Wolf RPG - Completed - The Imperial Gatekeeper [v1.75] [Tengsten]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pushing all my buttons... it's perfect for me. I first played it years ago and come back to it time and time again. I'm sure it has flaws, maybe even a lot, my brain simply can't perceive them.

    Rating: kink/5
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    "Papers, Please" rip-off? We do not care

    It's a really well-designed little game that will leave you with a sense of discovery until the very end.

    The main premise if that it's a game first and "content" second, and it does a really good job at pacing all gameplay mechanics in such a way so that the player is never confused or overwhelmed. Every new gameplay element is introduced after a while, so you always have enough time to get used to them.
    New mechanics will be discovered until the story's ending, and yes, this game does have a plot. It doesn't take stars off the sky, but it's pretty neat and cute nonetheless. It also has side-characters with non-animated intimate scenes.
    There is an in-game shop that sells perma upgrades and consumables, and there are some that are clearly better than the others, but the more units of an item you buy, the more expensive it becomes, so you're encouraged to use every tool at your disposal. Speaking of economy - the game isn't grindy, there is never a feeling that you have to tediously farm money or reputation.
    As far as the "content" goes - yes, animations aren't advanced, but they don't have to be, they do their purpose just right. Game appeases the feeling of domination, sadism and superiority with it's visuals really well as it is.

    Summarizing all the mentioned - you can fuck 2B, so 10/10.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Well its was a realy fun game to play with interesting desings and gameplay. . . .
    This its just a rip off of papaers please with some Lewd Cgs and a very bad animations. The gameplay becomes an grinding hell just in the first stage and in the last chapther its when you can fuck freely everythings but still very Grindy gameplay with alot of Great Desings but to shity animated to wank with.
    Still its was fun to play so thats the reason why i did not put a lower rating and the sound effects and Va are nice soo 5/10 Nice game Meh wank.
    (Sorry for my bad english)
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7655918

    I've cummed so much to this game my dick hurt, it's that good.

    Bratty girl wanna pass to see her boyfriend? - Let's see if she carry weapons under that skirt...
    She's hasty to go meet him? - Teach her a lesson with a nympho potion
    Mark her body with tattoos as your personal slut
    Fill her with semen
    Call the other guards to abuse her, get $$$ for the service and let her meet her boyfriend like that

    Girls with all kind of personalities and bodies to check so we protect our beautiful empire. All hail the empire!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright game, content feels a little bit lacking. Gameplay is enjoyable but does grow stale after a few hours of play. Just a game to knock out some free time with in the afternoon, don't come looking for anything that will blow you away and you'll have a good time
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    People who have rated this game below 4 is crazy.
    Absolute madness I say.
    I know what happened, though.
    The game takes awhile until it gives you the ability to do more erotic things.
    And if you do not have the patience to actually learn and play the game, then this game is not for you.
    This is a real GAME.
    A god damn actual adult game that incorporated erotic genre to fun game play of Papers Please.
    This is one of the only games that your actual gameplay enhances the eroticism of the content (normally, they play separately or is used as time-waster)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best game you can find on the genre.

    So it is papers please but with sex, and really good mechanics. Some ither games in this genre like permit deny, feel kinda wonky. In here is is well made.

    Overall if you are looking for a papers please, then go on, you will not lose your time
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I was looking for a game similar to Papers Please. I tried "Where girls are made" and "Rapers, please" but they were both made very poorly. This game however I made very well. The gameplay is as good as in "Papers, please", or even better because of the sexual content.
    It constantly gives you more and more content. You start with almost nothing and basic gameplay and eventually finish as boss.
    I completed 100% of the game + content mod and I can tell it's great. NTR is avoidable for those who hate it.
    An excellent title, very recommended, especially for Papers, Please enjoyers, but it's absolutely not required to know the original title
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, very original. I love games with this random girl generation mechanic, similar to the almost abandoned SMA (I accept more recommendations xd).

    I would just like it to be longer in duration, adding more missions, scenes (not animated :(), and locations. Or simply release a sequel with more options for the girls and updated art.

    Perhaps I’ll look later to see if there are mods that add more types of girls.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Muy pocas veces eh jugado algo que me tome mas de una hora por terminar y disfrutado tanto en el proceso mi mas sincero agradecimiento al creador de este paper please con tetas.
    me hubiera gustado de alguna manera poder insertar tus propios personajes tipo koikatsu pero supongo que se nesecita conocimiento para poder hacer eso
    Likes: Mei_8
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    this is a point and click game where you act as a gatekeeper who inspect the documents, determine whether one should be passed or denied, and also doing naughty stuffs along the way.

    +unique fun gameplay: gameplay wise, this feels pretty fresh and unique. it requires you to think quickly and make snappy judgements, to get more points. however, you don't need to feel pressured to make the right choice all the time, since there's no penalty other than gaining less gold and slowing down your progress. the stages are well made, there are more things to inspect later which increases the difficulty and the fun.

    +good tutorials: tutorials are straight forward and well made, and also there are practice areas and advises if you get confused or forget.

