Unity - The Halo Project [v0.31a] [hushhushgames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay, as a tech demo, this is alright. Keep in mind, the dev is not kidding when he says "Tech Demo", as in, you can walk around, slap a mind-control Halo on subjects, have about 4-5 sex scenes with them, and that's practically it. There's some minor perks to unlock for the Halo, but nothing to write home about.

    One thing that does suck is needing to return to your home to recharge the Halo every ten seconds or less, but, with so little content, it about evens out.

    In short, one to keep an eye on, especially if mind control/corruption is your thing, but it's got a good, long way to go.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I wanted to put 4, but put 3 because in my opinion the engine is completely unsuitable and not convenient
    Now for the most obvious shortcomings as a demo version
    1. The hero regularly flies over textures. Landing not foreseen
    2. There are no normal explanations of what icons mean and how to act. I still don’t understand what 530% accumulated there in my longest passage (before I flew through the textures)
    There are many other flaws but these 2 make the game just unplayable
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5410619

    As mind control is a major fetish of mine so i am based in favor of mind control games.
    You have been warned.

    I think the halo project has the potential to be a good game.
    Right now it is a buggy mess with very limited gameplay.

    The game itself is very simple:
    Talk to woman. Press buttion, Fuck her.
    Increase control over woman.
    The story parts imply that in the future control certain woman will give us advantage's beyond sex but as i cannot state clearly enough.
    It has the potential to become a good game.
    It isnt there yet.

    Still i am putting this on my list of games to play when released(Or atleast had several updates)