Ren'Py - The Bum [v0.8.5 Beta] [JTStudio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Two and a half Stars is just unfair. A lot of effort was put in the creation of this game. Visuals are good and storyand storytelling is more than solid. I love the premise that puts them in a bind - no way out situation.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't think I've played any game that punishes the player for actually playing like this does. Even with the decent visuals, you have to deal with so many objectively poor systems.

    Useless transitions, food systems that make playing a chore (like a food bar where, if you eat too much, you shit yourself. how...funny), a sandbox that is tedious and frustrating to interact with, random events that will completely wipe you of money. It's truly atrocious design, and how anyone can willingly design it and still keep it is beyond me.

    Because of the awful player experience and the lackluster rewards for said experience, it's not worth any of your time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    system is good, there is two diffent part of life we can play.
    the best is art and role ,thats my fav, not like anther games, he has self's style, real and hot.
    the story is not bad, the serisous in the game, and the show of live in gang is so really as in the 5 star moives
    all best without bugs , and there are more more pov movies and pics , that will let me really enjoy this game, i will play it until the end.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The art and models are nice, the previous game was a lot less boring though. The gameplay is bad, I have to be honest, I don't enjoy playing, it's a waste of time. The dev needs to rethink the gameplay and stop with random events.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game takes itself to serious, choices barely matter, every few seconds that stupid slow animation plays,let's not even talk about the grind, no wonder they had to include a cheat menu, otherwise this thing would drive you insane. Best is to to just unpack the archive and look at the pics. Ain't worth the time and Hd space it takes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best and the most complex adult games around.
    And as the word "adult" implies it requires some maturity and minimal iq from those trying to play it. It is an open world simulator, with many branches and multiple paths to follow.
    Chicks are mostly on the thick side, which is a bonus.
    MC has some backstory and he isnt usual dumb virgin kid nor old horny douche, by default. He trilly could be whatavere the player wants of him, most time at least.

    It has some issues, yet considering it is a work in progress and its complexity those are minor.

    Fully recommended, yet for adult auidience only.
    Likes: <JT>
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    review on 0.8.3:
    bad game.
    Sprite graphics are nothing for nowadays standard,
    You are forced to watch senseless short animations of "nothing". Not really interesting or special views - just feeling they are made for the fact to have something in there.
    Game crashed right after the prologue.
    After reloading and finally being in the game, it isn't intuitive at all.
    Barely unplayable without walkthrough.
    Sandbox mode doesn't help either and made this even worse.
    This game is really not recommended to play and compared to other great games out there it's absolutely minor.
    The dev even responded snarky on negative feeedback in the thread, so i assume, there's nothing going to be changed in this game - that's why i don't recommend to waste your time on this
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I like bimbos, BBW and ass focused games.

    But this project is just downright terrible in terms of game play and sandbox elements.

    The dev put fake loading screens, blurry/shaky images like a school powerpoint and shitty management mechanics. And when I mean shitty management mechanics its stuff like (take a shower every day and look at man ass or no girl will talk to you, eat food or you will lose energy and never do anything, eat too much food and you shit yourself and have to take a shower, unavoidable random events where you get robbed and all your money taken/killed/searched by cops who take all your items and beat you up.

    Its hell and the fan walkthrough strongly recommends using cheats but using any cheats stops you from getting bonus content from built it anti cheat.

    I tried playing without cheats and it is an absolute chore that gives a huge headache.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Where to begin with this mess...

    The Dev or there graphics designer is in love with the transition effect, it's damn annoying and some of them can't be skipped.

    The GRIND
    Fuck me sideways everything and I mean everything is a GRIND. How many times can you search trash finding nothing over and over and over again. Then when you find enough change to go and get what you wanted the prices have CHANGED!!

    Character models are Ugly imo...
    There is no variety Fat nasty and ugly for the most part is what you get. Some look OK when zoomed out and you see the outfits but go in for a closeup and woof there old fat and nasty.

    Jeez it seems you have to constantly monitor your hygiene, not a once or twice a day shower, literally every 10 minutes it feels like.

