Unity - The Fairy Tale of Holy Knight Ricca: Two Winged Sisters [v1.3.8] [Mogurasoft]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excuse my cussing for a second, but Jesus Christ! This game is not at all what I expected.

    Make no mistake, if you're into pretty girls being raped senseless by more or less human monsters, you'll get your fill from the H-scenes in this game, at least as far as I've seen across the first five levels. And the combat and controls are actually fairly decent. Maybe a bit floaty at times, but certainly enough that you feel in control. Plus, getting to run around beating up monsters in the buff, skimpy bikinis, boob armour and other whacky outfits never gets old.

    But what I wasn't expecting was just how gripping the story is. You see, not all of the H-scenes are "bad ends," some of them are canon to the story itself, and they are actually pretty depressing and even horrifying to watch in that context. I'm a fairly desensitized guy when it comes to violence, sex and the like in media, so most of the horrific stuff doesn't get to me. I mean, I can watch a girl be turned into a sex slave in 100s of doujins and not bat an eye, even at the cringy ryona-stuff. And the same goes for the various "bad ends" you encounter here, as there's no emotional weight to any of it. But when you see the depressing idea of having to survive and live with having been raped and abused, and how the main girl reacts to it... Well, it tugged at my blackened heart. And that was just the first stage! Without any spoilers, the canon H-scenes don't get any lighter going forwards.

    If I had to give one piece of critique though, it's that this game is made in unity, and I can hear my gaming PC revving in the background as I play. So I guess you'd need a quality computer to run this thing. But if you've got the setup, this is a game well worth your time! Just be prepared for a metaphorical, and literal, kick in the gut from the story...
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Oh boy I was not expecting it to be this good...and have such a big emotional impact.

    Gaeplay wise, its a 2.5d sidescroller with hack and slash and metroidvania elements to it. The control can be janky at times and makes certain boss fights feel very frustrating, but overall performs quite well during normal sections. Levels are well designed and some contained very interesting sections. Progression system though can be a little during mid game.

    Sex scene wise, this game contains some very heavy fetishes like insect sex, bestiality, all the way through, etc. It also contains some unavoidable violent imagery. Although the graphics aren't the most polished but the over all aesthetic is consistent and enjoyable.

    But what I didn't expect from the game when first booting it up is the story. You would though this is just a fantasy story about a heroine who is raped a lot during her adventure but finally manages to save the world. Boy was that so wrong. Although it has sections where the characters are a little bit too cliche, the overall story is excellent and makes you feel compassionate towards the heroine.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for the full release (v1.01):

    Great gameplay, great h-scenes, great everything.

    Be warned that it has unavoidable rape - not the 'fucked silly' rape, or combat rape, or game-over rape, but actual traumatizing rape as part of the story that the main character gets nightmares over, and affects her personality and thoughts. So if that's not something you can handle, best to give this a miss. I'm usually okay with that stuff in games, but even I ended up feeling pretty bad for her, and wishing it was optional instead.


    Good stuff. All animated, voiced, customized (your hair/clothing/body customization is all reflected in the scenes). Mostly rape of the game-over kind, but you don't need to lose to see scenes. Clearing a stage will allow you to unlock all scenes for the stage automatically. Some of the scenes are extra detailed and even allow camera adjustments to pan over the action. Overall one of the better games on this site when it comes to H content.


    If you like side-scrolling hack and slash, you'll like this game. The combat is actually decently enjoyable. The satisfying smack of throwing one monster into another never gets old.

    As you progress, you're able to unlock your skill tree with currency earned through defeating monsters. This gives you access to all sorts of abilities, from your standard HP/ATK up to things like double jump, extended aerial combos, guard counter parrying, blaze rush, forward dash combos and more. There's more options here than there are in many full-priced Steam metroidvanias. So if you enjoy that kind of gameplay (or can at least tolerate it), you'll have fun playing this even without the lewd content, which is more than can be said for a vast majority of H-games.


