VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Divine Speaker [v1.2] [Two and a Half Studios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Story [7/10]
    The story is simple and linear. One event happens after another with a couple of flashbacks but most of the time there isn't too much complication going on. The story delivery is coherent. The events that happen are connected with one another and there isn't a lot of choppy or confusing transitions. I'd prefer for a more complex and detailed story though.

    Characters [9/10]
    The characters and their interactions is probably the selling point. All the characters acted and interact with each other according to their personality and it didn't really feel like the characters are acting outside of their personality due to plot device. Each of their role fits into the story and there really isn't a meaningless character. I'd prefer for more characters and character route.

    Art [9/10]
    The art is align. They are drawn with the same style so it didn't felt like something is out of place. The character design is detailed and extravagant as well as the background. From the test box down to icons and buttons, everything is drawn to cater towards the design of the game. The only thing that I would have really REALLY wanted is animation art, especially on the NSFW scene. That would have added the cherry on the top.

    Music [7/10]
    The music is harmonic and matches the tone of the scenes. It didn't feel like it was overplayed or louder than the dialogues. And it is soothing to the ear. It didn't felt like it was choppy or scratchy like it is low quality. I would prefer more variety though with a specific theme for each character.