    I sacrificed so much time giving this game a chance and it was time wasted, it's not the worse game I ever played but it comes damn close.

    Let's be generous, if you like Older, Phat, ugly looking females with major Grind mechanics then you may love this. If you are anyone else do yourself a favor and skip this one.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I managed to power through this obscenely grindy sandbox game using a combination of console commands, an online guide which should be linked in OP, and the in-game stat cheat menu. Four hours on Sunday plus a couple hours into this week... gone forever, probably wasn't worth it.

    Let's dispense with the positives first - if you're into light femdom, as in females being sexually cruel/domineering within the purview of conventional fucking, this game offers a not inconsiderable selection of h-scenes exactly along those lines. Graphics are good to excellent - a unique cartoony 3d style with emphasis on thicc bimbo type models, but also a few conventionally attractive ones.

    The story is your standard issue anti-hero with a heart of gold crime drama but refreshingly free of both the "all men are rapists except for the PC" and "anti-ntr" tropes so annoyingly common in pron games . The PC actually has male friends who are sexually active incl with the women he fucks, and it's not presented as some horrible ntr ordeal. Writing/dialogue isn't "good" but mostly manages to avoid the pron game tendency of over-the-top pseudo-drama as substitute for literary talent.

    Negatives... *whew* - the sandbox gameplay is tied for first spot in the category of most pointlessly, deliberately byzantine time-wasting porno gaming experience that f95zone has to offer. Even armed with every workaround I could find it took me the better part of six fucking hours to see h-scenes with like four characters and I've probably only covered half of the available content. The content itself btw is around 40 minutes' worth of clicking without the so called gameplay.

    Timers for every little interaction, random variables for quest rewards/requirements, horrible time management system, unnecessarily convoluted quest lines - in short, the design is clearly meant to stress the player out rather than entertain them. And yes, I am aware this is a deliberate "creative decision" to simulate the life of a bum trying to survive and what have you. There are far better ways to convey that though, for example ones that do not involve boring or annoying the players.

    Someone might object that the grindfest is meant to be "realistic". To them I say - you need to go out more often if you actually think a ren'py sandbox about fucking thicc hoes using the secret PUA technique of giving them drinks and gifts so you can raise their stats to a level where they suddenly think you da man, is a simulation of reality.

    Apparently some people love the sandbox. Good for them. Reports indicate however that the vast majority do not. I'm not saying get rid of the sandbox, but a total redo of the stat and quest system would go a long way towards making the game accessible to the average fapper.

    4/5 for story and sex scenes, -2 for tedious gameplay and bad design.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7814729

    Art looks good. Looks like a great sandbox game until.....

    I literally die every single time out of the gate just walking around. Two dudes show up and just shoot me. Really terrible starting point.

    I would skip this as you can't even get out of the starting area without being shot. Wth is the point of this game anyways? Make your players instantly uninstall? If so, good job!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Aleks Mark

    You know, I wondered why this game has such mixed reviews. It's actually simple. There are hardly a dozen such charismatic and atmospheric games on the 637 pages of the site. There are many complaints about the author, but the game objectively gets better with each update and the author is not afraid of alterations for improvement. Unlike two other authors I respect, his updates come out very regularly, which speaks of his potential and efficiency, and not once a year :) . Summary. If you are not imbued with the atmosphere, this does not mean that the game is bad, it is not always bad that you do not like it. I subjectively recommend it to those who like Mario Piezo, but without excessive moralizing :love:(y).
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    what to say about a game that is good on the graphic point of very good rendering the milf models are excellent but it is a shitty game for all the rest worst sandbox of all time; DEV should have kept the same principle as for GORDON!!!!!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a painfully dull, overengineered unintuitive, boring chore to play with messy, annoying mechanics. Add a skip day button or make it less of a bother to do...anything.
    To make matters worse, DEV doesn't like being criticized and thinks the choices he made for the worse sandbox ever are good in a game.
    Badly written walkthrough put the crown on the whole thing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    To the Developer, i really really want to like this game,But this UI/UX of the game makes me want to pour 5 Liters of bleach in my eyes.

