VN - Ren'Py - The Hellcat Lounge [v0.3.67] [Wilson Wonka]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone who loves girls with tattoos, I had high hopes for this game. I would say that those hopes have largely been met.

    Visually, the game is outstanding. I would like to praise the lighting and animations in particular. The animations are some of the best in any AVN out there. There is the occasional wonky facial expression, but I don't think that detracts from the game in any significant way.

    The dialogue isn't terrible. It can be a bit cringy at times, but I know some of these alt/punk types IRL and honestly it's not far off. It's nothing special but it's well executed.

    The plot is pretty generic wish-fulfillment porno. Maybe this changes as I haven't completed all the content, but the MC being so hot and cool that every girl wants to participate in a contest to fuck him is pretty corny. However, it's a porn game, so this is excusable.

    The characters themselves are fun and unique. The game is definitely quite lighthearted and wholesome and the characters fit that vibe.

    Overall I really enjoyed the game so far. The animations, lighting, camera angles and environments are what I believe really sets this game apart from the crowd. A lot of devs don't focus enough on these aspects of AVN's, and when done well like they are in The Hellcat Lounge, they help bring a game to the next level. So despite being lukewarm on some of the writing choices, this is an easy 5 star.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    For 0.3.34:

    Nice game, nothing to complain. Characters feel relatively original and not all the same. Renders look decent, and I liked the bodies for the most part.Not super much story so far, but has potential. Just keep the updates coming.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This one annoyed me since its has a story i love but just a few mins in a girl is forced on you and shes so far away from the type i like that i found her extremly ugly, face and build, why did this game have to force some bitch.. thats what annoyed me, i hate forced LIs and forced sex scenes in a game supposed to be about choices, so ffs devs leave that shit as a choice.

    And the hole sex scene is purely to make an idiotic drama stright from the start where the girl has another dude other then MC, so now MC dumps her ass, why the fuck couldent that happen before the sex scene, it would change nothing story wise, only thing that would change would be game not having forced shit, it will put alot of players off since if it can happen once it can happen again.

    I did drop the game 1 star due to having forced LI and sex, its just not for me.
    And heres a hint to the devs, all you need to do is put in a choice before sex scene, like "read phone" or "have sex first" first option just skips sex scene and goes stirght to reading the phone then every forced sex haters will be happy, its so little work to do.

    So after that small blow up lets get to the review of the rest of the game so far.

    Story does get better, even though it only takes a few mins more untill the next girl trows her self at you, this time a lesbian whos already in a relationship with another girl, personaly im just not into lesbians or the bi-sexual or whores for that matter, so its was very nice to see you can turn her ass down, big plus that its now a choice driven game not a fuckfest as you might expect after the first 5 mins of play.

    I had a plan of trying to go for just one girl and play faithfull route, but it pretty much went out the window since there where just to many girls i liked, which isent a bad thing but a rare one, i liked alot of the girls faces and there is some diversity in builds but... i cant belive im saying this but its mostly normal? and smaller? tit sizes i freaking love that, for once its not just the over sized crap you see in most games, there are a few bigish in this but mostly normal.

    Animations are very good, but it fails big in dialogs since there arent any so the sex scenes are just a shot movie like animation where you click once to move on when tierd of watching it, the no sex dialogs when scene is running makes it fall quite flat and leaves it emotionless which is really to bad since it could be so much better with dialogs like most games.

    Choices are very good if you look past the shit in the first 5 mins of the game, would love for them to put in a skip option so remove the forced part but other then that your free to pick and choose who ever you want to have a relationship with, atleast so far no one else has been forced.

    Music was ok in the start but i dunno maybe half way in game was totaly silent which gets a bit boring.

    I would have rated this a perfect 5 stars game if not for the forced sex scene that could so easily have been made avoidable, even though the lack of dialogs in sex scenes also hurt it a bit.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Pleasantly surprised by these games, the rendering is beautiful, the characters endearing, the story is nice without being exceptional, I can't wait to see what happens next.
    I just hope this doesn't become too much of a harem, because that breaks the realism for me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good VN, with interesting characters , good humor, good feels, and some heat. It has a little heavy reliance on porn logic sometimes, but that comes with the territory.

    The detail in the renders is amazing - the backgrounds constantly change, the walls have art, the tables have dishes and cutlery, people walk by in the foreground and background, everyone has expressions that respond to what is being said, it must have taken a tremendous amount of work. I kept finding myself moving back a few lines several time just to watch how each character was reponding to what was happening.

    MC is a good guy chad, very likable. The girls are diverse in looks, and flawed in personality, which makes them more interesting and appealing. They are not super models in looks, which is good - it feels more real. The character's facial renders seem to get more polished as the game goes on.

    One warning - the game developer has a SERIOUS tattoo/piercing fetish. Every single character has tattoos all over them - arms, legs, torso. This even includes characters that are supposed to be completely sheltered or controlled by strict parents. That part doesn't ring true - one of the key characters has a nose ring, lip studs, purple and green hair - and she is supposed to be a complete shut in who pretty much was never allowed to leave the house at all. It makes no sense. But that is the developer's vision, so I'm ok with it.