    Your earned currency can also be spent to unlock cosmetics - things like different hairstyles, weapons, gloves, boots, underwears, accessories, etc. All of this stuff appears in-game, both when playing the side-scrolling combat as well as in H-scenes. You also have detailed adjustments for things like breast size, breast jigglyness, eye size, brow thickness, face tilt, hair color, etc. I was able to make a very cute catgirl Ricca, and thoroughly enjoyed playing through the story with her.

    There's also a tactical element - replacing your platebody armor for a cute bunny outfit will lighten your weight, making you run faster - but also make you less durable, for example. So it's something to keep in mind when deciding what to equip.


    It's a great story, and the English is properly translated (as a native speaker myself, I didn't notice anything strange). The fact that the majority of the story focuses on only a couple characters does restrict the story somewhat, but I was still fully invested in finding out what happened next. I actively wanted to see a happy ending all throughout the gameplay, especially after what happens to Ricca in early events.

    I've played some games with really nice story - like Pronant Symphony, for example - but this is pretty good, much better than the vast majority of H-games where the plot is paper-thin. There's actual character development where it makes sense, and overall the story is quite enjoyable, even if it's a bit tropey at times.


    There's 20+ stages, and each can take you a half hour (or more if you suck), so the length is quite respectable. You definitely feel like you're getting stronger as you unlock more and more skills in the tree. The game hits the sweet spot between 'too short' and 'way too long'.

    Overall, this is a clear 5/5 to me, and one of the rare few games on this site that I've enjoyed this much - enough that I played it start-to-finish for the game itself, without worrying about H content at all. Definitely recommend giving it a try if the tags aren't a turn-off.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game of this sort till now. The animations are great but also a very good gameplay. For those that don't like gaming just install the save and don't forget to uncensor. You can have some issues starting it up if you have a shitty PC. So try playing with the screen sizes. I am running a windows virual machine on a mac and I have to resize a lot. The big monotor doesn't work.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best nsfw side scroller hack and slash I've played.

    A lot of h-games have kind of stiff or janky feeling controls. I'm glad to say that this is not one of them. After the 1st tutorial chapter the combat and movement feels very responsive and dynamic.
    Although I was somewhat nervous about how slow/sluggish the combat felt during the 1st chapter, it was great to see that after Ricca gets her powerup her movement and attacks became much quicker and more responsive. The combat also gets much smoother and more dynamic as you get to learn more abilities and master the controls. By the time you are a couple chapters in, you already have a decent number of moves you can chain together (double jumps, strong/weak attacks, aerial attacks, ranged magic etc.)
    The game is basically a side scrolling hack and slash. There are usually one or two levels per chapter that you have to run/fight through. The levels are pretty well designed and rendered in 3D. There are also a decent number of chapters (23 story chapters + 4 bonus stages unlocked via achievements). Each story takes ~30 minutes or so if you want to read all the dialogue and take your time in the fighting stages.
    In each level you can collect gems by defeating monsters, breaking crates, exploring the level etc. You then can spend the gems on cosmetics/armor, a small number of consumables, or upgrades in a skill tree. The change you make to your outfit/body can also effect your damage resistance, attack speed/damage, and movement speed.
    The one thing that I think could be improved is the variety in enemies. A new type of enemy is introduced every couple chapters or so and some of the bosses just kind of feel like bigger versions of other enemies.
    -hack and slash style 2D side scroller (rendered in 3D)
    -a good amount of variety/depth in combat sequences
    -moderate variety in enemies
    -feels much more fluid and well developed in comparison to other h-games of the same genre

    For a lot of h-games I don't pay too much attention to story/dialogue so I'll keep this relatively short. The translation quality for this game seems very good. I skimmed most of the dialogue and from what I read, the story seems decent. The characters can sometimes feel kind of generic or stupid and some of the story elements can feel kind of predictable, but it does well enough to set up and explain why and how Ricca gets from h-scene to h-scene. Also a good amount of the dialogue is fully voiced which is always nice.

