Despite having a huge 4GB sizes file, i can't find any flame to play till the end of this game. TLDR: It's a bad game, not worth playing.
Art: 9/10 It's amazing, love the saber face and old style RPG. That's all... That's the only good point i can find in this game.
Story: 4/10 Really really bland and unessesary long... I've spent 28 hours, 28 hours going around and doing some RPG jobs just find out that i'm only half of the main story... like wow...

why ???? Isn't it suppose to be fun and horny. IF only the main story was good, i could have gone through the game. Unfortunately, it was a nightmare. A young girl want to take revenge for her family, found some friends along the side, doing fantasy adventure guide jobs, found out that everything isn't pink, panik, get back through friendship...(so scanning through the gallery, i guess that there will be a bad guy using drug and mind control things, finding out the betrayal, beating and saving the world ....) EVVERYTHING IS SO MEDIORCE.... but still took more than 20 hours...WHY???
Music: 5/10 At first, everything is good. But after a while, you'll notice that most songs are identical and recycle from other typical RPG...
Gameplay: The only good thing about this game is that every bossses and monsters are set to EASY mode so that we don't have to put more effort into this. Just spam ATK, road mobs can easily got killed by touching... how easy was it. The down side is that everything is too easy that the over complicated skill tree is a joke.... why bother upgrading them when you can easily killed everything by spamming 2 atk skill, 1 bind skill (mage) and 1 buff atk (priest), opponent just died and cant even fight back.
Another bad point is that every missions are the same (go A --> meet B --> go dungeon --> beat boss --> meet C --> done). Some mini games are to buy some times before beating the boss. After a while, you'll feel boring and sick,... after 28 hours, you'll figure out that you're half of the game.... still no sight of completing it.
About map design: EVERYTHING IS BIG FOR NO REASON. At first you thought "oh this city is big and beautiful", but soon you'll realize that EVERY CITIES AN DUNGEONS ARE UNNEASSARY BIG. you go to a house, there will be an NPC without any purpose, a giant map with nothing to loot (like a 10cm square with 1mm dot in the middle, yes the map design is that bad). Now the whole city is like that. Every cities is the same with nothing to stand out, same design, unnessary big, same stores with same items. The only different is city's quest board which is the only reason you go to that city. I want to ask is why ???? why wasting time to design all those unnessary things when you can enhance the gameplay and scenes ???????
H-scenes: 4/10 So a 4gb games must have some ultimate galaxy super hyper powerful ultra infinite pool of scenes right ? right ? The answer is.... NO. There are about 45 scenes total (can be more or less), about 10 scenes for each heroine (4 main heroine), 5-9 outside bad ending and story related
scenes). The corruption mechanic aren't really affecting anything beside allow you to to take more lewd quests (might be affect the ending ??? but i haven't got till there). Other than that, NPC interaction won't change, nothing change beside you can now take new lewd quest at city's quest board. If you ask me ARE THOSE SCENES WORTH IT ??? i would likely say NO, just go to gallery after playing 1-2 hours. You'll understand everything without any contexts. They are that typical.... (some prostitute, some goblin, mind control, drug, dancer, ....

everything is 1 scene and after that, there is no penalty or after match, the characters keep move on like nothing happened.
Overall, i guess the DEV completely forgot they were making a H-game and proceed making a 40-50 hours normal RPG... then realized that it sucked as a normal RPG and fixed it by adding some H elements. Because of that, everything is unessary long, time consuming and still suck.... If you like the art style, just go straight to the gallery after first 1 hour. Did i also said that the openning is also 1 hour long ??? Hell????
Sorry for a long long review