RPGM - Completed - The Genesis Order [v1.05] [NLT Media]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The Genesis Order is a great game, it had everything to be a 5-star game like its predecessor, but the gameplay and the inconsistency of the protagonist and the story are the worst aspects of this game.

    STORY 4/5:
    The story consists of a detective (MC) who investigates the death of a rich man, which then extends to the investigation of the Eclipse Guild and Madelyn (the antagonists of ToN). The story has many inconsistencies, but it has its good side.
    The relationships are more direct and realistic. In some cases, if the girl and the protagonist are attracted to each other, they will have sex without any provocation or "crumbs of sex", of course, there is still that, but it is with specific girls.
    The story is MUCH longer than ToN.
    It has depth because of ToN, which makes the story richer.
    Has interaction with Henry, Diana and Tasha (ToN characters)

    The protagonist is 27 years old, but he is treated like a teenager and he acts like one;
    He is portrayed as a strong and muscular guy, but he can't climb a wall, push a block of hay or lift a small stone without having to invent something extraordinary to do so;
    He is also portrayed as a great detective, but he can never keep his mouth shut and right at the beginning, all the girls and characters already knew what he was investigating;

    GAMEPLAY 1/5:
    The gameplay is the same as ToN, only more linear and with more grind. There is absolutely nothing good about the gameplay.
    The protagonist can't DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING without having to create an item or something extraordinary, for example: the girls made a mess in the kitchen? You have to create a cleaning product to help them, then you go there to collect items that are annoying to find.
    Spiders upstairs? You have to create something to kill them. Then you go to the city to hunt for these items that are hard to find. And this cycle repeats itself throughout the ENTIRE GAME! I barely got 2% of the way through the game and I already find myself frustrated with this. In the previous game, this was very cleverly integrated and was part of the game's theme, but in TGO, this is TOO MUCH!
    In the previous game, there were MUCH MORE PUZZLES, but in this game, which has a detective theme, there are almost none.
    Repetition of the treasure collection mechanics, as in the previous game, has nothing to do with the theme of this game.

    In terms of personality, he is the same as Henry from ToN, nothing special. However, the negative points are his previously mentioned inconsistencies.

    The girls and other characters are all realistic, diverse, with different personalities and if we take away the disgusting grind of this game, they are interesting to interact with and what brings depth is the previous game.

    The graphics and sex scenes of this game are excellent and of a very high level, NLT knows how to do an excellent job in these parts.

    SETTING 5/5:
    The city is well made, detailed, every corner has its details, and there are also small missions that can be done, along with secrets and collectibles.

    I definitely recommend it.
    However, you'll have to REALLY like this style of gameplay, otherwise you'll get bored of it quickly.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has great graphics, that's the only redeeming quality.
    The characters are shallow, they jump into bed without any build up.
    There's no game play other than just moving between 6--7 locations and watching the scenes.
    It's in essence a VN disguised as a game.
    And to top it off, they choose to put HORRENDOUS mini-games that can't be skipped and can't be passed with less than stellar vision. (The shooting gallery specifically )
    You play until a certain point and cannot proceed.
    Never again.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This one is honestly kind of ehhhh, but my issues with it are entirely personal preference. Objectively its very good.

    This comes from a series of exceptional games, (all of which I have purchased on steam) so my review will largely be addressing where I felt the game fell short in terms of series expectations, so if I come across as excessively negative I apologize.

    From a technical standpoint the game is great. It runs well and I experienced no major bugs, it was a very solidly built game.

    Content wise... I'm not as keen. I don't like church stuff, at least when it comes to erotic or story content, and while this game actually has very little to do with real world Christianity, the superficial presentation of its content are all very much catholic themed. You've got nuns and priests and a lot of your time is spent inside a gothic church discussing demons, sins and the comparative ethics of angels versus demons. I found it boring.

    In addition, this game's atmosphere is quite dreary, you spend most of the game in oppressive environments - churches, gothic mansions, old gnarled woods, swamps, caves, hell, etc. While not a series first, it was certainly less fun.

    Character wise this is one of the weakest. The MC looks like he's in his mid to late 30's, and sometimes the way he's depicted gives him a really weird uncanny valley look. I dont remember ever thinking he looked good, usually he looked sort of neutral and in some cases very ugly.
    The girls were also a mixed bag, while we have some of the most attractive girls in the series, we also got Nellie who looks like she smells like stale cigarette smoke.

