VN - Ren'Py - The Cabin - Summer Vacation [Ep. 6] [CellStudios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The Cabin - Summer Vacation [Ep.5]
    Finally I played up to EP.4 and the Developer went dormant for like a year and I thought it had been abandoned, I kept checking around to see if maybe it was still active and there it was. I love the story it has just the right amount of suspense and the lust attraction is perfect, hopefully it won't be a year before the next update.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I gave a 5 star, because quite frankly, it has it all.
    Great renders and models, excellent writing and plot, great story progressing, good to excellent sex scenes.
    I won't spoil the story, but it's basically my fantasy come true.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game. Very well written. Renders are very good quality as are the girls. Relationship between MC and others realistic enough to build a bit of intrigue . The actual story itself in where it is leading actually wants me to play this more. Can't wait for the completed version and will definitely be buying it. Thanks to the developer for the effort in creating something worth playing.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review. I must say that I'm really impressed by the author's ability to make a story that not only capture the sexual arousement going on in this very special enviroment and situation. But also creating an exiting tale that makes it worth the wile reading the dialogues instead of skipping. I must say this is one of the greatest adult games out there, I really think it's worth top ratings! I give it a 5/5 because I'm a big fan and looking forward to the continuation of this project. Thanks! :love:
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Visually the game is very good, there's a small core of characters and each have had sufficient attention so you're not just seeing character x from that other game but I feel the game is let down with... it's hard to really quantify. Like the game seems to struggle with what tone it wants to set and the story suffers from it.

    The dialogue between the characters is very light and then suddenly you get some HEAVY backstory which is like the most traumatic thing ever for a character... and then it seems to jump back to being light and airy.

    So the game is hamstrung by trying to be both a nice fun romp and something a bit more sinister. Even the Overview is weird "filled with adventure, love, fear and dare I say murder", it's worded like an old 50s radio program but in the game itself they talk about cannibals and the like.

    I fear no matter what the issue is, the game will never get over this initial confusion over tone. The characters are interesting if somewhat hamstrung by the clumsy "this is x, she is your y, she calls you z" nonsense but really the story is weak. In one scene you're having a nice jolly wee frolic in town and then it switches to a scene with a lad who may or may not be a rapist. You're having a nice wee time in the countryside and suddenly your date is being dragged off by Michael Myers. Like...... what? And then you're not meant to say anything like that's something you'd just agree to forget? Bizarre.

    The game could be forgiven if they realised the issue with the story and just buried the player in smut but the pacing is actually pretty damn slow. It's actually a good pace for a lighthearted game but for a game with story issues it leaves you feeling a bit confused.
  6. 2.00 star(s)



    Nice renders and story beginning. But story became absolutely retarded, when mc didnt warn his family members about attack and kidnapping a girl who was with him in the woods NEAR HOUSE WHERE LIVE HIS FAMILY, because kidnapped girl asked him not do that because she didnt want to freak out her sis and because her uncle is sheriff (like its somehow explains this utterly stupid request). The girl which you literally see second time ask you not to tell anything to your family about psycho who kidnaps people in the woods near your house and mc be like "well ok, sounds legit". He only told aunt about it at the end of the day, when mother and sis went to sleep. Next morning nor mc nor aunt told others about this horrible accident. First time dropped game at this same moment but later saw "rewrite" and gave one more chance to this game in hope that dev corrected this absurd and other lesser bad plot decisions. Cant tell what was actually rewritten, but not this catastrophic plot part thats for sure.

    Shame, because overall story was +- interesting, even with other problems with plot which I tolerated to some extent only because of good renders ,but story driven adult game means nothing if story is objectively bad and even godlike renders will not make it better and more enjoyable.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This vn is one that I will likely never play again regardless of the updates. It has decent renders and the grammar is decent, but it all goes to hell with the story line. I would suspect that the only person/people who would not inform their whole adult family/friends of an actual kidnapping assault and rescue would be an actual psychopath who has zero ability to connect with others.
    When I read vn's or kinetic novels written like this I can't help but think that the author would score high on the Machiavellianism scale.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is in development quite some time since the dev decided to fix some mistakes he did in the earlier version and update a few renders. It was a good decision here imo.

