Ren'Py - The DeLuca Family [Season 1] [HopesGaming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the story. Love the characters. Hoping that this game won't be abandoned and I am looking forward for more updates. It is an A plus for me....................................................................................................................................
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    ste han

    Wow just wow. v0.06.6
    I've been playing this game for 7 hours or so.
    A lot of good things were already said about this game. I don't know if I can add anything new. The script is really decent. One of the few games where I had no desire to skip the text. No sex scenes at the moment but I don't care about them as long as we have fantastic scenes like Katherine's "Dance of death" and Luna vs Apce fight. And Luna is just a national treasure man. I cried like a little girl during and after "My Name is Luna" quest... What an awesome game. Keep it up. Can't wait to add this game to my steam library!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Man what a deep storyline the comedy is great and the heroines characters are great too, never have i feel so emotionally touch with an adult vn like wtf,especially with luna childhood stories i hope we can get released faster cant wait to see the end...and the slow and budding of relationships are great too not just some straight to sex scene...a well written and nice models
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    For me, a necessary quality of games is being somehow realistic. It may be about human spiders or Jedi forces, but there must be some logic. This game however is just absurdist.

    I've played only a part of the Prologue but I'm sick of it already. Every freaking single character there is weird. Eccentric, silly, unexplicable... Starting from the MC who is fulfilling the contract he didn't sign (if it's what he tried to say?), then Wilfred with his stupid hat and eccentric driving manner and absurd car examining and "forgettable Joey"...

    And so on and so on... All of the people there seem to be products of smoking some heavy shit; and there is no Lewis Carroll kind of charm, it's just pure weirdness for weirdness sake.

    And the visuals aren't so good.

  5. 5.00 star(s)


    You like intriguing story? You like romance? You like mystery? You like sexy yet adorable girls? You like humor? You like strange humor? You happened to know a guy named Joey? You like story? You like story? You like story? If yes, this is a game for you. No doubt, hands down to the devs, you guys are amazing hella people.

    Seriously tho, I forgot to review the game. Well here it is:
    1. Story : Top notch. A story that you'll expect in a mafia universe. Each time the story progress more intriguing they've become. Not just the main story, side story that revolve around our protagonist feels natural on its way. Especially the side story My Name is Luna. Good god that part makes me cry like a baby, literally.

    2. Character : Great characterization. At the beginning, our main protagonist is just a confused boy with lacks of idea on how to survive the condition that he got. As the story progress we can see the answer of why is he so important to the family. His character has evolve through out the game. Not just our protagonist, our 3 heroine such as Luna, Gracie, and Isabel also evolve through out the game. All character in this family have their own personality and behavior that made this game really nice in the first place. Also Joey. Wait, who's Joey? Strange. Well yeah, Joey. Wait, who's Joey?

    3. BGM : What can I say? Everytime I open the game that piano melody always reminding me of The Godfather, which is nice. Background music/ soundtrack is really spot on. What mood the scene has right now? fun? it'll become fun, sad? it will become sad, serious? well you tell me.

    4. Render & Animation : Crazy good. Beautiful. Scenery? GORGEOUS.

    5. Snu-Snu Stuff : Not much to say because there's no sex scene available at the moment except blowjob, teasing, kissing, fondling, hugging and... stay with me... hand holding, uh such an indecent thing to do. But all of it feels natural on its way. It's not like what we usually got in these type of games, forced love and sex. First day on the job? Good, after this particular job that chick will bang your dick. No.

      This is the game for you who love story telling with adults spice in it. Wanna fap? Find something else, this forum has tons and tons of it. But, if you want to experience a mafia world with a great story telling , unique and intriguing characters, this game is for you, period.

      FINAL RATING : 11/10 Joey, would remember.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game.
    For me, this is the best story-driven AVN. I love everything about it: the mafia setting, the Godfathersque vibe it gives, the occasional lewd moments that are put organically in the game, the side quests that flesh out the characters masterfully AND entertainingly (My Name is Luna :cry::eek: ), the humor which is not silly, the MC that is not an ordinary guy and who gradually learns about himself throughout the story, the characters, who are like puzzle pieces that fill the overarching story and environment just in the right ways (Wilfred deserves a separate shout-out, what a legend :cool:), the renders which sometimes give a picturesque look to the game, e.g. the cave and the lake during the date with Lu, and lastly, the soundtrack which again gives an Italian and mafia feel to the whole game and makes the experience so so much better and more complete.
    10/10 The next update cannot come soon enough (y)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The DeLuca Family game review:

    6.5/10 so far.

    History: The main history around the protagonist and the context of the game is pretty decent, although I think that the history needs more problems within it such as traitors, deals, and the missions should be playeable.

