RPGM - Completed - The Dog House [v0.1] [Son Dizzy]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.1 (Completed?)

    It says that the game is finished, even though this is barely the start, this game in its current state is just a rough sketch of the end product, in no way is this finished.
    Well, if it does see more development i can image this game being pretty good, the story is unique and could be good and the MC is very cute, but if this is it, then its not worth your time to download and play this.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's short and... well, not as sweet as it should be.

    + the story and its presentation have potential
    ? probably too short to really get the most ot of it
    - the affection gameplay loop manages to feel too grindy/padded for the game's actual length due to longish, unskippable repeat scenes

    + The art looks good at first glance
    ? if ridiculously oversized paws are your pet play thing
    - oh, somehow, the naked doggie has bikini tan lines - WTF!?

    Would probably rate 5/10. Leaned 2 here, but it would easily be a 3 here if only the MC art made actual sense. Might be a 4 if affection grind was more varied or allowed skipping repeats.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    +2 works no issues and overall short enough.
    +1 for unique plot and character.

    -2 Feels unfinished and rushed damaging some the quality ->
    (ie you have same actions over and over and even when unlock next steps of that action kiss-lick you still start with same kiss with same text before you lick each time) --> this could have easily been solved even with just removing 1/2 the required gathering hearts (as it oddly forces half heat each time) and or adding a small text change.
    Also ending feels rushed and requires hearts in set ways to be able to choose despite the story itself (hard to explain without spoiling).
    Also Animations seem needed for a lot there even times you just staring at a still image that feels like it was meant to have some movement to show the sex act.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Really, really too short...

    A little redundant (not enough different actions between each character).

    Nevertheless, the bias is very original and the main character is very cute and totally endearing.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very short game with super cute character

    - Pro:
    - Really sweet, cute, adorable and sexy main character
    - She is a household dog pet and has to feed, sleep, pee, and play with her masters, while uncovering the main story at night
    - Very easy to play, it is just a 5 room house with sparkles where some action is, and only 3 characters to interact with
    - A sweet take on SM submissiveness

    - Con:
    - Very short (I got one of 5 endings in an hour)
    - Not very much (hard) sex scenes
    - A bit grindy to build up relationships with the 3 masters in the house