    I always liked the game, the characters that had big issues because of the writing didnt really matter to me. The renders and models are very good and with the rewrite many issues have been fixed or improved.

    The Dev is active and responds to questions, which for me is one of the most important things. And he needs way more supporters on patreon - for the quality of the renders alone!!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually leave a review this early on in a good VN because I've seen ones that start off well then go downhill but I feel this one has gotten some undue negative reviews.

    This VN has a ton of potential. The graphics look good, the models look good as well. The dev gave at least some variety in that they don't all have overinflated beach ball boobs with super tiny waists.

    For purpose of this review I consider Lisa, Grace, and Hazel to be the main girls, all others side girls. The dev has done a fair job of giving the choice to spend time with a main girl or a side girl, mostly. This is something I appreciate as I tend to like to play through concentrating on main girls first, then maybe trying a side girl on subsequent play throughs.

    The writing is pretty good, no glaring errors that disrupt the flow. The story line is entertaining and actually avoids too many of the usual tropes. I hope we don't have to wait too long for things to heat up between the MC and the three main ladies, and also hopefully some encounters that lean towards the romantic. The game the MC played towards the end of ch. three with Grace and Hazel was sexy as hell.

    Going forward two things I hope we see are a replay gallery and an option for pregnancy. Even if you don't like it it's nice to at least have the option. This is a VN I have no problem becoming a patron for.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    art is amazing.
    haven't tried the rewrite yet so I don't know if there are more options.
    But at the moment, I quote the game to say the "bitch" is being forgiven way too easily. Not in anyways defending the baldy.
    From what I remember, the bitchiness had been going on for a while. Too long to be in the "I'm sorry" "Oh, that fixes everything" stage.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    English: 9
    User Interface: 4
    User Experience: 5
    Art: 8
    Dialogue: 4
    Story: 3
    Opinion: 2
    Avg: 5.0/10

    I usually wait until a certain version number comes out, but this one will probably never get there and be rewritten again. So I will go off what little there is to work with now. Literally nothing makes sense in this story. Two GROWN ASS ADULTS, MC and sister, are "taken away" from their father by their alcoholic mother? After you're 16, even, that shit does not fly. MC is 20 and Lisa is at least 18, already braindead stupid. And even after that, the father conflict is the dad's just being a dick for no reason especially after a miscarriage his wife had. Then some mystery book that they stole from a creepy cabin that up til now amounts to nothing. And the rewrite just adds scenes that make MC think about a romantic relationship with his family. All while the patreon supporters are strung along as long as possible without giving them an actual story. And actually taking away content if I remember correctly.

    Sure, the renders look good and the English isn't grain fed through google translate. But with this "new version" you get less content, less story, and a whole lotta nothing good. I really think it was "rewritten" just to have MC think about sex with his family more. And for someone like me that gives no shits about incest, wow. What a slap in the face. It has default Renpy UI save some fonts and a solid textbox. The UX presents the "Name all your dumb relationships" better than most but it's still something I had to do so I'm not a fan. The dialogue is boring and MC and his sister act like children so it takes me out of it. The story is boring and they added a "hook" at current end of content which cliffhangs an event that is resolved in the old version. On top of the fact that the update frequency is not great either. I feel bad for people that paid for this. Instead of silently updating old content while adding onto what they currently had. They stripped back everything to change one character and add a conversation with MC's cousin about her being a redneck.