    There are a lot of good animations. Sex scenes start out strong but often end abruptly. Minor quibble.
    5 stars for sure
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice one. Unlike the other game about "rockstars", author of this one was definitely a part of the scene and know for sure how it's full of all kinds of damaged, dysfunctional and weird people (that will be the coolest ones that you'll ever meet in your life at the same time). The showcase of some of the serious issues behind a light cover of humor and lewdness is unexpected, but really nice.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders are amazing and the story pacing is superb for a first-time dev. All the LIs are unique in looks and personality. From their hair to tattoos to how they interact with the MC and others if no harem is possible then this will definitely warrant multiple playthroughs.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A legitimately fun and hot story full of people who you will be rooting for. Just a good time to be had all around even when it touches on dark topics the characters seem to still look out for each other. It was refreshing to play as a MC that seems to just straight up be a good guy.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    'The Hellcat Lounge' is a well-made project with a lot of tattooed women. The slice-of-life story works, the visuals are great, the music is top-notch. The general vibe is very horny, but not to the point of being unhealthy.

    Also, this track goes into my playlist.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    0.3.34 review
    graphics and animations are top notch, poses are just okay.

    story isn't the most interesting, but it's paced pretty well, and isn't cryptic or obfuscating. There doesn't seem to be a ton of interweave between the Seok storyline and the game storyline, which makes me wonder if you can exit either one at some point.

    characters are okay, but they seem kinda cariacature-esque, presenting their defining traits early on, usually in the form of some sort of social defect. i think mary is the only one who seems well adjusted. maybe Rose too, but i didn't see much of rose in my playthrough.

    the whole "game" plotline is dumb as hell though, like high school level shit. the MC even knows and mentions this to Lane, but it's just kinda handwaved.

    the seok plotline is mildly interesting but isn't particularly unique. at least she's cute.

    certain girls seem to get more love from the devs than others.

    start of the game is pretty disorienting, though i think that's intentional.

    caitlin seems like she doesn't fit the game, much less the rest of the girls in her band, or the bar.

    overall, i liked this game quite a bit. I'd give it a solid 4.2/5.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to like about this VN:
    Non copy/pasta face for MC, characters with actual 'character', solid animations, the music is great, models of various sizes/shapes.

    Honestly the biggest complaint is... I want more. :LOL:
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    For a game that I downloaded on a whim, while having zero expectations and also being slightly put off by its preview renders, The Hellcat Lounge is pretty good.
    There is a certain, commendable level of craft in the visual part of this game that I haven't experienced in any other VN I played in recent times. I'm not even talking about the animations everyone is rightfully gushing about (in fact, I have a bit of a problem with how stunted most of the sex scenes feel, and how abruptly some of them end). It's all about the transitions, the way the characters in the shot express themselves non verbally, and especially how differently they react depending on your dialogue choices, even those characters that aren't directly involved in the exchange. This cranks the immersion level up to eleven, and does well to balance that irksome feeling that I always seem to get with games that heavily favor the third person perspective.

    The only real downside for me so far is the almost slice of life nature of the story. I am aware that not every game needs a massive overarching plot to hold its structure together, but this one feels like it's lacking a general direction. The premise just comes off as a convenient excuse for the MC to hook up with as many women as possible after "breaking up" with his estabilished girlfriend, and with all of them carrying more drama and emotional baggage than a 5 time divorcee I can kinda see why there's no harem tag to be found in the grand scheme of things. As far as their personalities, well...they're kinda hit or miss for me. The MC is alright, maybe a bit too much of a white knight, but I'm holding my judgment as I wait for something major to happen. The girls are all decently written, different from one another, so I think ultimately it's a matter of personal preference and tolerance to what you'd consider to be too trope-ish and maybe too outlandish in terms of appearances, although I guess the vast majority of people who downloaded this or plan to, won't have a problem with how the girls look. Admittedly, I often times found myself more drawn to the regular looking side characters than to the main LIs, so I'm curious as to what the dev has planned in terms of routes. Of course this has no bearing whatsoever on my rating, it would be really dumb of me if it did.

    In fact, I'd recommend giving The Hellcat Lounge a shot even if you think it doesn't cater to your usual tastes. You might be in for a pleasant surprise. This is was an enjoyable read so far and one that I'm going to check back in a few more updates.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a different setting then usually found here. I liked the setup and the chars as well as their story which is to unfold. Dont know if the MC is so much of a cute one but well we have seen much worse. The girls are also nicely developed and not that hillariously big tittes ones. Comes a bit more realistily and with variaty of types.
    Only think I didnt like so much but well its still under development are the sex scenes which give the impression of a quicky. I would maybe cut the cinematic video and have more scenes with some dirty talk or else. Maybe much easier to do and gives more lively content when you know what I mean. Hard to explain. Anyhow its nicely made and my comments are based on personal taste anyhow :) Give it all a try, I like it sofar.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The animations and renders are very good, as everyone else has pointed out, but the dialogue is some real reddit tier cringe. At least it seems to be written by someone who actually speaks English, but barely any of it feels believable or natural at all.

