Others - Abandoned - The Casting Couch [v1.11a] [Hentami]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    An interesting story with multiplayer rankings with great renders and ok gameplay which has been toned down not to be so grindy as other reviewers had said. Ambitious and in a couple of years i would really like to see where it goes. All in all a pretty good game to do a fapthrough of.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played the latest version v1.8 (skipped) a few version
    The quest progress can be saved now!!! Yeah!!!

    First of all , its a free roaming world with stats game.
    If you are the type that like stats-less textual linear VN with limited choices where the game carry u along.. this game really ain't for you. Back away slowly ,don't post anything.

    The open world could be overwhelming at first , but still with a few patience search on forum and experiment , its easy to figure out what does what.
    The stats training have a bitter sweet mechanism.. the higher your level , the faster you train... it means that at the beginning the training bar goesssss reaaaaaal slowwwwwwwww. But once you are high enough , the bar zipped thru dam fast. Training for strength is a bitch still (abit slow even at high level discount) but luckily there aint anything that required high str yet.

    Open world promises alot of things to do , unfortunately thats not the case now.. - 1 star
    There is currently one follow thru quest , the sister quest which lead to the hotel maid ending. The quest is quite fun, unfortunately it's easy to complete and short.
    The rest of the time u can just level stats and with each level of fame u can unlock new couch gals (4 in total). Not sure what u can do with the secretary and personal maid though. Get max level with them , but can't do anything. (Can anyone bring them to sex club and swap?)

    The developer is one of the best where in come to forum presence , always very supportive and answering queries ++
    I like open world , and the promises(open world 0 constraints ) are there , hopefully the developer can create more new entertaining quests and situations.
    Reviewed Ver 1.8
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game can be discribed with a quote of Rihanna: "Work, work, work, work, work, work
    You see me I be work, work, work, work, work, work
    You see me do me dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt
    There's something 'bout that work, work, work, work, work, work
    When you a gon' learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, learn
    Me na care if me tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired"

    This is just pure grinding. You can raise all your stats in minutes by "working" as Bartender. The current stuff is just boring and there is no "story" behind all of this.
    Online features is nothing special and the rest of the game ist either.

    The only good thing about this game is it's art and the idea of mixing renders and videos together.

    That's all folks, play it, grind it and get bored.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Droid Productions

    Fun game from a good developer that's always interested in helping other members of the community. The game is also trying a number of non-standard things, like integrating online and video, idle games, and lots of voice overs. What's not to like?
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow, even for a version 1, this is pretty terrible.

    First of all there's the bugs. Don't click on company computer or you'll just have to force close the program. Next the CGI and animation is pretty poor, and that's if I'm being generous. The decision to use black text on a dark blue background for two of the most important stats, rendering it basically unreadable, is mind boggling. There's an open world... full of absolutely nothing other than 'coming soon' type messages.

    Quite frankly, I can not, for the life of me, understand why anyone would put this out. A version one is expected to be incomplete, and potentially buggy, sure, but you want people to get an idea of what your game is going to be about. My impression of this game is that it's an unreadable, sloppy, train wreck and not worth your time to download unless you feel like giving yourself a headache.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v1...

    It is a very unique and creative concept, but not really a visual novel as more of a erotic/adult grind game... The game does include the overused Family Sex stuff, as you do see the protagonists sister showing off her vagina to him in a test scene...

    The visuals are a mixed bag... There are some real life videos of women undressing that are either stolen from some other website or original, can't really tell, but I suspect the former... The 3D characters are pretty good, but the initial woman sex scenes, she gets turned over several times in rapid succession which seems weird, and during her BJ scene her face looks way distorted (nose all flat and flared out, etc)... I'm not a fan of sex simulators, and the mini-games during the sex scenes are a bit dumb and unnecessary in my opinion... They throw the whole sex event's mojo on it's head, interrupting the whole event multiple times... The test animation at the Library with the protagonists sister showing off her vagina was wonky, so good thing it's just a test... The UI is alright looking, but I've seen better... The navigation map looks good...

    This game uses actual company trademarked logo's as well as their real names as a part of the promotion game play... And I'm sure they are using them completely without permission... It would have been better to use made up names and modified versions of the logos, so as to not risk either law suits or cease and desist orders against them... This is VERY HIGH risk, especially with big internet companies like those...

    The script is alright, as I only ran into a few spelling/grammar errors... There isn't much actual story to this game beyond the Tutorial text and the brief introduction... There are some dialogue moments here and there, but I don't really feel like this is a visual novel of any substance... It is more like a erotic/adult game with some story elements now and then... The plot (what little there really is) revolves around a male protagonist who is starting his own sex industry modeling agency focusing around a casting couch motif... He needs to build up stats like Fame, Money, and relationships with all the various women he runs into... This is mostly to open up various erotic/adult scenes/interactions with certain women...

    The game play involves finding and casting various women for roles in the sex industry... This involves things like promoting the company with various social media websites, ranking sites, and uploading videos to porn viewing sites... There are also various places to visit, to include random events (which I never saw)... Most of the locations don't have much going on for the moment, probably because they are still under construction...

    The game is also a bit buggy, such as when I tried to use the protagonists computer in his office I was locked into that screen with no means of getting out of it... And because the game doesn't have save game functions beyond the auto-save before exit function, it will make recovering from errors/bugs very annoying...

    It also appears as though this game requires an internet connection, which I am definitely not a fan of, in any way shape or form... It should be an option that can be turned off, or removed entirely...

    Overall, I think the concept is very unique and creative, but the execution is questionable and sometimes feels a bit wonky... It has too many instances of using resources without permission, with things they could of easily used a parody of or made their own versions of... Which shows a lack of ingenuity and creative process... This really does not feel like a visual novel at all, as it is more like a grind style erotic/adult game with the occasional short story elements... No story of any depth and/or meaning outside of just being an excuse to see some porn shots real quick... Perhaps somewhere further into development it might develop way more story, but for now it's not showing much... Will i revisit this one? Maybe, but it really depends on if they plan to fix the internet issue and the using stuff without permission issue... If it doesn't fix all that, then I will be adamantly avoiding it...