Ren'Py - The End of My Vacations [Ch.1 v0.022] [JRBGAMES]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Graphics and animations are quite nice. And everything else is terrible. One of the issues with AVNs is that most of the time it's one solo dev. However having 3 specialists if they could get on the same page would allow a lot more games to develop to a nice level. This dev clearly is great at the renders and animations, and has an idea on coding. Someone else needs to handle writing, scenarios, characters. And a third person to handle most of the coding and gameplay. Of course at that point you do have a team and any money this gets would have to be spread out between them, and of course they'd have to all schedule and actually get the work done, this is hard too.

    So in this case the dev actually is in a good spot, because the rendering and basic coding are the hardest things to figure out. Writing and gameplay ideas can be had by playing other games. Get an idea what other people do, and take parts from other sources while figuring out your own style. Even use AI here and there these days to fiddle around with scenarios.
    Likes: Rauls
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is very good i really like, the story seems interesting however the game has a lot of bugs from teleporting you around the map to characters get different names sometimes. Its basically unplayable with very little content to show for it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    EDIT ( Ch 2 ) : Increased rating to 3 stars. The Dev seems to have taken some of the criticism and worked on it. The game files / images which earlier were of massive size appear to be optimized and I appreciate that.
    Honestly, I feel bad giving a 1 star rating to new developers as mostly they're on a learning curve.. but this game has nothing worth saving itself..

    First and most important, The size of the game is massive.. 3 GB for not even a prologue's worth of content with actual gameplay amounting to roughly 5 minutes.. I was utterly surprised to see the game end that fast. I scrounged the images folder, turns out the renders are in 8K with a single render at a whopping 60Mb. This game can easily turn out to be 20 GB by the time there's even some decent content. With compressed links banned from F95Zone, I don't think this game has any future here.. the dev has basically shot his own foot, because no matter what, the ratings are gonna be terrible aand no way in hell, someone's gonna download a 1-2 star game thats 10-15GB.

    The other features aren't even worth mentioning. There's no task list available, meaning you have to hunt for quests and make mental notes of the time you're supposed to meet somebody.

    I have only one thing to say to the dev.. this game is still salvageable. Please scrap this project and start a new remake that's not fucking 8K. we ain't got IMAX screens in our homes. please fix problems mentioned in other reviews.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Aj Atkinson

    The game is still very raw. The application itself is very slow even without many objects or beautiful 3D graphics. The main characters and objects of the interior are very poorly and not beautifully drawn, as if some schoolboy or student decided that he is a designer. The gameplay is very inconvenient: there are no text prompts, no quest log, no pop-up hints or voice guidance. It seems that no one has even tested the game, because when it is launched, it is displayed in an unknown language in the menu without the ability to switch the interface language, the dialogues are already in English, and in the game itself some third characters appear to be rusian. This is absolute nonsense and disrespect to the user. As a result, there is no interest in the game due to poor graphics and a very primitive interface.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the game is a mess this feels like an alpha or pre-alpha of a release. First there is no way to track quests or even tell where you are supposed to go except to remember it. Second everything is in another language Spanish I think? except for when you actually get into the VN itself. Third the writing comes across very awkward and detracts from the game. Third, the time is handled very weirdly in this, sometimes it increases when you click anywhere at all. Sometimes it increases when you go into other rooms, and sometimes it doesn't do anything at all. Then we move on to the very jarring animations that don't flow smoothly at all and the slightly low res renders. IDK man I think this needed another few months to bake right now give it a miss for sure.