Tried 0.3.1 version - guys, food economy still not there. For as long as food items with nutrition value 1 exist - it's a bad balance, cause it's relays on player being lucky. My advice - lowest game over related resource should be gained by "cost of time slot +1" formula at least at the early game. Hence if starting food consumption is 4 per day (hence 1 per time slot) cost of lowest fish/fruit/animal should be 2.
As of right now player is still in "I spend every time slot of the day fishing to cever the food cost", instead of you know... playing the rest of the game.
In fact, it should be a bit difficult to get started, but! There must be a basic element to simplify it!
For example, the game balance should be set up so that the player should always have enough food per game session (day) But there should always be a mechanism to encourage grindage! For example, during these 2 days I will grind hard, which means I will create a reserve for other days and activities.
But this game doesn't know about such basic rules, it also gives you a dumb random! As a result, as in the good old RPGs, Abuzim Seif, I wonder when the author of the game will make us pay for such mechanics?
Although if in an rpg you abuse this mechanic for the sake of a relief, then what does the game offer? Nothing, just paid access.

It's a shame that such an interesting wrapper hides such rot.