VN - HTML - Completed - The Goblin's Pet [CYOA v1.0] [Aphrodite]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont care much about gender transformation games.

    But this is different. While its a big part of the story, you can ignore most parts about the MtF transformation and basically view it as a heroine turned whore game.

    yes it resurfaces sometimes and is obvious because you have a wife, but hell, it doesnt really matter much. I enjoy mind washing/corruption games very much and this was well done. Slow-ish corruption, meaningful choices and a ton of raunchy dialogue and hot scenes. yes its very text heavy, but it builds up tension.

    only con I find is I would like more renders/pictures and a save function. I know its built in with the redo points, but it's kinda tedious.

    aside that, great stuff and looking forward to the finished product
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the gold standard for what an HTML porn game should look and feel like. While it's not incredibly deep mechanically or anything like that it does offer a very well balanced and enjoyable take on the style. It has a couple stats to watch go up and down, choices, different endings and a nice balance of images to text. It reads very well and was clearly written by somebody that took care to ensure that their work read smoothly, with few if any grammatical or spelling errors.

    3D renders are good. Text is good. Concept is pretty well realized. It's content rich considering I believe Aphrodite only started writing it a year ago or so. It was posted here in an almost complete state, taking only a few months to get ironed out. If this doesn't deserve 5 stars nothing does.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    When I initially saw this I was skeptical. Did not think i'd enjoy a story about being a goblins pet. I was so wrong, it ended up being an amazing read. Going through the first 15 chapters was quite the experience.

    I'm looking forward to the full release with the 3D renders as that's just going to add to the experience.

    Great work aphrodite!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I found that this Interactive story hit a bunch of check lists for me that i don't find in other games or stories or at least not done well. this is a very well done interactive novel and other creators should start looking towards this for inspiration. the art and sound effects are really good in my opinion and the game is more story then game which honestly is what i wish more erotic games would do. your choices do matter though. i give this game 5/5 review
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The Goblin's Pet is everything I want in a nsfw game. As an interactive novel it focuses a lot on creating good sexual moments and tension and uses the interactivity of it being a game to enhance that with some choices and alternative route stuff. Possibly my favourite nsfw game I've played due it's story, tags and not bloating the experience with too much game stuff
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply the best, plot, narration, characters, illustrations, all content based on a previously written book, simply extraordinary. The game initially has 20 chapters with varying endings depending on your choice, which makes everything very exciting.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent interactive novel with solid artwork to accompany it. Well worth five stars and looking forward to the next updates. Currently chapters 1-15 are done with another five promised. Definitely one of the better games on the site.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This 'slightly interactive novel' has a lot of promise, though it definitely isn't for everyone. If you don't like reading, this isn't for you. If you're looking for a quick fap, this game isn't for you. If you don't like NTR then you'll probably like want to stop around chapter 12 - because the rest of the story is definitely not for you.

    If those points haven't turned you away then this is worth a read, although if you have other games I'd recommend waiting until this has had a couple of updates and some polish.

    The world and characters are well written (until chapter 13), with surprising depth shown through encyclopedia like entries about various locations, characters and races. The corruption builds slowly but is done very well. The art is a nice addition, although it is very inconsistent in both style and looks throughout the story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderfully filthy and degrading. Lots of content for a first release, with a very solid amount of world building and delightfully described sex scenes. Considering the creator also made X-Change Life, I'm not surprised at all with the top quality of the writing.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing is EXCELLENT and the sound effects add immersion to the story.

    Transformation and humiliation content - but done exceptionally well.

    This wont be for everyone due to the kinks, but for the people who love these kinks we are eating well with this one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, unlike most html games here, The Goblin's Pet is adapted from a completed story that had no illustrations or art. Aphrodite thought it would be nice to introduce it as a simplified visual novel. Whether the writing is AI-assisted, I don't know. I have never seen any reference from Aphrodite to that point.

    What I do know is that the writing is coherent and free from head-scratching sentences that make you re-read several times before giving up. Additionally, the story is captivating with in-depth characterization and is a joy for those whose attention-span allows for more than a picture and three sentences max per page.

    True, the art is uneven. I would prefer a more consistent sense of illustrating the story. The latter chapters contain AI figures, the earlier chapters are hand-drawn. This shows the idea for a visual novel/game has been waiting for a while.

