Unity - Completed - The Hardest Interview [Update 4] [Masobu]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    A half-assed eroge that could've been good, but isn't.

    About 70% of the girls don't even show as much as boobs, maaaaybe 25% will have a blowjob scene, and select few, the worst looking blow-up dolls, will have sex.

    All of that glory hidden behind "gameplay" where you just have to click the highest % option, and click one of the 3 buttons that increase it if that option doesn't exist.

    A ridiculous waste of time and disc space with a couple cute non-nude models.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game soo much much better than watching porn and it exits me more than watching regular because you discover the girls first and only after that you have fun with them and the scenes are not censored
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is not a good game, HOWEVER:

    I would try it.

    This is pretty interesting. The story is you are to hire a bunch of girls to act out a 'casting couch' scenario and you play the director, asking from a handful of repetitive questions trying to get them to be comfortable. If all goes well there is sex pictures/scenes.

    The first thing you probably think about is "wow they had the money to hire 50+ actresses to act out these casting couch scenarios" and yeah, that's interesting. The acting varies, it's mostly bad, but if you actually have the patience to listen through all the dialogue, it can be interesting as they delve into their personal history..

    The second thing I think about is.. This is a new type of erotic immersive experience not seen in other games. Also in this specific game, it's a very meta experience: You are a porn company director casting AV actresses.. but that's the reality too, they REALLY ARE AV actresses. Thus I caught myself thinking "huh this is a blend of reality and fiction here" and in that I felt a level of erotic immersion not felt before.

    As one girl talked about how she got into modelling then AV suggestively, I thought to myself "you know what that's probably not far from the truth". Immersion is actually great when the scenarios are fitting/well written and avoid the horrible MTL. The live acting idea is REALLY promising.

    There's something good here. Again this is not a good game but if you play this, you see a glimmer of a revolutionary concept.

    Just my idea: They clearly have tons of money so that's not an issue. If they narrow this scope way down to less actresses, maybe even 1, and followed an established solid gaming archetype like day/night cycle, VN, trainer, etc.... This would be an unprecedented, genre defining game
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The Hardest Interview [Update 4] [Masobu}

    This game is apparently over 40GBs of data, yet almost immediately you're confronted with a paywall for premium content and repetitive game play. After conducting over 30 successful interviews and asking over 500 successful questions (these are achievements that's how I know) I can conclude this game is not deserving of the 40GBs of bullshit that now occupying my computer.

    initially, I thought the crude translations were a little cute. But after conducting 30 successful interviews, the crude translations are actually a result of the developers laziness. There is a weird standardization to this game. The questions are all the same. the responses are almost all the same. The interview process is essentially the same for all 60 models. The annoying 5 minute dressing room spying scenes becomes awful after about the 5th or 10th interview. Yet despite all this standardization, there are numerous crude translations for all the girls literally saying the exact same thing, which I don't understand. If the developer is going to standardized everything into a vanilla hellscape, you might as well have one standardized clean translation for all the same responses.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game have really really good idea for a game but fails in every way to make it real really nothing more Mc is boring company even more boring side characters bad really bad everything just porn without story.

    Yes i know this is porn game but many porn games even fapping ones have some good stories you know ? they should made Mc is new company owner for adult videos you know he try to find new talent for his company than this thing.

    Good things ? Some actress good looking and they act good really and lot of fapping for this game really lot of them plus sometimes interview works with them.

    Bad things ? pretty much %90 of game is bad %80 actress is boring annoying and look same just plastic dolls nothing more and what worst is all of them have tatoo and its ruins it not every tatoo looks good really.

    Some good actress have no scenes i am not joking like some shitty 4 5 star actress have scenes but some amazing 1 2 3 stars no scenes thats makes more and more boss.

    To end you do same thing with story cutscenes if you call that cutscenes then thats it you have fun with all actress then pretty much game ends its like quick cash grap nope i am not joking this game company give you chance to use real money in their games.

    So this is it really if not for few good actress i given it 2 or 1 star but for them its worts 3 stars this is not even for fapping because its boring beyond boring no challange or buildup here just choose choices do scenes then choose new one thats it nothing more what a waste of story with potential.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    So first of all, despite the tags, as was pretty obvious from skimming the thread, the game is as vanilla as it gets. The femdom and maledom tags are just f95zone being f95zone and slapping them on literally anything.

    There's barely any game here really. I don't know what I expected. It's a collection of high quality video of asian models with a paper thin excuse for playing the clips slapped on.

    The story is you joined some kind of an agency and are interviewing these women for future shoots. It's strongly formulaic, always the same questions. There are some really simple mechanics for different questions progressing the interview by different amounts with different chances that the model might decline to answer. If you do well you unlock more and get a vouyer scene peeping on them as they change to skimpier clothes halfway, then a blowjob or a sex scene towards the end.

    The models are on a 1-5 stars system with a confusing in-game explanation, but it seemed like it's about how far their scenes go with only the highly rated ones getting to the good stuff. I went through four or so then poked around a bit with (almost) full save, and the gallery browsing experience was the worst I've ever seen. Everything is poorly labelled and even when you find what you're looking for, most of the content stands poorly on it own outside of the whole interview context.

