Wolf RPG - Completed - The Hero Trial [Full Moon Higure]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Full Disclosure: I am giving this game 5 stars on it's merits as a game, not as a sex game. Not that the loli maid girl isn't cute, but I'm not particularly into the scenes themselves, though I'm sure plenty would be.

    But I absolutely love the game itself. It's a very challenging dungeon crawling puzzle game that had me absolutely hooked over the 30 hours I put into it. Just like the loli maid, this game loves to kick your ass. Especially when you put on your big boy pants and take on Hard mode. Supremely difficult and rewarding, I could not stop until I conquered this game and I loved every minute of it. I wish there were more games like this that I knew of, regardless of being a sexy game or just mainstream.