    The writing was also weaker in general. The author was clearly focused on the plot, but the individual character writing suffered as a result. Very little of the writing was dedicated to the inherent drama or weirdness of what was happening to the characters on a personal level. Relationships just sorta jumped forward without any real build up or flow, and almost none of the characters talked to each other about what the dramatic shifts in their relationships meant for them going forward. In fact most of the relationships werent very romantic at all, I'd say only 2 really had any sort of real romance behind them and even then it was pretty weak. The complete lack of dramatic or romantic tension left the eventual sex scenes feeling meaningless and empty. This was almost more like a casual sex simulator than a harem game. Significant portions of the female cast dont even stick around after the game is over.

    For a game with its origins in relationship based harem and pregnancy endings I found this game to be a disappointing deviation.

    P.S - oh god I forgot about the minigames, the minigames were awful. That shooting minigame was just terrible, where it showed the target had almost no relationship to where the hit box actually was. and the imps THE IMPS, ffs those mf's were so janky that even with knowing the solution I ended up having to spend hours and hours on those puzzles, purely due to the blue imps not taking my inputs.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The Genesis Order is a thrilling blend of mystery, adventure, and romance, packed with stunning visuals and an engaging storyline. The characters are well-developed, and the puzzles keep you hooked. The immersive world and captivating plot twists make it a must-play for fans of the genre! (y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    "I absolutely love this game! The graphics, gameplay, and overall experience are just amazing. Every time I play, I get completely immersed in the world, and I can't get enough of it. The developers have done a fantastic job creating an engaging and exciting environment that keeps players coming back for more.

    One thing I really appreciate is how smooth the controls are, making it easy to enjoy every moment. The updates so far have been great, adding new features, characters, and challenges that make the game even more fun. I hope the developers continue to release more updates and add even more exciting content.

    It would be awesome to have more links to different versions of the game, including special editions or early access to new features. More game modes, maps, and customization options would also make the experience even better.

    I truly appreciate all the effort that goes into maintaining and improving the game. Please keep up the great work and continue to bring us more updates. I can't wait to see what’s next! Looking forward to more exciting content, and I’ll definitely keep playing and supporting the game!"
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's hard to rate it low, just due to the amount of work and polish, but my interest is waning. These used to be the gold standard, but the formula is getting pretty stale at this point.

    Top tier models and animation have always been the hallmark here. They're still pretty good - and plentiful, as always - but they're starting to fall behind. It's not enough to carry the game anymore.

    I don't mind some thoughtful grind in a game at all, but they haven't done anything to innovate here. It's the same, over and over, and tedious. I sometimes do prefer this RPG format over a straight up visual novel, but the problem is they often play out like a kinetic novel - you have freedom to explore, but it's just a checklist to move to the next scene, and there's no deviation is story. There are no meaningful choices.

    On a more subjective note, the characters are generally all shallow and unappealing, except for some of your 'close friends' which do have a little more thoughtfulness and organic growth. Generally though, there's no real character development or relationships, it's just a paint-by-numbers transactional thing where you are owed the next sex scene. And the variety of personalities generally boils down to either a bitch (boring), or a child-like idiot (gross).

    So, what you have is a really lengthy game that is entirely dependent on the quantity and quality of visuals. It offers little else. I'm not saying it isn't worth playing, but a talented team like this should be capable of so much more, and the failure to evolve is becoming pretty disappointing.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Worst in the series. Characters just seem to get more and more stupid as time goes on. None of them act like they are really in a dangerous situation with a demon, none of them have a sense of urgency, and there is no reason for THIS main character in specific to "get ahead" as much as he does other than "main character syndrome".

    He's a complete MORON who literally thinks with his dick and can't do the most BASIC of jobs properly, yet can't be fired because "plot armor". The author is either such a moron that they think this character is actually smart - based on how everyone keeps saying how smart the character is IN SPITE of his basic imbecility - or it's intended yet played as if it isn't.

    Just... a terrible addition to the series in general. Also, can the focus of the sex scenes be the fucking SEX instead of the goddamn cumshots?

    There is more to sex than your stupid ass cumshot fetish!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    designs are 10-10 but the story is worst, next game just make some interesting stories, this is so boring, just make a game like summertime saga but with your design it would be 10-10 or desert stalker has a great story too this shit has just repeatable story and why the fuck main charachter doesnt want any girl its so stupid to play that character
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: Vapid, fetch-quest riddled, laughably sanguine title. It is pretty, but the characters are super-generic and feature almost no personality. A bot would be able to write a more interesting story if it was only allowed to use a 20th of the English language. The puzzles were fun.

