Let me start off by saying this game is pretty much all kinetic, you can pick all the "worng" choices with both daughters but they are both forced on you no matter what you do and i havent seen anything that changes main story either, dev should learn to tag the game right so people that hate kinetic stuff wont waste their time and its kinetic both in novel and sandbox mode.
It also feels absolutly idiotic that MC goes after Luna as a LI after seeing just how crazy she is, MC is supposed to be a normal dude and trust me any normal dude would run away from her as fast as fucking possible, dont stick your dick in crazy and shes waaaay past crazy so it really dosent even fit in the story, instend MC wants to help? against people he can do nothing
about, people who even the top boss couldent do anything about, its just a shitty story really.
So with story being kinetic it also means you have no freedom in relationships most are just forced on you, one you have a choice in but thats about it, forced LIs is just never a good thing.
What really make no sense is that the game has a weird relationship system where you get + or - hearth points, but they do nothing and i do mean nothing, i tried getting minus point with Luna and it never changed a thing.
And game is also a slowburn and has more focus on story then lewd stuff its just to bad story lacks in details and so many things which i will get into now.
Story 2/5
Starts very weird MC whos a normal dude it pretty much kidnapped by the mafia and forced to work for them, they say its due to a contract which seems idiotc on its own, MC knows nothing about any contract and it sure as hell isent something MC signed, why MC even belive there is a contract to start with i have no clue since he has never seen it, so he starts off like a brainless idiot that apprently belive whatever hes told?
To make matters even more stupid MC dosent even ask about anything when he meets with the boss and the right hand, he dosent ask about the contract, hell he dosent even ask to see it? i mean wtf? he dosent even ask why hes there or whats hes supposed to be doing or anything and dont tell me its dueto MC being scared there would be absolutly nothing worng with asking why the fuck hes there and to see this so called contract him self, but no our MC dosent have the brainpower to ask anyting he just accepts everything blindly....
What MC does think is that hes drawn to the female mafia boss? i mean wtf really drawn to hes kidnapper? lol then he thinks about how he should hate her? it just feels to stupid, also hes not scared of pissing off the soldieres of the mafia? how does that make any sense.....
On a side note MC never sees hes contract not once doing this hole first season? but game just make MC into a criminal that even kills people with 0 choices along the way for the player......
Then he gets a room and first thing he thinks about is to read up on how to break a mafic contract? he still dosent know if there even is one its idiotic.....next he thinks that he better get on the good side of the family which is the only sane thing hes thought so far, but then he goes brainless again and think its better to win over the two daughters of the don? i mean what the fuck that would be a sure way of getting him self killed...nothing makes sense.
Story only gets more wierd, no one ever told MC what hes supposed to be doing there but a small talk about contracts like helping the town which he never does and your then told you can do it whenever you wish which should be never since MC is a normal dude trying to get away and sure as hell not try to work for them and become a criminal? none of it makes sense considering MC knows nothing and only wants to get out of there and he still hasent asked fuck all about what hes doing there in the first place.....
But MC went from normal dude trying to get out to doing crime for the family? what? then he gets promoted to be a real member of the family? why? he still has 0 clue why hes there....story makes to little sense all the time, no one told him to do crimes or do anything what so ever....so theres no logic in him starting doing that shit on hes own when hes just a normal dude...it kinda fucks up the hole story.
And i just love how the hole thing goes down where some idiot say MC has now been with them so long that he understands what it means to become a member of the family, MC knows fuck all about anything what so ever its absolutly idiotc sorry but it really is.
And all the boss tell MC is that he will get used to all the killing and shit and MC dosent give it a single thought....he just seems to accept anything constantly without any questions.
Also in the start MC is promissed never to be forced to do anything or kill anyone, yet hes forced on a kill mission with a group? and ends out killing someone on top of that and ofc its not up to the player if he shoots or not...
and to make it really idiotic you get an achivement for first blood even though you as the player had fuck all to do with it since it wasent a choice?
As for the "full" experince like the mini game where you can level up doing missions, theres barely any content and you reach max level very fast, you also visit diffrent places at the start like tavern, brothel, soldiere quaters and such but it has no content with any of those places either....considering its a 6 year old game content is extremly low and you can do those mission from day 1 and finish em all fast which makes all XP gain for the hole game after that pointless, its not well thought out in any way.
Girls 4/5
I liked the girls and even with so few LIs theres a bit of diversity in builds as well, only issue which is a huge one is that most are forced.
Animations 3/5
Pretty average nothing special
Music 3/5
Average background stuff nothing special none with lyrics.
Choices 1/5
You dont have any choices that changes the main story making it a kinetic novel, also LIs are forced on you so hate em or not you have 0 choice in it, really supprises me how high this game is rated with forced LIs
and being kinetic without a tag, it also gives you those weird idiotic choices where you can say "no i dont want you to do that" then 2 seconds later MC changes to sure lets do it....? why put in the choice of saying no when
every outcome is a yes?
Sandbox 3/5
Its easy a little grind but not much since theres really not much content with missions.
Content 1/5
Well 6 years old game and only a single season is just awfull, i would say its pointless to even play this one since the odd of this ever getting finished is very very low since alot of things can happen for the dev IRL
so he might stop it for whatever reason or just lose interrest in it and the fact that it will take another 6-12 years or more to finish at this rate.
As for lewd stuff there is 2 maybe 3 optional sex scene with girls you know nothing about other then one of them tried to kill ya, other then that nothing other then small stuff like HJ/BJ/grind, nothing with any main girls at all,
considering its supposed to be an adult game its seriously lacking in the lewd area for being 6 years in development, not that i mind a slow build up but still.