    I can't recommend this to anyone based on all that. If you support games based on hopium, this is all you. But if it's happened once, it can, and probably will, happen again. So unless the future releases are straight fire, because I will come back to this (albeit in like 4 years when there's more than 20 mins of content) I'm gonna have to round down with my 2.5 rating.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Giving it a four for now. It's fairly interesting so far. I hate the mom (full disclosure: my own mother was an alcoholic who refused to get help, so I have fairly low sympathy for such as a result) and want to avoid her, but the rest of the cast seems solid. It's maybe too slow of a burn? Like, I don't need too much going on, but it took the MC towards the end of the current content to even get one sexual encounter, and that was just a basic handjob. Like, a bit more action would have been welcome.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, Renders are great, the story is interesting, the writing is good, the characters although they are nothing new are very likeable, especially Lisa, who is super adorable.

    I don't have much more to say, this game has great potential and I hope it has a good development.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Went from an interesting game with tons of potential to a watered down, sanitized, rewritten, lump of trash, just so they could get on steam and try to make a quick buck. It's a shame this happens but that's the world we live in. Profits > Quality.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    it's pretty interesting, i like the pacing overall and this mystery in the story keeps me on the edge. Characters are great too and it's fun to observe how they develop. CG is very good, not too over the top. Well done.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game, a lot. In fact it's a bit of a hidden gem for me.

    Slow burn Incest is actually very rarely done right but here I found the catalysts and tension to be believable and exciting.

    Whether this lives up to potential is anybody's guess as we've seen so many previous promising games fall early.
    Hopefully this one goes the distance because I really think this has the potential to be great.
    Likes: lTTMl
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The first two chapters were fine. I don't like forcing sexual thoughts about characters I have zero interest in (the mother).
    There are no real choices here. So far, you pick questions to ask, but you pick all of them, or you pick if you will have two additional characters as love interests. That's it.
    A lot of scenes have one render which doesn't show the several scenes that the text is describing. I thought it was bugged and I was missing something. Nope.
    Renders are pretty nice and the premise sounds interesting - the only two reasons for the stars. However, I hated the mother from the start and you are forced to get along with her. I tried just skipping over scenes with her, but they really force her on you. I stopped when the MC moans "mom" as he's jerking in the show. Nope.
    You're watching a story you are barely involved in and have very little control over.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Usually I prefer slow burn visual novels. But this doesn't feel like a slow burn, more like a kinetic novel with repetitive dialogue.

    The premise is great and gives me 80s cabin in the woods vibes, the mother as an alcoholic is an interesting trope not often seen in AVNs, the relationship between the siblings is positive, there is a lot of potential for great bonding moments although they feel pretty close despite the story claiming that they became enstranged. They don't feel enstranged at all. The setting is good and the secrets arouse curiosity.

    Still. Why are there so many dialogues and conflicts where I have zero influence? I got bored with this VN and there is actually no reason why it should be like that. The ingredients for a great VN are all there but it doesn't come together because it leads me on a leash like a puppy that misbehaves.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The Cabin has the potential to be great, but it could also turn into yet another tropefest, it's a bit too early to tell, since there's not all that much content yet.

    The Cabin is your typical ultra slow burn game about the MC, his mother, his sister and his aunt. I will spoil it right out the gate, because I feel it's important to know that: so far there is zero action between the main characters. The mother has accidentally kissed her son once so far, because she was drunk and believed him to be her husband... and the MC liked it of course and is a bit confused after that, since he can't get that kiss out of his head anymore. The MC can tell the mom that he likes it when she becomes more confident, so it's the very early stages of her route.
    And both the sister and MC have walked in on each other masturbating very late into episode 4. The MC also went skinny dipping with his aunt in episode 4. And at the very end of the episode the sister climbs into the MCs bed because she feels a bit scared after seeing some mysterious figure at the window... the temperature is rising here.
    So by episode 4 (the most current episode as of early August 2022) we have very first tender signs of romantic attraction between the MC and all main characters, only the mom gets her scene a bit sooner.