    + Smooth and beautiful animations.
    + Great multi-girl animations
    + Puzzles were dope.
    + UI is decent.
    + Lot of things to do.
    + Meaningful sense of progression
    + Getting sexual power-ups from artifacts is kinda fun concept. It was not used very creatively though.

    - The characters were hollow and uninteresting.
    -MC was a shrimp except for his mega-cock. Amusingly, it is still the most manly of the various reedy-wimps this set of developers usually feature in their titles.
    - Despite being a lil hommie, the LI all praised the protagonist constantly for being jacked and manly despite most of them being 30-50 % bigger than the lad. Maybe the devs were going for a mommy/son vibe with a lot of characters and he was their biggest best special boy? Either way, it didn't work for me, as the options were either 1) suspending my disbelief about the constant praise. 2) Leaning into a the m/s kink I'm not into.
    - Not sure what the point of making the game "open world" was when the progression was painfully linear.
    - No choices. This is a killer for an RPG on its own TBH.
    -MC has basically no personality.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    typical NLT harem quality game imo.
    would recommend unless you're bothered by MC having a large dick.
    going back to finish the last 5-10% or whatever. i keep returning to see more content. it's not a super high priority, but i always check back a few times a year to see how it's been progressing and enjoy the new content.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has become a real pain! I want to go back to the first game in the series to explain why I feel this way. Lust Epidemic was the best game in this series, but with each new game, the quality has dropped; I suspect this is due to commercial concerns. Each new game has become worse than the last.

    What was great about Lust Epidemic? The story was cohesive, the writing was better, and the game mechanics didn’t just aim to artificially extend playtime. Instead, they drew the player into the game, moving beyond a simple visual novel experience to offer short yet effective gameplay. The mechanics didn’t require needlessly long journeys, avoided artificially extending the game time, and provided a smooth, enjoyable experience without causing fatigue.

    Now let’s talk about Treasure of Nadia: The story was still strong, but this time, the addition of crafting and treasure-hunting mechanics became somewhat tedious in the later stages. Still, they managed to deliver an enjoyable experience overall by the end. However, when it comes to the latest game, things have completely gone off the rails. The story is so scattered that following the events has turned into a chore. I'm sure most players eventually started skimming through the dialogue. I found it difficult to finish the game, and I don’t even know how the story ends because I was so bored that I skipped most of the dialogue.

    The "I need this, go find it for me" cliché in this game has reached a new level. The treasure-hunting mechanic introduced in Treasure of Nadia feels like it was added here just for the sake of using it, as if they thought, "We already made it; might as well use it again." I've completely lost interest in the story, and I doubt I'll play the next game. A series can only go downhill this much. Instead of improving with each installment, they’ve somehow managed to make it worse every step of the way.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    + Beautiful models.
    + Actual has a finished story unlike most of games out there.
    + Plenty of scenes.
    + Consistent updating.
    + Nice return of characters from old games.
    - The story is just average.
    - Sometimes too much sex scenes is not that good, it becomes so boring.
    - It's another treasure hunter gameplay like Nadia game instead of detective.

    At some point of the game I just skip the xxx scenes because they are too repetitive boring for me, and story only get interesting at the later half.

    I think NLT has peaked in Lust Epidemic and Nadia, this still can consider as top game at this site but no way can reach the height of other two. 4/5
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the best nlt game I've "tried" to play. Most of the female characters were interesting, had their own thing going on and the "progression" with each was also decent, much more than in their other games. At least imo. Regardless, I was enjoying it till I stopped playing at I think 12% or so, when they started with the retarded forced lesbian stuff, but well, I knew it was coming eventually. So just, rolled my eyes and stopped there.