It also feels absolutly idiotic that MC goes after Luna as a LI after seeing just how crazy she is, MC is supposed to be a normal dude and trust me any normal dude would run away from her as fast as fucking possible, dont stick your dick in crazy and shes waaaay past crazy so it really dosent even fit in the story, instend MC wants to help? against people he can do nothing
about, people who even the top boss couldent do anything about, its just a shitty story really.
So with story being kinetic it also means you have no freedom in relationships most are just forced on you, one you have a choice in but thats about it, forced LIs is just never a good thing.
What really make no sense is that the game has a weird relationship system where you get + or - hearth points, but they do nothing and i do mean nothing, i tried getting minus point with Luna and it never changed a thing.
And game is also a slowburn and has more focus on story then lewd stuff its just to bad story lacks in details and so many things which i will get into now.
Story 2/5
Starts very weird MC whos a normal dude it pretty much kidnapped by the mafia and forced to work for them, they say its due to a contract which seems idiotc on its own, MC knows nothing about any contract and it sure as hell isent something MC signed, why MC even belive there is a contract to start with i have no clue since he has never seen it, so he starts off like a brainless idiot that apprently belive whatever hes told?
To make matters even more stupid MC dosent even ask about anything when he meets with the boss and the right hand, he dosent ask about the contract, hell he dosent even ask to see it? i mean wtf? he dosent even ask why hes there or whats hes supposed to be doing or anything and dont tell me its dueto MC being scared there would be absolutly nothing worng with asking why the fuck hes there and to see this so called contract him self, but no our MC dosent have the brainpower to ask anyting he just accepts everything blindly....
What MC does think is that hes drawn to the female mafia boss? i mean wtf really drawn to hes kidnapper? lol then he thinks about how he should hate her? it just feels to stupid, also hes not scared of pissing off the soldieres of the mafia? how does that make any sense.....
On a side note MC never sees hes contract not once doing this hole first season? but game just make MC into a criminal that even kills people with 0 choices along the way for the player......
Then he gets a room and first thing he thinks about is to read up on how to break a mafic contract? he still dosent know if there even is one its idiotic.....next he thinks that he better get on the good side of the family which is the only sane thing hes thought so far, but then he goes brainless again and think its better to win over the two daughters of the don? i mean what the fuck that would be a sure way of getting him self killed...nothing makes sense.
Story only gets more wierd, no one ever told MC what hes supposed to be doing there but a small talk about contracts like helping the town which he never does and your then told you can do it whenever you wish which should be never since MC is a normal dude trying to get away and sure as hell not try to work for them and become a criminal? none of it makes sense considering MC knows nothing and only wants to get out of there and he still hasent asked fuck all about what hes doing there in the first place.....
But MC went from normal dude trying to get out to doing crime for the family? what? then he gets promoted to be a real member of the family? why? he still has 0 clue why hes there....story makes to little sense all the time, no one told him to do crimes or do anything what so ever....so theres no logic in him starting doing that shit on hes own when hes just a normal dude...it kinda fucks up the hole story.
And i just love how the hole thing goes down where some idiot say MC has now been with them so long that he understands what it means to become a member of the family, MC knows fuck all about anything what so ever its absolutly idiotc sorry but it really is.
And all the boss tell MC is that he will get used to all the killing and shit and MC dosent give it a single thought....he just seems to accept anything constantly without any questions.
Also in the start MC is promissed never to be forced to do anything or kill anyone, yet hes forced on a kill mission with a group? and ends out killing someone on top of that and ofc its not up to the player if he shoots or not...
and to make it really idiotic you get an achivement for first blood even though you as the player had fuck all to do with it since it wasent a choice?
As for the "full" experince like the mini game where you can level up doing missions, theres barely any content and you reach max level very fast, you also visit diffrent places at the start like tavern, brothel, soldiere quaters and such but it has no content with any of those places either....considering its a 6 year old game content is extremly low and you can do those mission from day 1 and finish em all fast which makes all XP gain for the hole game after that pointless, its not well thought out in any way.
Girls 4/5
I liked the girls and even with so few LIs theres a bit of diversity in builds as well, only issue which is a huge one is that most are forced.
Animations 3/5
Pretty average nothing special
Music 3/5
Average background stuff nothing special none with lyrics.
Choices 1/5
You dont have any choices that changes the main story making it a kinetic novel, also LIs are forced on you so hate em or not you have 0 choice in it, really supprises me how high this game is rated with forced LIs
and being kinetic without a tag, it also gives you those weird idiotic choices where you can say "no i dont want you to do that" then 2 seconds later MC changes to sure lets do it....? why put in the choice of saying no when
every outcome is a yes?
Sandbox 3/5
Its easy a little grind but not much since theres really not much content with missions.
Content 1/5
Well 6 years old game and only a single season is just awfull, i would say its pointless to even play this one since the odd of this ever getting finished is very very low since alot of things can happen for the dev IRL
so he might stop it for whatever reason or just lose interrest in it and the fact that it will take another 6-12 years or more to finish at this rate.
As for lewd stuff there is 2 maybe 3 optional sex scene with girls you know nothing about other then one of them tried to kill ya, other then that nothing other then small stuff like HJ/BJ/grind, nothing with any main girls at all,
considering its supposed to be an adult game its seriously lacking in the lewd area for being 6 years in development, not that i mind a slow build up but still.