    Good amount of variety in scenes, very good character customization, and nice looking 3D models. The animations are well done and the UI in gallery mode is very intuitive (the UI in general is also very good). You can definitely tell where most of the effort went when developing this game.
    However, most of the scenes are defeat/rape scenes. Although you can unlock scenes by getting defeated in certain ways, you can also just unlock any scenes you missed by completing the chapter and then going back and clicking on the heart icon and "?????????" in stage select.
    The character customization is great. You can unlock many different outfits, accessories, hair styles, etc. and even edit the colors of each part. The changes even show up in most of the cut scenes of the story and the profile picture of Ricca during the VN portions.
    The 3D graphics are also very well done. Load times aren't too bad, game runs pretty smoothly, and the jiggle physics/h-scene animations all look professional. There are also a variety of characters/monsters involved in scenes. You can also go into freecam mode and move the camera around in certain scenes and during combat sections.
    Overall there are roughly ~2 unlockable scenes per chapter. Also don't forget the uncensored patch.(there's also a full save somewhere in this thread if you don't want to play through everything)
    -Lots of character customization for Ricca
    -Great animation/graphics quality
    -defeat/rape scenes
    -scenes are unlockable/viewable in gallery after finishing each chapter (i think gallery mode unlocks after chapter 2 or 3)
    -good variety in scenes/fetishes (40 scenes total)
    -freecam in certain sections
    -uncensored patch!

    Overall this is a very well developed eroge and I would definitely recommend you play it if you like the look of the game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A masterpiece. I don't say that about porn games often. This is both excellent weird anime pregnancy fetish content and a really fun game, the animations are incredibly well done, feels like a AA publisher would put out. This game is the future
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best Side scrolling, 3D unity H-game. I dont think there is another game like this that offers the full package of in-depth 3D character customization, varied gameplay, AND fantastic H-scenes(plus free cam!).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game already for a demo, like damn. Was already drawn in by the character then I find out you can heavily customize them on top, the gameplay segments have some really nice effort to them as well as all the animations overall for gameplay and the sex scenes both, plus as seen with a unofficial uncensor patch they even bothered animating penetration.

    The game is also officially translated to English, massive points as understanding what is happening is great, story seems neat too so far.

    Absolutely looking forward to the final game, the fact that this is my first review on this site after 4 years of being here should speak volumes.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A lot better than what you'd expect from H games of a similar smell. Combat is extremely simple but hit boxes are zeroed in well and the animations are good; attacks aren't incredible but I never felt they were bad, I even ground money because of how not frustrating it is. There is a jarring stiffness between attacks and movement but these are mostly removed by upgrading your combos. There is a stupid amount of clothing options with all their little stats, and there will be even more in the final version. Body customization lets you modify a great deal except for height. Absolutely fantastic. Current H scenes are defeat only, but the game tells you clearly how to unlock them and they're not bad. At time of this post, the game will release sometime near the end of December, look forward to it!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is what the future of the H-Game is meant to be! Great scenes an amazing editor for the main character. Tons of sexy clothes to put her in. I like the story the setting. The game even looks great.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is actually really good. Actually had a lot of fun with the gameplay, and the H scenes are also really good. It's only a demo as-is, but is a really good showing and has me interested in the full-release. The biggest downsides I would say are: the small number of scenes, and how you usually have to use a life to see the scenes as they require you to be "defeated" However the positives outweigh the negatives even in the demo. Fun gameplay, a pretty interesting story, well done animations and art, and even a character customization menu.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    confident gameplay,
    serious kind of character customization,
    good movie scenes, I didn’t expect this,
    English language,
    the control buttons are convenient,
    porn scenes that are good,
    It will not look raw, not finished yet,
    I hope for the development of the game. I liked it
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game itself is a masterpiece, its quality is a Godlike tier and the plot. you can feel the passion of the author put into this game, it has a variety of customization to the character body and clothes like the color size and etc. this game has a lot of potential to become better, unfortunately it does not have sprites but the game over scene mitigate it and the controls issue are like the other side scrolling games , its a bit unresponsive and the jump is floaty but this is only a demo, in the future it may be fixed and further enhance the entire gameplay.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of hentai scenes that cause damage or that are triggered when you die (this case) but I can make an exception with this one. Character customization, equipment customization, skills, power ups, status effects, and a huge amount of kinks and lewdness in sex scenes. Enjoy slaying your enemies, but make one mistake and you will be used as a sex toy until you get knocked up from multiple creampies.

