, and she says don't want to be in a relationship with you and forget about her but don't worry she will return probably have sex again with MC or bring her lesbian friend with her and will manipulate MC again

    1your forced to rape a woman because if don't get pregnant her husband sends her home.
    2. The girl saved from Paul in season one a crazy reporter
    game missing tags
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    There should be a "kinetic" tag. There are some meaningless choices in the 1st season and it goest straightforward in 2nd, the only difference is if you get some points or not. You cant evade some unattractive characters, MC is treated like shit and you cant influence him in any way.

    I regret wasting my time on this one.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I have played The Builder [S2 Ep. 9.2] at the time of this review.

    I liked the graphics and sex scenes in this game.

    The story of this game is good for porn specifically targeting the breeding kink. I am curious about how the story will progress in the coming updates.

    Although this game has choices, it doesn't really affect the story until now. The choices only seem to affect some dialogues or exclude some fetishes. So if you view this as a linear story, it is above average but if you are expecting a VN with multiple endings you will be disappointed.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    While the writing is not necessarily consistently well done between all characters, it seems not too bad for a game of this genre. Also a variety of characters. Scenes and renders are nice. I appreciate that there is some semblance of a plot / narrative, and the option to reject(?) some characters coming onto the MC is good, to me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Carnal Studio

    Amazing renders, incredible story. Definitely one of the best to do it out there in the world <3 I do believe that there aren't that many games out there which has better graphics than this one, and the writing is exceptional as well. If you are interested in this genre, you are not going to be able to stop playing it until it is fully over. Made me want to start my own project, it is incredible.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    There isn’t a believable sentence in the entire game. From the premise to the way characters act - it’s all just a joke. Models all have weird proportions and some have default daz skin.

    Good Things

    • Some situations are hot
    • A couple of animations are decent

    Bad points

    • Idiotic writing and situations
    • Bad characterization
    • Many animations are bad
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Average game at best. The VN is segregated into multiple episodes, which continues the story, but the problem is that your choices do not matter at all and acts as a skip scene and has no impact at all.
    Renders and CGs are beautiful, animations are bit all over the place. Story and plot is average, because the player has no choice in anything, plus when episode change happens you loose some time in between and some context, which is bit annoying. Hopefully the game will address some issues and improve going forwards.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Animation: There are some stellar captures and visuals here. Sometimes they can be a bit off but more or less quality work!
    Story: Simple, effective but intriguing. The sotry means that the creator can indulge in a variety of fetishes and they give the player opportunity to pursue or not depending on preference
    Scripting: Generally well crafted and consistent with character.

    Second I played this I knew I would get hooked. There's drama but not so much it keeps things from happening. Mysteries, but nothing too crazy yet. It has a good balance so far. Well done!
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    TLDR; Room for improvement, but still (clearly) an above average game.

    I played this game a long time ago when it was only 1 or 2 episodes. I remember it being incredibly short and I thought nothing of it afterwards.

    Now I'm back and there is 5 episodes. It's a decent amount of content. And I've read some of the other reviews as well. Although I can understand some of the complaints. Especially regarding MC's supposed celibacy and the inconsistencies with choices and story line dialog. And the ... supposed virgin stuffing a key into her snatch only for MC to fist her (with no bleeding might I add). It's definitely a head scratcher. Also just because it's a harem game doesn't mean you need to write all the female characters in a way that makes them willingly share. I get that it's easier to write that way, but it's uninspired, like WVM.

    Having said that!