    Maybe as someone in my twenties, I'm just too old to understand how young people speak to each other nowadays :unsure:.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Someone will need to chosee??/
    yeah for now is hard to do so,i can manage fine but will be very hard when the game comes to his med half,.
    i trying to be logical here and after playing last update,0.3 v34,ifound out that i didnt see in the beggiinig some of the problems i see now.
    something happends in the last update,[this one]that didint connect with me at all,and i found that strange bcs it did do the click on me in the beggining ,.
    when it comes to renders models and animations is nice and fair ,game doesnt do wonders but deliver ,and we are lucky that dev is actually kinda of good in the storytelling narrativepart.
    but he comes the problemes for me after cheking all the game again,why give simone points if we know she isnt a Li?
    all the Li/s till now have some kinda of baggage some little and manageable some not so much....
    the nice gilrs apporach and the not idea girls approach do fo me more than the others[iam talking about caitlysn and sloane]lane si just jealous and lita dont give me enough good vibes to just fuck her, and mary dunno is not even in the picture for me,didnt even know she was a Li till now....[a wasted character]
    all the other women and models that by mine standars are and look so much better and more intersting the dev dont even give the chance to have some kind of rel,so no
    i cant chose right now,i f i have to chose i will chose chris,rose ,renata or aisline,those look much better ,ofc is my taste and somehow i tyred to keep an open mind,i dont have anu problem withsloane all the pthers characters lack something in the slef concious department,caitlin have a big problem at home,and she is waiting for a knoght on shinniig armor to save her,llita ,well she is bi,and isnt a problem itself but someone who cna dotch a partner so easy isnot going to do well in my eyes ,not matter if you partner willingly says is fine to fuck her,bcs well it isnt,too mych baggage and drama there,
    lane well not gonna lie she is the less appealing for me ,even shannon have more sex appealthan her,but i dont have the choice to say to her that ,i want to really know whats the dev idea if someone dontwant to fuck any of those Li's and go for the sode characters,
    true is never happend to me that after reaching some point in the story i prefer to be alone and a good friend to everyone here and not to even think to touch any if this girls.......
    scriopt whatsover is good enough for now,and also the quality of renders ,animations are alittle strange like some morphologci shit is happening when they are sucking the mc,......
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Basically i don't have a review at hand, i just couldn't get pass it without leaving a 5 star rating for the current (3.34) version.
    This isn't a game about copy&pasted stereotype LI models you get at 90% of the games (at least it feels like that) and it isn't about a all happy smiling fuck-a-round. Maybe it is a bit over the top with the amount of bad/dark stuff at the story/backstorys, but so is life sometimes for some people.
    What you get? Maybe a new point of view, top visuals and iirc there are just 2-3 other games with a animation quality close to it.
    What you need? Well, get your fantasy and mind along to fill the spaces the dev left empty, be it intentional or not (at least that's a pro point at my end, you get a setting and some guidance, not a manual).

    Keep it up
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a reason why The Hellcat Lounge has so many 5 star ratings, download this sublime VN and find out yourselves!

    No, wait, theres a fuckton of reasons why this VN is simply magnificent. And my words will do it little justice.

    The story is unique. The models are unique. The humour is in your face? If you're looking for a harem full of insipid big ass/big tits fantasy girls, then I'd suggest you find another gig. But if you are a fan of a good story, a positive and gifted MC who finds themselves in a sexy and emotionally-charged narrative, then pop into The Hellcat Loungen grab a beer and prepare to be entertained.

    Grats to the devs. And thanks to the reviewers who persuaded me try a different type of bar, one that I will always remember.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really deserves a higher score in my opinion. It has two things that are some of the best I've seen. Mainly, it has some of the best renders of any Daz game I've seen, and it has some of the best Daz animations I've ever seen.

    Apart from those two great things, it has enjoyable writing, good characters, with realistic bodies, no tire sized boobs here.

    A lot of the reviews are complaining about tattooed girls, that's bullshit, you should be able to see that before downloading.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I am a straight male and I would let MC step on me like a dirty carpet. Ignore that first sentence because I had to get that out of the way first.

    I like the unique look of the girls and the art style this game presents, as well as a promising start that may have a better take on the lifestyle and love life of a true rockstar, unlike another title that has tried it in the past.

    Highly look forward to future updates as this game checks every box and might fulfill the promises it makes to be in the future.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, the renders, models and animations are superb. The rest, however, could be better.
    There isn't really much story to speak of at the moment and the pace of the game is way too fast and it's kinda hard to take anything seriously, as basically every woman loses her panties, as soon as they see MC. It's absolutely overwhelming. I would rate it 3.5, but since I can't, I'll go with 4, because I think it has great potential when more updates come.