Unity - Completed - The Impregnation of the Elves [v1.0.0.7] [Eternal Alice]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The art and the scenes of this game are amazing, it's basically what everyone would want from these kind of games and we should be happy and rating 5* because the game delivers on that aspect...right? well, that's IF you get to see more than 2 CG's, because oh yeah, this is one of THOSE games. What kind of games im refering to, you may ask? the ones where the gameplay is fucked beyond belief.

    The gameplay its really bugged and no one actually tested it because no one in their right mind would sit there doing 1 damage to the enemy till their armor breaks so the only solution to this is either cheat or downloading a savefile with the gallery unlocked, the latter being the best option since even if you beat a girl you might encounter yourself with the Black Screen of Death™
    Some people shared some strategy in how to overcome this but honestly if i can't just start the game and get it right my first or even my second try it's the game's fault, not mine, after all i'm a stupid orc with my dick out wanting to get some elf pussy.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    wanted to fap, not play OSU. linear story, gameplay is somewhat interesting, art is okay but could use more variations, difficulty spikes on the last 2 levels which too me quite a few tries to finish. overall an average hentai game i'd say
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's more fun watch the grass grow , combat is slow (painfully slow) and there is no decision making beyond the distribution of some points
    an irrecoverable waste of time, not even art is more than acceptable
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not too bad, but not amazing either.

    Combat takes a bit to adjust to, your dex stat is actually important as it's what triggers your defense. For easy level grind just reduce HP and dex to as low as possible as you only get stat points on loss not based on damage or anything like that.

    The art is pretty good, the in battle sex scenes are decent but again, nothing super good. The story is alright and while there isn't really any replay or depth to it or the sex scenes they are, as is the theme with this game, not bad.

    The combat is actually pretty decent for what it is, each enemy requires a different strategy and while you can stat stick to make it easier you'll still need to engage with the game's systems. You can respec freely at any time so playing around with builds is encouraged.

    Overall not at all bad, not the best in this style of game but there aren't that many out there so more is always welcome.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Typical mid-low effort jap game. Great art, made for manga, pictures cobbled together in some "game" form.

    Nothing else interesting, boring as hell. Is it worthless? One play and toss it into oblivion kinda worth.

    I suggest not to waste time like I did.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Worth playing maybe once?
    Art is solid. Gameplay is kind of grindy? But overall fairly quick and easy.
    Solid 3.5 stars. Would be much better if the defeat/victory screens were also animated. Also would appreciate if the mid battle animated scenes were also in the gallery post game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I thought it would be hard to fuck up the JSK formula yet here we are. It's one game's worth of mechanics and scenes spread out over 6 games worth of grind. The attempt to add mid-battle sex really doesn't work out because each enemy only has one super mediocre mid-battle scene that's an absolute chore to end. So you get extra grind to pump up the stat you need to avoid those segments. Which is a pretty terrible spot for a porn game to be in. And the rest of the scenes are just a result of winning or losing a battle so there's no other integration with the gameplay, unlike the games that inspired this one. All the scenes are animated and decently drawn, but the animation is pretty janky and the art doesn't capture as much eroticism as I've seen from artists with far less skill.

    Maybe if you're really into femdom the massive amounts of forced losses will tickle your fancy and the scenes might actually do something for you, but I don't think anyone else will be happy they spent their time here.