VN - Ren'Py - The Hellcat Lounge [v0.3.67] [Wilson Wonka]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Definitely give this one a try but be prepared for one major letdown at the end of each lewd scene. Feel free to ignore other comments about how LIs just throw themselves at the MC as they're either not reading the story or choosing to ignore it..

    The Good:
    • LIs are attractive without the bar feeling like super model central. We haven't seen too much of their personalities but the models themselves are nicely distinct.
    • There is just something about how the scenes in the bar play out that makes this game stand out amongst it's peers. They feel a lot more real then is normal thanks to the animations and little details (good example of this is the interactions with Punk. He has a tiny bit part but its inclusion adds to the scene).
    • Animations are really well done (except for a few exceptions mentioned below)
    • Early days but so far the story makes sense and writing is solid. Feels like it's going to be a fairly simple story but that doesn't mean it'll won't be enjoyable.
    • Action starts off fairly fast BUT it's done in a way that makes sense. Between the fact we're talking about a bunch of 20 somethings who spend their time living the fast life and the LIs having wanted the MC for years now it's pretty easy to accept that things are going to go fast. There is another LI who has nothing to do with the bar though and just met the MC so hopefully she'll provide some of that slow burn you may be looking for.
    The Meh:
    • There are two girls in the final lewd scene and one of them is using a very poor looking model. It's a bit of a weird disconnect to be honest.

    The Ugly:
    1. All lewd animations just end abruptly as if the MC isn't allowed to orgasm.. it's definitely a pretty big flaw that keeps this from being a 5.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Is a very strong start, I like te music and animations. The humor is quite good as well.

    Personally i am not that much of a fan of big tattoo's but here they don't distract from the action .

    I wish the developer the best off luck and will be keeping an eye on this game for future updates .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking great game


    +Fucking characters
    +Fucking banter
    +Fucking render quality
    +Fucking animations
    +Fucking sex scenes
    +Fucking music
    +Fucking tattoos
    +Fucking swearing


    -No fucking Chris

    Fucking play it now
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a bad start at all. Renders are really nice, as well as the animations. The girls all look good, but I really hope Cris is an option. She isn't listed as an LI on the developers patreon so...;(. So far she has been the most appealing to me in looks and personality, so hopefully this may change.

    What I am not too keen on so far, is that the girls are all just so ready and keen to jump on the MC's dick...for absolutely no reason. This is common in so many VN's and with the quality of the renders, and the fact that developers like STWAdev who are really good at writing believable and immersive characters with relationship building recommended this VN I was expecting a bit more flair in the romance department. But no, the girls are all playing a game on who gets the MC's dick ...for whatever reason and are really not wasting any time in getting it. The sex scenes also end very abruptly and without any actual climax, despite being really nicely animated.

    You don't even get to know any of the "love interests" (more like lust interests honestly) on a personal level so far, it's just "hey, wanna fuck" type stuff. Which I guess people are going to like but I am not one of those. I would honestly give this VN 3 stars so far if we were going purely off of the plot since it's a little meh to me as of now. But everything else is good, so it gets 4.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start! The animations were top shelf and I enjoyed the setting at the bar. This one is much different than the usual you see here and I'm pretty happy you took this road. Sometimes you play a first edition and cringe.. but I'm sitting here and can't wait for more!
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    The Wicked One

    It’s a rare occurrence that I fall in love with an Adult VN game in Chapter 1. Unfortunately, a TON of VNs tend to follow the very common, and very exploitable, “slow-burn” formula that tends to not pay off at all. However, from the jump, The Hellcat Lounge is incredibly interesting, fun, and pays off immediately.

    First and foremost, the design, and writing for each of the ridiculously hot girls featured in your VN is absolute top-tier. I am having a hell of a time picking a favorite.

    Second, the animation: *slow clap. Holy damn! Really good. I don’t why, but anytime I saw a stellar animation pop up in your game I thought back to a developer’s recent “claim” that his “animation was the best.” and yadda. Nah, yours is, dude.

    The sex-scenes were awesome, and the girls were hot, but they are lacking in the “climax” if you know what I mean. The threesome at the end was hot, but it just sort of… ends, without any sort of exciting finish.

    Lastly, your story is really well done, and you pulled off the impossible. I actually sat through the first “band-meeting” where 4 dudes were together. Somehow, you made me interested in a subplot involving 4 dudes, and zero chicks.