    I think that if these dudes ever decide to make some things avoidable in their games they could be even better, but well, as they are now they are not for me, still gave it a try, and, unlike with ToN, I actually liked this one quite a bit, specially the female cast. (At least till the part I played, which might sound little but 12% takes several hours if you are actually reading)

    And the renders/animations are pretty good as always. So just seems to be a great game, too bad about the forced fetishes, but I'll give it a 4*.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The best Adult game out there
    Insane Story with Plottwists, COmpletly Unique Characters with different looks Body Types. Minigames, not only reading. 50 Hours of Content, great Variety of Activities to do, insane Scenes.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I love NLT media games. I was waiting for this to be completed. Now i understand why this game has 3.5 star. Because this game has some competition with their own previous games.
    The game is fetch quest after fetch quest and extremely grindy than their previous games.
    Sex scenes aren't in progressing manner like used to be. After completing like 30% of the game you already had sex with everyone so after that stop caring about. And story is really awfull. Character aren't that unique everyone is horny all the time.
    Lust epidemic :- 9.5
    Treasure of Nadia:- 10
    The genesis order:-8.5
    The only reason I gave it this rating because the animation is great, character designs are good, there's voice acting and have over 100+ scenes. You can see increase in quality. But it lacks environment. Let me simplify.
    If Treasure of nadia is The last of us then The gensis order is Days gone.
    But hey if you are fan of RPGM and NLT Media in general than go for it.
    I couldn't help myself to complete it 100%. It doesn't feel like worth it like i did with Treasure of Nadia.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    There's something to be said about how I was skipping every sex scene after about the first hour. Someone else said it best, every little bit of progress is met with a scene sometimes up to 3 before you can continue the game part of this porn game and you get so many that it becomes tedious and not sexy at all. It's very jarring coming from the previous games because they sparred scenes for major progress or interestingly enough character development, and that build up made them hot as fuck. Besides that, the gameplay is smoother since you have inventory sectioned off based on what it is and chest keys no longer take up inventory nor do you have dig through your dozens of items to find one for a chest. It's quite fun to go around the map unlocking items you've been gated from previously after unlocking a new tool. It's NLT so despite them getting boring after being bombarded by them constantly the scenes look amazing, Effort and skill go into these scenes but you get bored of caviar, steak, and lobster if it's constantly shoved in your face.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Saw that this game had finally been completed. so I gave it a shot after enjoying 'Lust Epidemic' and 'Treasure of Nadia'

    Right off the bat, I knew right away that this story was severely lacking compared to the story of 'Lust Epidemic' and 'Treasure of Nadia'. So much so that, while the character design were way better than 'Lust Epidemic' and 'Treasure of Nadia'. I just couldn't bring myself to finish this new IP from NLT Media.

    I even had to cheat myself money, so I can skip the mind numbing, absolute slog of a grind for in-game money just to advance the story. Who in their right mind wants to spend 30 minutes picking up items, just to sell, to buy an overly priced item from an NPC to give to another girl. Which leads to my last point.

    Aside from the god awful story and mind numbing grind for money. The game has you do fetch quest, after fetch quest, after fetch quest. 95% of the game is straight up fetch quest. Go here to talk to this NPC, Go here to talk to this NPC, said NPC doesn't have an item, Go here to find this item, Got the item, Now go back to the NPC, rinse and repeat until you beat this god damn game.

    Character Looks: 10/10
    Character Personality: Shallow/10
    H-Scene Animation: 10/10
    Map Asset Design: 10/10
    Puzzles: 10/10
    Game Mechanic: Cheating/10
    Story: Unamusing/10
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a really nice game and a successful sequel. A lot of things have been improved and new things added, but you can still see the beginnings and in my opinion that's pretty important with so many parts.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Here is my comparison to Treasure of Nadia:

    >way more "mom content" which im not a big fan of
    >main girl is better unless you are a redhead fan
    >story is a little more interesting. especially the last third
    >more scenes but many are also "by the books"
    >main guy looks a little weirder
    >more items are hidden in walls. play with a guide. but this goes for ToN as well
    >more girls which is good and bad

    All three NLT games have their unique pros and cons.
    I think this one is worth for the main girl alone and i wish she had even more scenes.
    The Nun from the first game is back but unfortunately her being a nun is not much the focus. In the scenes or outside of them. She was more appealing in the 1st game even though her model is better now. (there is one S-tier scene with her and the wife of the pastor however)

    My personal biggest disappointment is that the white haired chick didnt get an S-tier solo scene like she had in ToN.

    All things considered this is still a very easy recommend.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    • The models are really nice
    • The animations and H scenes are good
    • Story seems decent
    Those pros aside, I can't bring myself to play this game any more beyond the first couple hours I put in already. The grind is BRUTAL. The game constantly has you going back and forth, running silly little fetch quests. The actual content in this game is minimal compared to the literal HOURS you will spend running around fetching and crafting pointless items just to see the story progress. Do people actually enjoy this? Like is this fun?