Ren'Py - The College [v0.58.0] [Deva Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    No quest/mission list to follow
    No marking of achievements
    No map markings to know who where and when
    Class schedule only shows when you can increase a stat
    No information on where and when people are in class that you need to talk to

    Way to easy to lock yourself out of progressing
    Only earning money in weekends and a very small amount

    I like many sandbox games, but this one takes too much time to get money and stats high enough to start to progress any path
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Its pretty much just a standard fuckfest game where you fuck whoever whenever possible, i am not really a fan of that type of game its just to boring, also you will see a dude fucking multiple LIs which some might think of as NTR but MC arent together with her yet, but alot wont enjoy it either way, but also pains some girls are just pure whores which also isent my thing, to make it worse MC will take some slobby seconds and fuck the girls the dude has fucked, which would be sharing which i am not into either, and apprently the girl whos blind folded is brainless as well since they dont notice the one speaker is infront of them while MC fucking them from behind....its just so bad, and on a side note proberlu 90% of the girls are lesbians if not all.

    It dosent help that the sandbox is one of the worst you will ever find, clicking around a map hoping you find something is just a waste of time and what you find is normaly just a small bit of text, also the grind is crazy so many skills to level up that its more work the fun.
    You will want to use a cheat for this one to have any kind of chance to enjoy it.

    As for the story its bad really, not that i am a fan of having your MC raped from the very start but if you atleast get some real revenge that would be nice, but i expect it would just be more fucking which wouldent really be revenge since thats what they loved to do to MC, so you will never get the feeling of getting revenge which is a bit idiotic and also makes the story a bit pointless.

    MC is also one of those with a mindset of a 12 year old, constantly thinking how he wants to fuck everyone, even hes own sister which hes supposed to hate and he think of it as revenge which is idotic on its own, not only that as any other 12 year old he cant controle hes dick so it gets hard from anything.
    MC is also very very brainless, it would take a normal person 5 mins to figure out who the girls are in that club that raped him just by listening to how they talk but MC sees and knows nothing, its really poorly written.

    And the damn bugs if you click with mouse while talking to someone it might take you to a diffrent area like the map isent removed but still active so clicking a spot where map has a location it takes you there and stops the current thing you where doing.

    Girls are ok, a bit of diversity in builds which is nice.

    Animations are below average, short and boring and by most of them are just picture to picture where you have to click a million times to make them move.

    For choices there arent really any, i think you can fuck up in some quest like with Bani to get locked out from that questline, but when it comes to sex its all forced on you.

    It takes a really special game to get this many bad reviews, but i thought lets try it anyway it cant really be that bad can it....but well yes it could....
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is just a buggy atrocious mess and has been so for the past few releases I get trying to push out more and more content but a release that focused on fixing up some of the bugs would go along way I'm holding out that it could get better but for now it's a one star.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It's quite a grind and it has too many dead ends that will block you from getting other achievements. It'll be much more enjoyable if you can add a notification to the player that an event he just clicked might lock out future achievements.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Too much grinding. Why is there simply not a button to go to next class. Then at least you would not need to constantly check the schedule.
    The consept is cool, but poor execution. Understand why the rating is so poor.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is a solid 1 star if you are not using the cheat mod and walkthrough, be warned.
    Even with those 2 it has a load of problems, the writing isn't great and there's a ridiculous amount of spelling and grammar errors (the author seems incapable of understanding the difference between male and female pronouns)

    But I really like the girls involved, they're really cute and have interesting personalities you don't often see. The storylines are also kinda fun at times.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    If you're trying to avoid masturbation, this is the game for you. The urge completely vanished while trying to figure out how to do anything. Dude couldn't even bother to make a proper map... I would honestly comment more about how bad it was, but just saying "bad. move on" is kinda the epitome of this game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Tried getting started in this a couple of times but really found it basically a horror show for navigation and horribly repetitive at the same time. A real time waster which I do not have time for. Did not even get to a decent scene before saying screw this.

    Shame the art and theme/story seemed promising thus thought of 2 stars instead of 1, but then remembered the game pissed me off. Someone with tons of time on their hands might find the struggle worth while. Not a game I would support.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    -not worth it if dev does not make walktrough or mechanics just dot get fixed,few scenes are worth it so just skip
    -got to some scenec with fix that other player posted and it was nice but game as it is bad dev doesnt seem to want to fix
    -Just not worth it
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    version 0.47.2
    there ll be no pro/const, cuz that "game" overbugged like hell. as example- some questchains may be easyly ruined, like zhang questline- u can install cam w/o even obtaining it!! and after that u ll got zhang=13 w/o ~20 events, w/o meeting timmy(no ide who is it). and here huge amount bugs like work in cafe
    whole code looks like **** - i mean- no conditions for 99.9 menu lines, so u can ruin quest just by a taking wrong menu line
    in current tehnical state its not a game- its just a piece of ***, i never seen so overbugged game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I truly try to find some positives where at all possible, and so gave this game a good hour to try and deliver something I could praise - but the best I can say about this horrid mess of a game, is it makes even the worst of others seem playable. Still, well done to the dev at least for trying
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Its around a nice 3.5 and undeserving of all the 1 stars. I can only surmize people really hate sandboxes.
    The content can be tricky to trigger at times but i did enjoy all the scenes I found! There is defiantly something strange going on at the school!
    Hopefully in the future we can get some nice revenge on the sister what a stuck up pos she is.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a reminder to check the reviews first, i tried it a long time ago and thought it may have improved - it hasn't