    I still think this game deserves a 4 star rating (compared to other games on f95). For all it's flaws it also gets a lot of things right.
    • The right amount of dialog (not a wall of text nor too little).
    • Different characters (not copy pasting the same body shapes).
    • The animations were fine. Some have complained about the animations. Honestly they were decent, I've seen worse.
    Personally the only thing I think was absent for me was not really getting attached to a character. Just like the game makes a big deal out of being attached to the pregnant lady. But I couldn't, the characters all kinda want the same thing (to get pregnant or otherwise fool around because MC is "handsome"). But we don't really get to know any of the characters. For example. pregnant lady says she can't feel attachment. Okay cool, but why though? There is a lot of why's that don't get answered so we don't really know the characters. At least not beyond the superficial level the game has given us thus far.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Fun story and well writting, could have been a 4 or 5 star game really, but the game it self is just to much of a turn-off when your forced to watch a old fat milf with big sagging tits play with her self, and it wont stop with that.
    I dont really get the point of forceing people to watch stuff they dislike or hate, insted show some respect for peoples kinks and fetishes and accept that not everyone likes the same things and dont force it on people.

    Also found it extremly weird how your first virgin visit was, going stright to fisting/hole hand inside was just a big fail if you ask me, and there was noting virgin like about that what so ever.

    Not sure what choices do yet, since they seem worng from the start, i dident go to the milf/teen at the camping but went for a walk, yet Milena said MC got her sons shoes burned, which cant have happened since i dident go anywhere with him.
    You also have to watch what you pick and what you do, just going to visit the camping site ends out forcing you to have sex with a big tittet pregnant milf that i dident want to touch with a 10ft pole, one who is later forced on you when she joins with Carla and MC.
    All in all choices seems to be pointless and its more of a kinetic story line then anything else, which also explains why you will have stuff forced on you over and over again.

    Also really not a fan of tan lines in this game its way way overboard, pure white skin to me it just looks stupid and ugly, but maybe some are into that.

    Story 2/5
    Fun story, well written, but to much is forced on the player which wont be for everyones taste, story it self is proberely a 4 or even 5 if nothing was forced on you, game has choices but if your forced anyway then they dont matter.

    Girls 3/5
    There are a bit for everyone, big and small tits, younger and older, i wasent the biggest fan of their looks, so cant really give more then 3 points for that.

    Animations 2/5
    It feels more like picture to picture in sex scenes then animated.

    Music/effects 1/5
    You get told to have sound on, but there arent much music just a few sound effects that arent really good.

    Updates 1/5
    Chapters are very short, and game is almost 2 years old so it will just take to many years for this to ever get finished.

    Game really had potential but not in its current state, ill visit this much later once there has been 3 or 4 updates to see if it stops forcing stuff on you or not, and then ill update my review again.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    As the previous reviewer mentioned, choices dont matter at all in this game. They are just to skip the content. Game still behaves as if you took the choice to view the content and story goes along with that. Pretty poor story telling because of that, as dialogues happen referencing part of the story you didn't even view.
    The only good thing is that there are some hot milfs here, but then there a lot of ugly teens as well :sick:
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Season 1 completed. For me, this game fails on all counts because the developer started with a horrible premise and half assed the follow through.

    You start the game with the developer set on a path of celibacy, he makes no secret of this, yet the town's rich lady (who's sponsoring/directing the project) chooses him from a room full of builder candidates because the nurse reports he has super sperm.

    Then the titular project itself. One man, building alone, and a 1 year deadline. A given the building displayed, that is a challenging task even if the MC isn't taking the time to knock up every willing woman on the island.

    I get it, it's a sex game, you're supposed to choose to have sex with everyone as soon as possible. As a player the idea of having to father a new generation for the entire town is great.

    Except that's not what the developer gave you. From the perspective of the story as written you the MC are intentionally celibate and nothing occurs in the game that gives the MC any reason to change that. Nobody explains to him that this is part of the project.

    And if you follow that path? It's ignored.

    You get a chance early on to go to a bonfire and have some sexy time. If you don't take it, you're still kicked out of the hotel for having gone to it. When she changes her mind and wants you back in her hotel but tells the MC not to touch her daughter.

    Even if you've played as the MC remaining celibate, the MC's thoughts are

    Those camping huts don't look very inviting. And given all the offers I'm getting here, I don't need to go anywhere near her daughter.
    End of Episode 4, You don't get involved with the hotel owner's daughter? Beginning of Episode 5, you're still returning from the far side of the island with her.