    I have read the entire story and chapters 16-20 are excellent. It will be nice to see what Aphrodite does with them. For now, she is diverting attention to X-Change Life, and will complete Goblin's Pet l.ater.

    This is easily my favorite game/story in the goblin genre. If you aren't afraid of a little reading, give it a try.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this, it show such great versatility from Aphrodite. Writing is really well done and effective. Most of the characters feel like independent beings and I love the way the story has subtle twists
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't like it and do not recommend to spend your time on it

    Writing is extremely unsexy
    Writing is verbose, but in a bad way
    Writing is uningaging

    Few arts and they are not consistent: in different chapters characters look different, this breaks immersion

    Great idea, but implementation is unfortunately poor
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The reason i give it 1 star is because i can't give it half a star, long-winded story, dogshit choices that fucking locks you out of progression, oh you wanna be horny in this PORN game, go fuck yourself, oh you want to make the fem leads a goblin cumslut because that's literally the entire premise? GO. FUCK. YOURSELF. Spent an hour straight up to chapter 8 only to get cock-fucking-blocked because your character is TOO HORNY for this PORN GAME. A complete waste of my fucking time.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of such stories and in general a game in perspective can be super cool, but for now a game of this genre without animations in 2024 is not cool. The author please add animations and more pictures to the game and it will become a masterpiece
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It does a few things very well but I didn't really enjoy it.

    There are some really hot scenes, but the writing is very verbose, monotonous and repetitive and a slog to read. It doesn't help that the pacing is quite slow in some parts, but maybe that's because I didn't always pick the horny choice. The artwork is quite good, even the AI generated ones, and complements the story well, although there are also some renders and pictures from other artists can make it look inconsistent/out of place, I'd suggest sticking to a single style.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best here, being a submissive slave to a goblin, with the hint of netorare, which i assume would get more prominent in the coming chapters. Great writing, very hot scenes, good artwork. It's mostly text based, which is a plus for me.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    ch 1-15

    very good premise. absolutely garbage execution. extremely few art on this. ofc i knew it's "text based" but the art only serves as clickbait. nearly nonexistent. might as well use AI for art if writing already has AI.

    writing: long and boring. it's too much. not as excessive as some other games but still very annoyingly long just for the sake of being long, without serving any purpose like to establish characters or circumstances for the porn part.

    lore/story: well it has a lot of writing and description... for no reason whatsoever. why would anyone care about all the details. first you need to show something to care about for ppl to read all the random things and history of all these completely made up things. it's like a child talking about their dream for hours and hours.

    porn/eroticism: very bad. extremely slow "corruption", very non-erotic scenes, and very boring and completely anti-porn logic. there are some games where "porn-logic" leads to quick sex scenes and you kinda forgive it because you are here for the porn... here it's nearly the opposite. it tries so hard to not be porn logic that it's the other end of the spectrum. complete garbage. how could he/she fk up that great premise i have no idea. you turn into a sex-slave yet the only thing the goblin does for pages and pages is CUM ON YOUR SWORD after masturbating... then pissing on you. then doing nothing LOL. how are you a sex slave. complete anti-porn logic. the author tried way too hard to be unique, but might as well make the whole game without porn, that would be unique too... uniquely shit at a porn forum.

    so it's gigabad. absolutely great premise, complete failure of an execution. the 13reviews are probably ALL THE PEOPLE in the whole server who liked it. (or bots). i got to chapter 6-7 i think but it's a complete dumpster. goblin even hinted to get MC's girlfriend too as a slave but maybe it happens at chapter 15 but i doubt. knowing this author it will probably be hinted at chapter 15 and in chapter 239 we will get some action. absolutely terrible. author has no sense of any eroticism whatsoever.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    An incredible piece of work and effort. This is very well written and the author has put forth a ton of effort to stand above the crowd. There some choices throughout which can create some interesting variety and can guide the story in different directions. Minimal grammatical errors and some good art as well.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I greatly admire the author's portrayal of psychology, which is unparalleled in enhancing empathy. I look forward to the release of the next 5 chapters!!! I love it so much!!!Of course, I am also quite interested in branching storylines, but I know that branching storylines and development are no different from creating new works again, which takes a lot of time and energy. I am waiting and looking forward to it!!