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HTML - Abandoned - The Handyman [v0.0.1c] [The Vision]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a HTML game I can get onboard with. Usually I find those hardly appealing. Crappy random porn pieces of random size thrown into a frame with too much text in too small typo. The Handyman has none of that and could have just as easily been a QSP or Renpy from the gaming experience. Videos are carefully chosen, fit the story and feature proper size. The dialogues make sense and show even decent humour at times. I did not encounter heavy grinding or money issues. I guess because the hunger / energy mechanism has been revamped in version 0.1c. There is a nice amount of content for a first release, so my recommendation is to give it a try.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the idea and how it can develop. Any very entertaining. Economy is a bit rough, but that can easily be smoothed out. I see great promises for this game! Since the game is in a such an early development there are still minor bugs, but there are not any gamebreaking things. The games story is not that long yet, but for what there is, it is quite fun.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Art? its real porn... and there is like. none of it. -1
    Story? has a decent story. nothing exceptional +1
    Mechanics? Html game. Its barebones click there. -1
    A.Game wise? Tedious as fuck. nothing but grind -1
    B.Porn wise? There isnt any. cept for 1 picture. so nothing in this cat. -1

    1 star

    Honestly? Not worth the time. 0.0.1 version but. i can already tell the developer has no idea how to balance things. people have complained about money alot but...

    you can buy 2 units of food for 35$ averaging out to about 17$ a unit...which recovers 40 hunger... a piece... so 35$ for 80 hunger solved

    or youc an take the staggering option of paying 25$. to recover 20 hunger...why in the holy hell would anyone do that?

    Also THE PADDING. you have to get your looks up..which takes 10 gym visits. and over 1200 energy total. and it costs money...and it takes energy just *going* there. but there is

    ALSO the repair job book you need. which is useless if using the money cheat. UNTIL you need to get it to level 10 to progress. which takes 5 readings per level. 30 energy per reading. You can immagine how tedious this is. like its wayyyyyyy over done. and in the end?

    after all that? after ALL of it? you get nothing but a drunk girl sobbing on you.

    i know its 0.0.1 but i gotta review it as whats givin. i expect the same on my games. so i hold nothin back.

    just skip it until like... 5.0 even then.. maybe dont even. as its more grinding for smaller pay off than NES JRPG's
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    While this is only the 0.0.1a release, It not too shabby so far.


    -Story isn't garbage
    -Good graphics so far
    -can choose to turn off themes/fetishes you don't like
    -UI and navigation is good


    -like another review said, the parameters are very much off. Money and food are a very big deal. I don't really like this and don't wan't it to turn into a grindfest.
    -It's VERY easy to go into debt or starve, and you only start getting paid 200$ a week, when your rent is 300$. This seems fine at first, as you can level up your paygrade over time by going to the library and studying.....but this cost 150$ EVERY time you study (which it takes 5 studying sessions to level, so 750$) or buy the book for 1500$......... -__- yea no. Also food cost a lot as well. I very much recommend changing how money works in this.

    Overall, besides the money/food, decent start.(y)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A good start! -with a few nitpicks. keep it up! :D

    Interesting plot.

    Sandbox mode.

    one of the few real-porn games that don't target you to be a sissy.

    Minor spelling misstakes

    A bit too grindy.

    Unbalanced in the parameters
    Being both hunger and energy being dependent, with hunger being the most important one goes down the quickest, and will always cost money to refill.
    so much money, in fact, I couldn't get past week 6 without having to start postponing rent.
    Because of this, it has made me give up and reset twice. No room for error for not knowing what you should invest in.
    Do you want the game to be fun, or hard? tricky combination to pull off in a parameter based game.