    And when you talk to the mayor's secretary she's harping on how you fucked the preacher's wife (her daughter) whether you actually even went to church or not.

    Those are just the big stand outs, but there are many other instances. This isn't even the player's choices not mattering, instead it is just half assed work on the developer's part.

    Oh, and I just watched the end of Episode 5 "You didn't choose the Carla path, but you can View the path anyway"

    Holy Fuck the MC is spineless.

    So, great renders, idiotic premise, and very poor development.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Do you like preggers? Well then this is the game for you! Most AVNs don't let you get your hands on plump ladies already baking until like, the end of the game. But not this one! You can get your hands on a few of them pretty early on, and they are very good scenes! That's really the most unique aspect in my opinion. The rest is pretty standard harem protagonist kind of AVN. Not really saying that as a negative, just....well it's pretty familiar by this point. But this one fully embraces the pregnancy/already expecting kinks with gusto, and as someone who enjoys that particular kink, I gotta say it's a nice addition.

    Models are solid and pretty, lighting and environments are usually pretty good, if standard issue in a lot of places. But I'm not really here for that stuff, so I don't really care that much. Fun time, hot sex scenes, quality work. I fully enjoy it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    The Builder [Ep.5 B2]
    I initially gave this one a facepalm, but I had to change that.

    The good:
    • The renders (They are very well done.)
    • The models (They look very unique and well-designed. They do have saggy tits though.)
    • Has a variety of kinks
    • The story setting is set up fairly well
    Between good and Bad:
    • The characters (Some of them are well written, but some have contradictory views. Not gonna lie Carla is one of the worst characters of all time. So yea, there are some bad characters in the game.)
    • The MC has contradictory views and lacks mannerisms. I have to say he is pretty weak-willed.
    The bad:
    • Although the story setup is good, the execution is quite poor. I mean, the setup indicates that he is being chosen because he has rich seeds and his job is to make girls pregnant. But when we get to our destination, we find that half of them are already pregnant. I mean why is he being chosen if there are other people fit for the job? This honestly makes the setup somewhat pointless.

    I still have some doubtful views about this game. I can’t decide whether to rate it 3 stars or 4 stars. But it is definitely not a bad game as some people rate it to be. So, I am settling for a 4-star game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    reviewed against EP5 B2.

    As a game it's interesting. The story feels unique without being absurd. There's a plot there but it's early doors but they get brownie points for at least trying to have something in there which is engaging.

    The visuals are fine, all the girls look distinct. There's nothing in there which feels tired and reused. Even the sets don't have that "oh god, it's THAT bedroom asset again". In terms of kinks, it feels kind of pregnancy heavy, both in terms of how the expected plot is going to go and from some of the women you interact with (as you can see from the OP image). So that should be something to keep in mind if that ain't your bag.

    It suffers, if it's possible to call it such, from an issue that the episodes feel small, like bite sized. This has the added effect that there's not a great deal of exposition behind what happens in terms of screentime. Like the developer knows the episode is only going to be x renders and, knowing there has to be time for sexy fun time in the episode, it means the pacing is quite fast and it could probably do with more dialogue between the MC and the people he's ultimately doing the dirty with.

    As I said, it's hardly the worst thing, but the game starts with the MC being a voluntary celebate, straight edged kind of lad and within an episode and a half he's riding strangers. Expected from these type of games sure but it would be nice if it was better laid out so that the story isn't overshadowed. I think within a few episodes you've been introduced to a handful of women and I think you've ended up having sex with all but one of them. Which is fun and all but going all in too early in these type of games usually means there's a risk the game will go down the route of introducing more women, and it becomes a mess. Hopefully not the case here, games with a small core of characters always does better, but it usually means you need a tighter hold of the reign when it comes to using them in the story.