    Out of the ones I tried playing through properly, a couple of them were pretty fun actually, with a hot model doing a great job flirting with the player character. Then some low-star ones just... gave dispassionate answers to the interview questions about their sex habits or whatever. Like other than the subject matter and them being dolled up it felt more like a real job interview than like porn. I guess those must have been there to control expectations so the better stuff stands out?

    Having this much footage specifically shot for the "game" is crazy and I want to like it, but I don't know who this is supposed to be for. Check it out if you want to see asian models... talking to a camera? With an occasional POV sex scene? I don't know man, what the hell.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Update 4:

    Overall (2/5):
    Basicly this is your everyday HTML game that you can see on F95, wrapped in a bit polished UI in Unity with 60+ asian pro models, mostly doing the common casting couch screenplay and sometimes you find short extra vids. Very basic complexity, RNG chances, less rewarding interactions, and the sex scenes are the last thing you can unlock.
    If you have ever dreamed about to get girls interviewed by yourself with the chance to exactly pick your favorite questions with a small hint of realism, but only have a faint idea of their answers, and get a sex video in the end, ignoring their earlier answers... yes, this game is for you.

    Translation (MTL) (2/5): survivable, but far from good. You will get mostly whats going on, sometimes not. This can be a pressing user experience if you are high for an "interview game".

    Size (5/5): Videos are good quality, that 40GB is okay for it. I'm writing this because so many people are over the edge by the size. Yes, so many ways are there to make it more flexible, but consider where and how you access to it, and face it, this is a good chance for you. If this size makes you to avoid, then avoid.

    Video quality (5/5) is really good, seriously. Real effort is visible on directing the models to act naturally...as much it is possible. Some are still off, but it is good level.

    Gameplay (2/5): Considering the topic of the game, unskippable videos are making to question sanity in this interviews-to-repeat concept. No, I'm not talking about the reward videos, but the 0-5 single selection subquestions to play out and waiting. Achievements are built on to get every questions asked from a model in any many interview rounds. In 3 RNG fails and 3 successes you can use boosts, and you can use patience refill, there is that. You can unlock pictures, dressing voyeur videos, and some models have spicy content before the last unlock item (sex video) on the interview. You can further unlock some content with collected yellow cards.

    Unity: I'm happy to see Unity used, it bridges a lot of issues we face from asian games, this makes their game globally more market ready and who knows, maybe they will continue to improve, then it worthed it.

    Honestly, I did not go further than 7 interviews, I do not feel the spent time to worth it. The game is not a bad idea, but could have been much better, feels like a good potential ~shot early~. All of this said, you can find your videos online if you really want. I keep up my 2/5 rating, it is just too much of a hustle to access them in a restricted way.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The translation often contradict itself, a lot of the scenes are really awkward, but the biggest issue is how shallow it is.

    The game is basically just a series of poorly translated casting couch porn videos where the girls have a star rating that shows how far they are willing to go. From what I've played, you just repeat the same questions to every girl and that's it, the game doesn't seem to have much of a story or depth to any of the characters.

    There's really nothing here besides the novelty of having real people "act" out the scenes.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Ugh, kind of meh?

    Gameplay loop is repetitive and boring. I mean, unless you're really into "listen to ordinary blah-blah from porn models again and again" type beat.
    You need to optimize your questions and take RNG risks here and there to get to sex scenes. Two types of sex scenes, actually. If you successfully ask all special questions, then you get all-out sex. If RNG is not on your side – blowjob at max. Yeah, you can even screw up the blowjob. Or choose a model that doesn’t have any pornography to begin with.

    Story scenes are so... I mean, sooo boring and unfunny despite trying their hardest. Started to skip after about... the fourth?
    Also, every dialogue is super fucking long, and you can't skip parts without skipping ALL of the scene.

    The game also has some sound issues. One audio clip has normal values, then another one tries its best to have forced sex with your ears. Fuck that, put the game all the way down in Windows mixer.

    Translation is broken. Nothing more to say.

    Sex scenes are actually... just some generic studio porn. Instead of downloading around 40 gigs, you can just watch a random playlist on Pornhub. No difference.

    On the bright side – a game with real-life videos captured specially for this game is something fresh. Unfortunately, that's it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. I hope there are more like this. Some of the models are meh, but a few are definitely good looking. The developer has done a good job with this. It's definitely a must try game and although I'm halfway through, I will probably do additional play throughs to unlock everything.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the in game videos. Translation kind of suckish but hey since i can understand Chinese myself so no issue not sure it will be detrimental to others. some part are quite repetitive but the reactions from the girls make up for it, also it's pretty hard to find FMV real porn video games in style like this so five stars. hope we can get more games like this.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed it, high quality videos. Translation kind of sucks but you can understand. I did about 4 interviews, they are repetitive but the reactions and lack of static images really makes it cool. Massive ass download but so far no regerts