    I suggest you fix the UI/UX. Milfcreek has the best UI/UX ever. Simple. Even a mini walkthrough telling you what to do with yourself and every available character in game. It toook me 4 hours to understand that

    1. Go to the cops to stop those Mafia guys from harrassing you
    2. You need to deliver packages to improve Rep + Make money
    3. Once you get to Rep 3/4 and you have enough money,Go clean yourslf at Salon
    4. Go get job at Bank
    5.Rent Apartment

    at this point,I just never went back into the game cause i was annoyed

    I am begging you,I like the models in this game very much. Please Fix the UI/UX

    Eventually i managed to complete a couple characters but i had to really heavily on the 0.75 walkthrough, the website that shows everything about the game and URM to the point of no return.

    I hope the dev doesn't get discourage by the reviews and give up on the game. This game is better than some of the good games on this website
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game so mutch.... Dev have made a very good work with characters , renders are totally killers with very good assets and original .The universe is awesome with real mature contents , the plot is about mafia cartel and have a good flow. we follow the MC who seek vengeance and it's refreshing, enjoying multiple protagonist on this story . keep the good work
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    the game is so grindy thai i need more then 72 hours to complite it , veru update the old save dosn t work . so it s a huge nono. no gallery no dicent walk true in game just hints. this is just stupily grindy. dont waste time
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't understand way people can't focus on the good side about THE BUM. for me this a excellent game, it is difficult without passing, but this is just a game, and not a mindless gag, as in the novels, of answering dialogue options. The game is unique in that all the heroines are very beautiful, made by hand, and not just minimally altered from other games. Special thanks for the scenes of girls in pantyhose and stockings. I don’t see any disadvantages for such a game in beta status.the story and the new updates maybe one of my favourite games of all times with GORDON. I hope more update this year with better be honest giving it less than 5 stars its just not possible. and the thing that I didnt like is that the game doesnt have enough anal its just the thing that makes the game little bit not that not forget that the game is still in development and with each new version it improves, so stop suffering and be patient. The developers are doing a great job, look at the updates are coming out stably, other developers take several months to update one and sometimes they just postpone the release and everything is stable here. Yes, you have to start over every time, BUT this is due to the fact that the developers improve the game every time so that we can have a great time.
    Pros : excellent graphics, interesting events, stable release of new updates
    Cons: start from the beginning but it's not fatal and in the end, join the developer's discord there you can get a walkthrough that will simplify the passage of the game. there's one thing that the MC is not going to get some from Bridjet and only Nestor its gonna tuck her, now tour gonna sah than dont do it its option but the thing is that i want to see sex scenes with Bridjet but not with nestor fucking her at least if its NTR the one thats gonna do it at least its gotta be Enrique and there is not so many new characters some we already seen in gordon.
    more the thicc milfs on the game, the story fit a lot with the theme and the role of each character on it, the only thing to me is a bad point, is every each new version you need to start a total new game, the old saves never works, so meaby is that a point to fix, but the other things on the game are really good.
    anyway bestluck for you dev and keep good working. by a way Bella and Licinia is SUPER HOT MILF!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This review will be about the mechanics, the designs and the scenario:

    Firstly, I like the mature and big bodies. There are no other alternative games with these designs. There are at least 4-5 of them. Hence my "5" score for the character designs.

    Secondly, the mechanics are very bad. Driving by car was a big update for this game. I liked that but not these:

    -Slowly skipping times (there should be an option to "skip day" or "skip 12 hours")
    -Unsupported old saves (if I want to play the new update, I can't use my old save; I have to start over)
    -The fighting mechanics are very difficult (if you can't click fast to "kick" you will probably lose).

    Thirdly, the script is not bad. I don't care about the script. I'm on the job :). One thing:
    -There are not enough sexual scenes. There should be more.

    I know the developer is only one person, it's very difficult. But he can do it. That's it!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I just can't do it man as much as I wanted to play this game I can't get passed the annoying game play in this sandbox.

    Story is ok for a porn game nothing special didn't get hooked to play it and the grind is not helping either.
    Renders are good though.