    About the characters... your usual archetypes:

    - troubled (very troubled) mom caught up in a bad marriage, there may be a chance you won't like her backstory. It's not your usual stuff you get in most other VNs, her backstory is "complicated". She may have done a not so moral thing (no cheating! no adultery!) you may not be ok with. I don't think any less of the mother though, I like the character, I can understand her reasoning for the thing she did... but you may not. So be warned that the mother has a secret you may not like
    - nerdy, smart and very cute and sexy sister, she's a virgin, she's just adorable through and through, you will like her a lot
    - extremely attractive and somewhat more adventurous redhead aunt who is a romance novel writer, single, divorced, also very easy to like

    And like so many other (ultra) slow burners The Cabin throws a few bones at you here and there, as some sort of consolation prize. Which means: you can have easy casual sex with inconsequential side characters that don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
    The first one is some lady in a clothing shop... for a quick second the MC imagines what she might look like without her clothes, I was not a fan of that at all, I would like to have control over who the MC fantasizes about especially since his sister is giving her brother a little fashion show, trying on various extremely sexy bikinis. Why fantasize about some at best average looking adult clothing store lady here when the prettiest sister in the history of mankind is showing off her body in a quasi micro bikini?????
    And shortly after that the MC can get on the route of the shop owner... and I shut off that route immediately. No thanks.

    And then The Cabin commits a cardinal sin so many other VNs also commit... there is dream sex featuring some random highschool teacher you know nothing about. And this scene isn't even skippable or avoidable. If you are so concerned people may get bored because all three main characters are ultra slow burners and yet you want the MC to get some action... maybe just make one of the main characters less of a slow burn? Two slow burners are more than enough maybe?

    I am generally no fan of the ultra slow burn main characters mixed with super easy casual side characters approach. In my opinion it would always be better to have at least one somewhat more approachable character in the main cast, i.e. either the aunt, mother or sister here. I would say the aunt makes the most sense in this game. And the mother and sister should be the (ultra) slow burners, it makes a lot of sense with them.

    But the exact same thing happens again in episode 3... you meet some girl out of nowhere (the sister of a new female friend you found in town), you go to a lake with her 5 seconds later... and you have the option for instant sex. Why? I mean, I know why.... And fortunately you can reject that girl as well, but that whole thing just doesn't feel right, since it cheapens the interactions with the actual love interests.
    But it's optional, you can play the game as you like it. With zero sex. Or with random sex. It's ok. I just feel the resources and render time could be spent on more important things like interactions with the main characters.

    I absolutely understand why people usually want some fast(er) action as well... but I'd rather have that with an actual love interest, not some inconsequential side girl I have zero attachment to and met 1 second earlier. Again, I feel the aunt would have been a good candiate for someone who is a bit more adventurous. She's writer of steamy romance novels. She's single. Other games solve this by giving the MC a starter girlfriend. But of course not all people love built-in relationships... it's impossible to make everyone happy.

    A few words about the story: The Cabin is about a family of four, the mother has severe issues, she's been drinking a lot lately, she's depressed and sad, her husband cannot put up with it anymore, and after yet another argument the mother, the MC and the sister go to the aunt's cabin in the woods for the whole summer.
    And as it turns out the woods harbor a dark secret about a cannibal family (there are horror elements in the story! be warned!).

    Other than that there are plenty of scenes with the mother, aunt and sister, mostly just talking, you get to know the characters, you have some innocent fun with them. There is no pre-existing attraction in this game. No secret crushes. And that in turn justitfies the ultra slow burn. It makes sense here.
    And I don't mind ultra slow burn, that's the reason I checked out this game to begin with. I think slow burners are usually a lot more rewarding when things finally evolve.
    But if you need to have more steamy scenes in a slow burn game... just make one of the three main characters a bit more teasing and more open, again, the aunt is the prime candidate for that and you kind of get that with her in episode 4 finally. Maybe this is the plan with her in upcoming episodes. She's certainly the most forward of the three main love interests. I hope the devs will not let all main characters have the same progression speed.

    And of course it's ok-ish to have the optional flings in this game. If that's your thing. I just would invest resources into the main characters instead.