    It's outright awful, bad renders with weird expressions, endless clicky UI and no content. It's as if this was designed by somebody who hates sandbox games, to intentionally make others hate sandbox games
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a very terrible, non-fun game. I wish it would just stop already. It just goes on and on and on and on with constant grinding and no pay off whatsoever. How is that supposed to be considered a game?
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I downloaded the game to give it a try, although I currently have limited bandwidth, but it was extremely disappointing. It is configured as a sandbox game, but there is only one correct place to be or choice to make at any time, it is just a waste of time. The story is meh. The graphics are not bad, although they could have been better, but not a dealbreaker. Overall, it is the experience of playing the game that made me delete it 10 minutes after downloading it.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I....uh, I didn't look at the rating (new thing I'm doing), just saw it had a decent amount of content and hit the download button. I kind of regret that now.

    Let's talk positives
    - Backgrounds and some of the characters are pretty enough.
    - I think I get what the Dev is going for in terms of atmosphere and plot.

    - Almost everything else.
    - The writing is the heart of any story. Anyone who tells your otherwise is only looking for pictures to jerk off to, so you can discount their opinion. The writing in 'The College' is horrific. It's clunky and boring, alternating between exposition dumps and boring dialogue, with a few unfunny jokes peppered in there for flavor. I'm not sure if this is a language barrier or if the Dev just needs more practice, but the game is borderline unplayable from the get go. The MC's first interaction with their dad is stilted and weird (fine its an AVN), and so is their next conversation and the next and the get it. None of it feels real. None of it makes me want to invest in the characters. Speaking of.
    - This is purely my opinion, but having an MC who looks and acts like an emotionally unstable twelve year old is not fun. I guess it plays into the mommy fetish?
    - Clunky pathfinding.
    - Poor interface/not clear on what to do.
    - Not fun. If you're going to make a sandbox, your VN becomes more game than novel, which is fine, but then the burden falls on you to find ways to make the 'game' fun. This isn't.

    In short this game was very underwhelming. I hope it gets better, and I believe it can. The Dev has potential and the bones are there, but for now, one star is all it deserves.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I avoided this. For a long time. Its awful rating led me to not even try it.

    But, seeing it show up again and again, I figure it is getting updates, and a lot of bad review complain about sandbox, which I might be willing to slog through to find something worthwhile.

    Holy shit. This game doesn't deserve a bad rating. It deserves no rating at all. What a god damned disaster!

    Bad (not broken or unreadable, just bad) english makes the writing an absolute dumpster fire. The MC looks 12 or 13, like he is terrified in every scene, has the emotional stability of a toddler on a 3 day long bender, and is the whiniest, bitchiest, most worthless MC I have ever played, in any game.

    Everything happens at a breakneck pace, with poor transitioning between scenes. The dialog, aside from being just badly written in english as I already said, is some of the most unnatural dialog I have ever read.

    You meet your sister, she says you smell like cum and doesn't want you around, so you start a fight with her, and while she insults you and screams "rape," you threaten to break her nose, break her arm, and kill her.

    Just... what the fuck is this mess of a game? I can not imagine a single redeeming quality this game, its plot, its characters, or its MC, could possibly have.

    Writing, bad. Plot, bad. Characters, bad. Pacing, bad. Sex scenes?
    The first scene of the game is you getting dragged out of bed, tied up, being raped (by your sister, even though you don't know that), and kicked in the balls over and over.

    And I'm just here thinking "I wouldn't even want to play this game if it was a well done mystery, where I got to save the girls worth saving, work on the inside to bring the school down, and get revenge on everyone else.... because this twat I'm forced to play as is obnoxious and deserves a good kick in the balls."
    And then I closed the game.

    Now, not even making it to the sandbox portion (after that scene, you're just back, in your room, no transition, expected to learn interface and get on with sandbox), I decided I had enough, and closed the game. Maybe I can't give a review adequately with so little time spent in game.

    But maybe? What I played through was horrendous enough, and indicitive of the final product enough, and had enough glaring flaws I already found in the intro, that even if the game increased in quality 100 fold after you entered the sandbox, the end product is still such a pile of shit it doesn't even deserve one star.

    This is, by a margin so wide I can barely comprehend it, the worst game I have ever played.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    this game is extremely grindy and without a walkthrough I would rate the game lower if i could, luckily it has one , the game freezes, it crashes, and sometimes just doesnt work. I would stay away until it gets better ratings or updates a lot.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Gummer the old one

    v 0.37.1
    The story of the game is well-thought-out, you have to say, even if there are still some open ends at the moment, that makes it a very interesting game.
    The solution of the given tasks are often very tricky.
    Unfortunately, the game has some bugs, sometimes the screen freezes, or you can't save a game. So when saving, always make sure that it is actually saved.
    The graphics are great.
    My opinion: I look forward to new updates
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Deserves better rating then what it has.

    It's a fun game, with potential to become better. Scenes are alright, and same with setting.

    Biggest weakness at this time: Feels grindy and time consuming at times/scenes can be challenging to get. Some of the actions/clicks done to get certain things could be reduced a little bit (feels clunky).

    Aside from that, I still think this games is hovering between 3.4 to 4 star range.