HTML - Abandoned - The Influence [v0.12] [MrNovaX]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    there is very little content here and all character development lines are left empty. Due to the Abandoned status at v0.12, I am considering this "done", and thus it is a 1-star experience. Don't bother unless dev actively pursues again (which I think would be great, because the setting and plot are ripe for erotic content).
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a beat for beat clone of A Spell for All, that's about as much or as little as you need to know about this game right now.

    That, and all the characters are shallow AF. You have no choice over what kind of "influence" you have over them, the only route is to make them mindless bimbos, and this happens in record time with little effort. There's no sense of effort or sense of achievement to be found. You enter a location, flick your fingers, leave, come back, flick your fingers, they're now your mindless slave (not that they had much of a mind previously).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably my favorite HTML game,
    corruption as well as a not to flat background story make this a very strong game although its pretty early developement stage. I hope it continues to build upon its strengths and expands on them.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very strong first release, especially for an HTML game. There are plenty of locations, but a manageable number of characters to start with. It has the beginnings of a satisfyingly ambitious story, but it doesn’t linger on it too long as most of all that is still yet to come. There is a healthy amount you can do to start corrupting each girl. It’s good. That being said, it absolutely has weaknesses as well as strengths, so, here we go…

    Pros (that I can think of):

    • Excellent UI and GUI aesthetic
    • Really good/sexy actress choices for the characters
    • Strong, consistent writing with few grammatical/spelling errors
    • Side quests that actually involve some thought
    • Lots of potential for the corruption mechanic
    Cons (that I can think of):

    • The navigation can get tedious/ confusing
    • Difficult to figure out where you’re supposed to go or what you’re supposed to do
    • Very hard to tell when you’ve reached the end of available content or there is more you can still do
    • Corruption mechanic is underdeveloped (it is a first release so that’s understandable)
    • I encountered a couple of dead-end paths that meant I needed to load an old save (), and a logic error with the lawn mower scene
    • Still new and therefore light on available content
    I am excited to see what the future hold for this game and am eagerly awaiting the next release.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This is just bad, stay away.
    Everything seems to progress fine at first, but then you are stuck, asked to do something to progress to the next level, but it is impossible.

    Nothing happens at this point, you go from place to place and nothing new shows up.
    You can work, buy thing, this have no effect.
    File folder seems to indicate that there is a lot of content, but almost nothing of that is available in the game.
    You end up spending far to much time walking around without purpose before realizing, this is just a waste of time.

    If this changes I will remove this review, but as for now this is a no go.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Mount Parnassus

    The game shows much promise. Aside from having an unusual amount of content for a first release, it also has a very interesting story and a well-developed world. I've fallen for this game and greatly wish for it's continuity. Congratulations to the dev and good luck in the future.