RPGM - The Enigmatic Domain [v0.85] [One Heroic Man]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This review might be subject to edits as i try out the game ... But so far I don't feel it deserves to be that lowly rated . The story seems fine , the characters are so far interesting the art is good... The only real cons for me are the rpgm engine , and judging from past posts and the feel of the game , the removal of a lesbian path .
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    Game seems to at least attempt to be story-driven, but the introduction story is incredibly vague, rushed, and confusing. I have no idea what's going on, who the characters are, or why I should care about anything that's going on.

    Infinite loop when defeated in combat, respawned outside combat w/ 1HP next to the enemy, immediately drawn into combat again, defeated again, etc.

    The game seems to be fairly early in-development at time of this review (v0.2), so it's possible this game might improve in the future. However, at time of writing, I consider this game unenjoyable and virtually unplayable.