    Missions: 5/10 it slacks of content so far we'll see in a future how it does.

    Routes: Hectic and not interesting content besides the full history of Luna.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow just wow. v0.06.6
    I've been playing this game for 7 hours or so.
    A lot of good things were already said about this game. I don't know if I can add anything new. The script is really decent. One of the few games where I had no desire to skip the text. No sex scenes at the moment but I don't care about them as long as we have fantastic scenes like Katherine's "Dance of death" and Luna vs Apce fight. And Luna is just a national treasure man. I cried like a little girl during and after "My Name is Luna" quest... What an awesome game. Keep it up. Can't wait to add this game to my steam library!
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3250193

    There's a reason that this game is so lauded: the storytelling is phenomenal. If you want your game to have an emotional impact, if you can handle seeing traumatic things happen to characters you like, this is the game for you. I am especially impressed that the creator is willing to take feedback and further improve their game, and can't wait to see what the next update looks like.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This is supposed to be more focused on story. They overarching story might be solid but the individual characters and the progression of those characters is awful. Progression of relationships is ridiculous and non-rewarding. The gameplay looks like it would have more depth, only to be pointless stat system that means nothing, provides nothing, since money is infinite and gives nothing. Nothing even turns you on throughout the game so if an adult scene does appear, there certainly was not enough sexual buildup. Its the worst way to deliver an action story and the adult themes sound very childish, like none of the characters know what sex is and are teasing each other like it is elementary school.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    good story Very Good plot, story and characters, I loved to play but update is too slow 8 months and no update ?????????
    I'm actually more into the story here, the sexual content is like a cherry on top, instead of the main cake.
    That's not to say that the sexual content is lacking, despite the MC not having sex on my playthrough, the natural progression with each girl has felt deep and I'm actually feeling strongly for each of them, making this game something which flowed well & I'm now invested heavily into the story being told.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the better games I have played and the first and only one so far to actually made me cry while playing! Not gonna spoil anything but it's clear the developer put a lot into the storyline, with a nice touch of humor while being dark and suspenseful at the same time.

    The UI and gameplay is quite simple with not too much grinding involved. I particularly liked how there is a journal which helps keep track of the "quests" so we wouldn't miss out on anything. A few grammatical errors here and there didn't make the game any less enjoyable as it flows and progresses smoothly.

    While there is not much choice in terms of the girls you can romance, they are certainly each unique in terms of looks and personalities. Also I agree that there is minimal lewd scenes for a game that has been out for such a long time, but the build up for them keeps things interesting enough.

    In conclusion, those looking for a nice adult game with a superb story should definitely give this a try while those looking for a quick fap right from the get-go should look elsewhere. Kudos to the developer and keep up the awesome job. Looking forward to the updates!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    obviously the best ever seen ... not just sex. Great game with really new and diffferent story. The "atmosphere" is really special and well discribe. I liked to see some new chapters. Many aspect should be more developped as missions for example.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I ever played. Will make you laugh, will make you cry and the models are top notch. Character development is unparalleled. I've spent hours immersed in this game completly forgetting to jerk off.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Picked this up at v0.06.6 & really enjoyed the story.
    Found this game to have an involving story, with decent characters - all have their own unique personalities which are consistent - and a likeable MC, instead of the usual type, where they can be a bit of an insult to your intelligence.

    I found this game to be hugely focussed on the story it wants to tell, which is captivating.
    The sexual content is not as "in your face" as a lot of other games here. This, again, is due to the story and setting & feels correct.
    I found the pacing good, the progress with the girls is a bit more natural, they don't all instantly jump on your dick, you develop relationships with them which feel quite real (contextually) & progress does not feel "gated", it really does feel natural.

    The girls are interesting - they are the daughters of a mafia don so you're not treating them like shit, if you know what's good for you! lol
    The consigliere is a good character, he provides comic relief but also carries an unstated threat - you don't want to cross him!
    The female don is lovely, but you are focussed much more on the 2 stunning daughters, plus the (also gorgeous) wife of the son.

    All 3 of these LI girls are interesting. They have unique characters that I found myself heavily invested into.
    The older sister is a "tough girl", slightly crazy, but remarkably vulnerable and moving (underneath the hard shell).
    The 2nd sister is highly intelligent (almost scarily so, when you consider the power she could weild), yet is socially inept and bringing her out of her shell is very different to her sister, yet there is a common ground between them.
    Both these girls are captivating, both are highly dangerous, both are beautiful characters.
    The wife of the son is more wholesome but, again, carries inherent threat as the wife of the don to be. The content with her is more netori styled and carries a different appeal, again.
    The time spent with each of these wonderful girls is different, each are dangerous in their own way. Each are captivating. Each are stunning.

