The Heiress in my opinion is decent game. We have 8 endings and 2 routes to choose, and sometimes depending on which quest you start first the events will change a little bit.
The art is great like always, as befits a ONEONE1 company, they have a very good art artist.
The game is very simple and easy. You can beat monsters easly, and if you replay it many times you can finish game in few hours, well if you wont be reading dialogues.
The english translation is very very bad, because it was done by Google Machine Translation tool. Also, the english version has an annoying error with "No Method Error" during H events, so you have to change languge to chinese every time when you encounter this error... But it was fixed by myself, so no longer language changing!
I give this game 4/5 stars, but only because of terrible translation method.