    +helpful shops: they are actually nice tools to get such as flags which are very helpful to inspect only women or creams that make h contents easily obtainable.

    +various sexual acts: as the game progress there will be more variety of choices to be naughty such as stripping, groping, graffiti, traditional sex and even anal. you can have fun with the boys but to each his own.

    +easily completable gallery: you don't have to worry about missing stuff since you are bound to complete it along the way anyway

    -h contents not too sexy: art, animation, and sex memoir are decent at best, but hardly was a fap material to me

    -point and click can be tedious: there are a lot of clicks and also you want to do it quickly which may lead to frustration. i saw there's an option where you can use keyboard keys to open the items or pass/deny but it wasn't that helpful since you still need to click for call button and pass/deny button can't be active immediately after you click the call button.

    it's a good game but can't say it's a good game for enjoying h stuffs because it's a bit lack luster in that part. so, I'll give 3/5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game. It takes some time to unlock, but you can fuck/paizuri/buttjob/blowjob everyone. Males can be disabled too, just buy the red and blue flags in the 2nd city. Overall excellent molestation game, hope the creator is cooking up something new since the updates are done.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is clearly inspired by the paper, but it is very good, incredible, if it can have a sequel it would indeed be very important for the fans, if this was a success, it is already guaranteed (sorry for my bad English)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, to go mad with power, you can be nice Gatekeeper or let your twisted fantasy loose and extort the lady for the goods. This game can last you a few days at best. Highly recommend buying since it is available on steam.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, tried with the PCP patch and wow, it's repetitive until the third stage but oh boi, after that is just being the touchy with unlimited loads gatekeeper. The story is kinda simple but not bad, also in the PCP patch it's a fourth option (you'll see that late in the game) that doesn't work or i didn't know how to make it work)Totally recommended.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Innocent Squirrel

    This game is great and everyone knows that already.

    Anyway, here's a waffle recipe:

    1. Preheat waffle iron.
    2. In a bowl, mix 1¾ cups flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tbsp sugar, and a pinch of salt.
    3. In another bowl, whisk 2 eggs, 1¾ cups milk, and ⅓ cup melted butter.
    4. Combine wet and dry ingredients until smooth.
    5. Pour batter onto hot waffle iron.
    6. Cook until golden and crisp.
    7. Serve warm with toppings. Enjoy!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    If you, like me, have ever found yourself enjoying Papers Please and thinking to yourself "I wish I could molest and/or rape these applicants", then this game's for you.

    If you've never enjoyed Papers, Please, and it wasn't simply because you couldn't SA the applicants, then while the fact that you can do that in this game may take the edge off, I doubt it will make you suddenly enjoy the same gameplay loop in a different art style.

    Because that's what this game is. An easier Papers, Please where you get to SA the applicants, set in an anime fantasy world, with a decent enough story to carry you through the progression.

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  18. 3.00 star(s)


    As others have pointed out, the tutorial is really cool and well integrated into the story. The UI is snappy and well thought out. There is a good collection of NPCs and some are quite hot. The gameplay is innovative.

    But... it is ruined by being extremely grindy, and with few rewards for the grind. It's a shame to see such a good concept, with a technically great execution, not reach its potential.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is so BORING. You are just mindlessly clicking the same 3 buttons over and over for an hour waiting for something interesting to happen. The art is nice and that's it. There's barely any actual h-content and the gameplay is mind numbing. I have no idea where all these high ratings came from.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Rose emp

    The recent ratings on this as if they were expecting AAA quality hentai game and can't do it better themselves :eek:
    Jokes aside, this is a review on a game from 2019, please understand that it's kinda old.

    Version of this review [V1.75 + Procrastinatus Content Patch]

    The plot: ★★★★★
    Oh it's quite expandable! I mean I don't want to spoil, but you get more plots and missions as you go through the stages which will keep you engaged!

    The gameplay: ★★★★☆
    Just like papers, please (if you've played it before). The whole flow is similar throughout the stages, with the exception of content looking slightly different. The game starts slow, with limited options as you could only stamp papers based on the dates. But later on you will unlock more options and it becomes complex. It also helps you to learn as you progress more, and I find that very nice for newbies!

    The hentai scenes: ★★★☆☆
    The scenes aren't a lot, since you get them from playing the game and outcome of the plot! The animations are only powerpoint slides so it isn't smooth, and you might get tired of it since it's repetitive as you keep playing. It's slightly unique since you will encounter different NPCs through each stage.

    The audio: ★★★☆
    This game has more music than audio voices to be honest. There are sex sound effects, but none for voice which is kind of lame. You will always listen to the same music, and playing the game to do inspection has no music too.

    Edit: The tutorial
    Forgot to mention about in game tutorial. Compared to most games, I think this has the best tutorial for newbies. This game teaches you the mechanics while you are playing at the same time, which is really immersive and cool! Not a lot of games do that, since they give you tutorial and then skip straight to action.

    In conclusion, it's just as you think what this game is about. The people working on the patch did their best to add more content, which I think is quite plenty for this old game.