    Overall, well done. Keep up the good work, and I wish you a ton of success with your game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game is:


    - Fantastic Renders
    - Great Scenes
    - Great Story
    - Great Animations
    - Beautiful Tattoos


    The Dev must Love people with Tattoos, because I believe all characters have lots of them, the animations leave nothing left for your Imagination, with great scenes all through the Game, I could have kept playing for hours without getting bored.
    All I can say is Awesome.
  8. 3.00 star(s)



    Fap: no - scenes are cool but how they are lined up is not really good, no cumshots or creampies? they just suddenly are finished, also because there are animations - you cannot enjoy a specific picture etc., maybe the adult part is not this important here despite the effort put in the animations.

    Artwork: the quality of the artworks itself is really good. you cannot complain

    MC: quiet the cool guy, with different replies you can play him like you want, even a none sex route it seems which I really like. :D

    Story: I don't see a bigger plot yet except of the "love challenge" which will continue, but otherwise there is nothing spectacular going on, must not mean something bad though. if it will be a drama free story where you can just have fun with all the girls, who am I to complain lol.

    Cons: sex scenes are strangely set up and have no "end"?, described above,

    Feelings: no bad feelings for me,
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    Characters: all are very good looking characters, from the personalities - I don't see much differences, there is that shy book girl but all the other are just trying to jump the dick and are fun to talk to - so they seem like all having the same "slut" character but different look, I hope you get to know them better once there is more progress

    Dick: seems average, it is okay

    Fetishes: no specific, but I like all the tatts and piercings and the overall scenes this story is playing in.

    For me I don't know the direction it will really go from the whole story point and what is happening. Because all girls look like sluts for now, it is really hard to pick a favourite, with such friends, I have to say, I would stay single and mingle openly with whatever girl I want, less stress for everybody. But I would like to have the sex scenes not rushed this much and being able to enjoy them more.

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN has got hot girls, top tier animations + art, and a great story ready to unfold. Definitely has a lot of potential to be one of the greatest VNs this generation. What more could ya ask for? 10/10.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Only first release, so stuff could change, but so far, great! The writing and dialog is solid. The music is great. The renders and animation are top notch, and really well done. The characters, including the MC, are all very distinct looking, which is always a nice thing from games on here.

    I have no real complaints, but since it is the first release, I have a nitpick of 2 that the dev could maybe look into. I love the little 'animations' that pop up all the time, good way of visual storytelling, but sometimes they are almost too fast! Some of them have great facial expression and stuff, but are over so fast you have to scroll back to appreciate it. The other thing I found a little odd was how the last sex scenes ended. Kind of just very abruptly. No finish, if you get my meaning?! Don't know if that's done on purpose, like we're supposed to think that the MC didn't finish? That's what it seems. If he does finish, that should be at the end of each of the scenes.

    All in all, very excited to see where this game goes and how it develops. I don't usually like to compare games on here, but this beginning reminds me somewhat of Artemis, just with the unique characters, and MC starting kinda down, and the nice visuals. Great work so far WW! A must play I think.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great Game. The Renders are insane, the Girls are hot af...

    The Story looks interresting: I wonder were this goes.

    I wish this dev good luck with this and i'm hopefully for new updates soon :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    the great: the best renders, awesome animations, the girls are smoking hot, great writing. great graphics and UI.

    the OK: the silences and pauses before animations are sort of confusing

    the bad: none what so ever!

    cant wait to see where this goes!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Hank Rockwell

    *as of 0.1 0*
    Amazing VN! the art is probably the best there is as far as Daz VN's, great soundtrack and a great story. The girls are incedible and the animations are incredible, undoubtedly the best animations in a VN! One of the most finely crafted VN's out there I expect this game to be in the top 10 right away!

    What more do you need, shut up and play it!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v 0.10.00 (initial)

    Honestly when it comes to initial releases I don't expect much and most of the time I will not even rate. This one was worth rating for sure. However since it is first release the review is subject to change.

    Story-wise it is too early to say how much depth will come into play. It has a decent, but not entirely original base. However it has a lot of potential avenues when you are talking about a rock bar and bands. So I am not really doing much rating on this.

    Main character has some potential depth. He is not a little unsure dude like too many stories have in place. Got tats, which is a nice change from the clean cut norm. He is funny and confident.

    The LIs are very solid and look beautiful and different. Not your far too common of line-up of personalities. It is a good mix.

    The animations are stunning. Defiantly in the top echelon of games found here. Same with the overall graphics.