    I'm actually more into the story here, the sexual content is like a cherry on top, instead of the main cake.
    That's not to say that the sexual content is lacking, despite the MC not having sex on my playthrough, the natural progression with each girl has felt deep and I'm actually feeling strongly for each of them, making this game something which flowed well & I'm now invested heavily into the story being told.
    If you want simple sexual content, this may not flick your switch.
    If you want a deeper story with characters you can care for/about and an MC you can invest into, then you won't go wrong here.

    Massive thumbs up to the dev, great work and now cannot wait for the next chapter!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Mmh... This game turn out to be a whole different experience that I was imagined.
    I heard a lot a positive feedback about this one (some from other high-esteemed and populars Devs)

    It's feel like founding a very special Anime's hidden gem.

    And I got to be honest, I didn't expected that at all at the beginning.
    I thought the mafia universe will be just a set up to have a "classical" forgettable adult-game and just move on after finished it.

    But it was not the case at all, you noticed very quickly that the opposite actually, being forced to be a Mob is always the main concern
    of the MC, and the evolution of the plot, the relation developpment with the girl is very intriguing and important without taking over the feeling of the MC's situation.
    A lot of "colorful" people which funny personnalities in this Mafia world who made you want to know more for the most of them.

    I enjoy Wilfred a lot, I know I'm going to laugh when he's here in a scene ^^.

    As for the lewd scenes... well you're not going to have a lot and I quickly realize I'm not going to continue playing this one for those contents and just appreciate to continue the story itself.
    And damn that story could hit you hard emotionnaly, don't expected that much (Luna's past story).

    And I think the whole "pleasure" of this game is the progression of the friendship/love/attraction you have with the main girls, and Isabel is a perfect exemple, you never really know which far they are
    going to be thoses moments, it's very unpredictable in that aspect, well for me at least and it's pretty exciting that way for now.

    A very unique game, congratulation to HopesGaming for his creativity.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this game when the v0.06.6 came out. Even tho i was really intrigued and dying to check this one out, i decided to wait. 6 months has passed and i couldn't wait anymore :KEK:

    Pros :
    • The characters are great and lovely, really like their hairstyle as well. Especially Isabel :love:
    • The story, interesting. Luna arc is by far the best for me.
    • The Environment, Aced it!! speechless , the scenery in this is so BEAUTIFUL
    As v0.06.6 goes, Loved it!! some people may find the lack of sexual content is bad but i don't mind it at all. When it finally happens, its gonna be the best thing ever

    An improvement on the work UI is needed, it is so plain.

    I hope the dev keep this one around. 6 months since last update, its a little bit concerning not gonna lie :KEK:

  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Certainly one of the best adult games I've played so far, and that is specialy because of the story which at some point just pulls you in. Congrats and I will be watching close to see where this game goes. Hope you take your time to develop the story as well as you have been developing it so far!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love all the unique characters in this game, the art and the mixture of light-hearted and more dramatic moments. The journal is great at helping the player know what to do to move things along. The only flaw I see is that your stats only seem to influence success in contracts, that usually don't mean that much. It doesn't matter if you have maxed out all your stats for what the current version allows or if you haven't improved a single stat, the scenes that advance the story play out the same (and often making the protagonist look less competent than it feels he should be).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review for v0.06.6]

    The DeLuca Family is, without any shadow of a doubt, one of the best examples of an adult visual novel simply done right:

    Presentation that simply oozes style;
    Themes that are adult in nature, yet are delivered with respectful levity;
    Characters that are extremely expressive and full of soul;
    Scene renders that are truly beautiful, cinematic and very expressive;
    Dialogue that is timed in a natural and coherent way;
    Text parsing with excellent flow and comedic timing;
    Soundtrack that really adds to the atmosphere.

    It isn't perfect by any means, though, as some of the gameplay mechanics lack a certain polish that would make the title truly stellar - namely the repetitive nature of the menu navigation during family jobs, a few too many clicks to access certain features like the notebook features, the lack of small QOL interface improvements such as optional fonts, more in-your-face time-of-the-day icons, labels to show availability of characters to interact in rooms (even if it is easy to memorize their routines for now), lack of color-coding on character names during dialogue sequences with multiple on-screen people to facilitate the reading, shorter transitions for fade-ins and fade-outs, so we don't feel compelled to skip... You know: Just small programing stuff for the future, when pretty much the entire scenario is written and the game is ready to be shipped to St*am and the likes -
    just to make it an 11 out of 10.

    The main complaint of those who complain is the "lack of sexual content"...
    ...But, really? Character development and a sense of intimacy make for a really wholesome experience, plus you can always get your shot of gratuitous erotica elsewhere if that's your cup of tea.

    ...This game is family, and I would kill and die for it. Luna is waifu the best.