RPGM - Completed - The Hawkman [Final] [FrozenPhoenix/RedStrikers]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is away to kill a few hours, that is all it is. it is a short classical RPG. Don't play if you are looking to get off. The gameplay is what you would expect from a RPG you will grind for levels but the soul mechanic is a nice teach to boost your states. But with there being items that do the same thing for seal in the store it may be quicker just to farm gold and use the items. the ending is subpar in my opinion. But I will not spoil it. I can recommend this game if you are just looking to pass the time. The longest parts are going to be the puzzles and exp framing, at least that was what I rain into.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The developer uploaded this to a site years ago that was not meant for adult games. lied to people saying there was no rape in it (there obviously is...)

    is terrible at writing English, has pointless battles in a game which they don' belong.
    And wasted their own and any ones time who tries playing this.

    Do yourself a favor an do something else....
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Fuck this game. I dont usually care about a game dont having CG, but this is particulary bad. The dialogue is cringe as hell, the sex scenes are mostly fade to black (both in the lack of images and the lack of description of the act itself, most of them being ''Yea, i will love to fuck you *fade to black* OH THAT WAS SOO GOOD YOU ARE AWESOME''. And the person that made this game clearly had a little too much fun with the monster spawn. Everyone knows that this is usually the worst part in a rpgmaker game, endless and boring hordes of random encounters of mobs when you just walk around. But this one takes the cake. Not only the fighting system is slow as fuck, there is no escape buttom to skip unnecesary fights, and there are at least 3 enemies per fight, you literally can beat a fight and then encounter another in the NEXT TILE. YOU CAN HAVE A FIGHT PER STEP.
    Seriusly, there are faaar better options if you want a rape themed RPGmaker game in this site(wich this game barely have, despise the tags), fuck this little chicken and his love quest.