    The only negative that I would say is the lack of internal dialog from the MC. Granted I don't want it to be a wall of text, but often the ID gives somewhat of a narrator of what is going in with the MC and their thoughts.

    Overall I would give this initial release a 4.8. The story and such are really an incomplete right now being an initial release. The graphics and animation can carry this game a long ways by themselves, but it will need some more story to feel right. Small deduction for the lack of internal dialog, but that really is my personal preference. It is not as important to everyone.

    Great start!!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are very good and story seems interesting (its a challenge to see who gets to be our gf until summer ends). The text could be a liitle bigger,more impactful choices for the story (because for now its easy to know what are the best), dont make the girls to slutty (everyone seems to want our dick), make Cris a LI (she very interesting). Overall good game with huge potental.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    I do not like reviewing first releases, but this one is special for sure. What a fucking gamechanger. First of all, the writing, renders and animations are all top notch. I really like the soundtrack and I feel like it fits the game extremely well too.

    The thing that to me felt gamechanging were the render sequences Wilson put in. Not really animations, but a series of renders playing out in succession without the need for the player to click. These were fucking excellent and frequent, and I think they did so much for this game. It allows characters to go through a range of facial expressions naturally and do things like look down or at or away from the MC. All of this means this game conveys the emotions of the characters without using written words far better than any other VN I've ever played.

    The way the main cast was introduced is worth gushing about too. It felt natural and there was a good reason the main cast of LIs were kind of being paraded in front of MC. It also gave us excellent little snapshots of their personalities. Just really good writing.

    Having pretty much deepthroated this game, I should probably find something to nitpick. The animations during sex scenes are really good, great work Puggy, but I wish there was dialogue during them. Rather the game opts for renders with dialogue, and then an animation that you can watch as long as you want without any text. I'd like dialogue during the animations, even if it's just panting, moaning and swearing or whatever. That's obviously a personal preference though. Also, no real cumshots, no choice of where MC blows his load or sense of where it ended up. I'd love to see that in future releases. Again, that might just be me though.

    Also, there were definitely some lovely feet on display here and there (especially from Lita), but as Wilson is perhaps the most accomplished foot-renderer out there, I request more feet!

    All in all I loved this game and cannot recommend giving it a chance enough!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy faak! Love this game! seriously liked everything :love: Didnt skip text once, and thats not often. The models looked perfect :D The tatoos was perfect on everyone. Really looking forward to the next update :D
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This one like a breath of fresh air after countless dead fathers and living in mother's houses.

    Punk, Metal bands, gigs, all of that clicking with me, cuz I was swimming in that water for a while.
    Although I'm not really into oldschool punk/hardcore it was nice to hear it again.
    I can relate to that drummer joke a lot, if only it was a joke :D

    I liked the writing and those couple minutes with girls. Story and narration feels very well and natural.

    Visuals, assets diversity, animations - all good. Exception: transitions a bit slow. And maybe I didnt figure smth but one time there's a sex scene and "Click to continue", next moment it's over and folks cuddling. Another thing I didn't like - almost no talking during sex, only between acts. Dirty talk and sex conversations making these games a great turn on and it feels bad without it.

    It's very small now. 30-40 min tops. Idk when dev started but I want more so fckn badly. Awesome game.

    Good luck, dev !
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Off to an AMAZING start with this one! One of the best renderings/animated scenes ive scene that came from a new release. Would love to see some squirting, cream pies, or facial in a future update. But otherwise, this was just amazing, and I cant wait to see more
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    The Hellcat Lounge [v0.10.00]
    This one caught my eye. I would say, it’s pretty good. But unfortunately, it has its issues.

    The Good:
    • The renders. Probably one of the best.
    • The models. They are super hot.
    • Smooth animations
    • Good use of transitions

    The average:
    • The story (Unsure of it at the moment.)
    • The music (I would call it good, but there are issues that I will explain later.)
    • Unsure about the character's personalities

    The bad:
    • For an Adult Visual Novel, the game has lacking in the Novel part. By a considerable margin. There are no inner thoughts of the MC that I am playing with. No narration. No such thing as, how the main character is feeling when he is fucking, how her mouth feels, etc. The writing part is very very lacking.
    • The choices there feel kind of empty. The ones there are like, fuck her or don’t fuck her. They lack any actual weight.
    • The music. I liked it initially, but when the sex scene started, the music suddenly feels plain. It kills the mood during the sex scene. This cuts the points for the music.
    To conclude, the game has good visuals, but that's about it. It needs to fix the issues immediately.