    Edit: in the full game there's an obvious focus towards misogeny and very hard rape fetiches that I am not a fan of. While the demo showed such scenes, it was not at this level of disgust and recreation. Seems to be the main focus of a, otherwise, playable side scroller. If you are into that (maybe seek a psycologist) then go ahead. If not, try something else like Alien Quest in which actual sex is the main focus, not derrogatory treatment, shame and rape.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    ***Reviewed at demo/beta version. My rating is prone to change based on the game's full release in August.

    I'm not going to beat around the bush. The potential here is massive; this game right here is capable of surpassing many of the great side-scrolling H-games out there (e.g. Parasite in City, Alien Quest: Eve, Eroico, Kung-Fu Girl, Demon Sperm, Night of Revenge, She ill server, Guilty Hell, Excessm's side-scrollers).

    Right now, only two scenes are fleshed out (the bandit scene during level 2, and the goblin gangbang during the final stage of the demo). For the reasons below, however, they are done extremely well. Keep your eye out on this game, and make sure you're watching the thread. The potential of this game is off the fuckin' charts.

    + High quality hentai scenes w/ a bevy of options at your disposal: camera angles, transparency settings, clothing damage, autocamera.
    + The combat feels good. It doesn't feel janky or stiff, and it's not overly complex as well.
    +Decent tutorial.
    + CUSTOMIZATION GALORE. You can edit the color of the outfits you buy, AND you can make her grow bigger booba and ass. Just from this demo, there're a LOT of hair styles to choose from as well.
    + The game INDICATES if there's an h-scene upon defeat. Super useful mechanic, and it's not hard to miss. The message glows on the lower lefthand corner, so if you want her to get defiled, you KNOW when it's the time to lose :sneaky:

    - During the final stage of the demo, there's this giant wooden log hanging by two chains on opposite ends. You have to jump on top of it, and move back and forth (leftwards and rightwards) repeatedly in order to swing its momentum forwards, so it can propel you to jump on a higher platform. It's a "cool" puzzle mechanic, but it's wayyyy too slow and tedious.

    - Currency. The game's not that grindy (at least, when compared to other h-games I've played in the past), but because you're only given around 2k or 2.5k for every stage completion, you really need to balance the way you spend. If you blow all your money on cosmetics, your character's gonna be a lot more prone to losing. Hence, I think the cosmetic options should be a lot cheaper, especially if the dev plans to add more clothing options in the future.

    Massive potential. Only 2 hscenes are super fleshed out. Give it a try if you find it appealing, and if u like, then watch thread and await august release :)

    EDIT: Reviewed at December release 2021
    It's fantastic. They added a lot more cosmetics, a lot more hscenes, and on top of ALL THAT, they have a really good story going on as well. This will go down in sidescrolling hgame history as one of the greats for sure.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    the game looks very cool. the demo version is passed in one go (btw on normal difficulty), a very serious reserve for a high-quality h-game. if the developer deals with it in the same spirit, and if necessary add something new, the game will live long enough.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay wise, Responsive controls, consistent movement options, and even as a demo the skills available quickly demonstrate how flexible the gameplay will be. Even if it weren't an h-game I would still give it a recommend to play on this alone. As for length, the amount ingame right now isn't much more than an hour's gameplay, but considering how few pips of the chapter select screen are in the demo as well as the chapters skipped, it will probably be many times that.

    Graphics, better than most 3d h games, character customizability is also has a good amount of options. Clothing does have a gameplay affect, and I didn't see any cosmetic only option in those regards, so that might be a downside for some people.

    H-content, only a bit in the demo, but with 1-2 scenes per chapter, and the number of chapters implied to be in the full version, this is very likely to change.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good. Lots of potential for the character customization, armor break, and skill trees. Hopefully we see these expanded on a lot more in the final version. Story is pretty whatever, but I'm a sucker for good character customization.