    Anyway, by episode 4 it gets a bit more steamy and also a lot more tropey, skinny dipping with aunt in the pool... sister walking in on the MC masturbating in the shower... MC walking in on his sister masturbating in the bed, because seeing the MC masturbate in the shower turned her on....

    One thing in the story absolutely makes no sense at all. One of the potential flings (April) gets snatched and dragged into a cabin by what is supposedly the son of the cannibal family that used to live in the woods. The MC saves her fortunately, April comes to no harm... but then he never even mentions the fact that crazy murderers may still be living in the woods to his OWN FAMILY. Who does that? It makes no sense. The women need to know this! This is a major plot hole and should be fixed asap, in my opinion.
    It would be infuriating if the mother, sister or aunt get intro trouble in future episodes only because the MC failed to mention to them that a madman is roaming the woods, snatching women, maybe trying to literally murder and eat them. No one would fail to mention the creepy encounter to his loved ones.

    Some words about the technical aspects... the renders are great, the characters, well the main characters at least, are extremely attractive. The mother and aunt are the usual super busty characters, but it's still within the realm of reason and overall body shape is natural, so they are not caricatures. The sister has normal sized breasts and is extremely cute.
    The MC also looks alright, you have seen him in other games maybe... so there's no POV here, it's third person view throughout. I prefer this, but if you don't like third person games you need to be aware that you will see the MC all the time.
    I used a mod that added music. I would recommend you give that a try, music was great! It also offers a walkthrough, but you can play this game without a walkthrough as well, most choices are pretty obvious.

    I did not care at all for the looks of the two potential flings. It was easy for me to reject them, especially since the game is about the main characters.

    I cannot say too much about animations. I did check out the scene with April in the lake, just to see what the animations are like, then I reloaded. The scene with April was ok-ish, it's your standard animation more or less. I hope eventual scenes with the actual love interests will be somewhat more elaborate.
    And the unskippable dream sex scene with the random highschool teacher also had ok animations. Everything looks good, but it's what you have seen many times before.

    To wrap things up... The Cabin is promising. I just hope it won't be an ultra slow burn for the sake of being an ultra slow burn. I do think it makes absolute sense for the mother and sister in this game, but the aunt (depending on what your wager is in an arcade scene) is not only willing to kiss the MC, she also goes skinny dipping with him in the pool and rubs her breasts against him. So let things escalate with her a bit more rapidly maybe?

    So in my opinion, if the devs want the MC to have some action... have the aunt be the one who comes around first instead of dedicating precious render time to April or the clothing store lady. But that's of course just my own preference, I am just no fan of flings and inconsequential side characters. Maybe you are, then everything is fine and you will probably have no complaints at all!

    If you like slow burn games that throw one or two bones at you to distract you a bit... if you like a VN with some horror elements (cannibals! mysterious ancient books!)... if you like the typical mother, sister, aunt dynamic... then The Cabin is certainly something you will enjoy a lot. The slice of life elements mixed with the mystery/horror is mostly well written, dialogues are ok, English is fine, I feel a few times the characters talk about nothing of importance though, let's hope there will be some more teasing in upcoming episodes, especially since episode 4 paves the way for that.

    If you are a bit more impatient and/or would like the game to have scenes with the actual love interests, instead of random women that throw yourselves at you at the first opportunity... I would recommend you wait maybe 6-12 months and then come back to see if any meaningful progress has been made.

    For now The Cabin has everything it takes to become a really good, maybe even excellent game. I recommend you play it if you like slow burners. But a lot will depend on the future direction of the game. I hope the game will focus on the three main love interests and not introduce ever more flings or have the flings become recurring characters you can meet all the time. You don't play this game to romance April or the clothing store owner, you play this game to romance the mother, the sister and the aunt.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4887608

    I love the way the game is moving forward, you live in a cabin with 3 ladies in midst of woods with a cannibal roaming around the area. The renders are quite nice although I would have expected the milf characters to be a bit more voluptuous but I would just ignore it since the game has all of my fav tags.
    It deserves all the love and support it can get.