Ren'Py - The Inn [Ch. 2 v1.01.03] [Lykanz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the humor and memes. For a game that really loads up on internet memes and references, I didn't expect the story and relationship progression to work so well.

    Each major scene is really well developed on its own; however, as a whole the story is very disjointed between the first half and second half of the content so far. It almost seems like 2 different games because the MC goes somewhere to lay down new roots in a rural area, and then he leaves that setting, which I had assumed the game would be focused around, and the rest of the game so far is with entirely different characters and in a settings far away from where the first part took place (seemingly). With that said, I don't dislike where the game is going it's just unexpected when the game is named The Inn, so I expect it to revolve around 1 place most of the time.

    Anyways, the art and animations are outstanding and the scenes are hot and fulfilling. Each character feels unique and the relationship building feels genuine enough (for an AVN).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome & Humors Game. Here you can choose between the sandbox way and the VN way of playing. You won't miss scenes in the VN way(I recommend choosing this). A good amount of content for day 10. I played with the IC patch, it's hotter than without the patch. Good CG and animations. Awesome Bike Animations & Segs Scenes. Please add broken English/funny-cute conversation with LINDA. Milf is Hot.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game. Not a huge amount of content, but what it has is pretty good and he doesn't waste a lot of time with bullshit. Note: I am reviewing the patched version, since people agonizing about the morality of fucking their best friend or land lady is even more ridiculous than incest.

    * Girls are about as hot as you're going to find in a Honey Select game
    * Characters are generally pretty likable. The NPC is your traditional H-game moron, but written in an engaging way.
    * Simple, straightforward plot. Yes it's a sandbox, but you're led by the nose so it's basically a VN with a clunkier "click for the next scene" system.
    * The game is self-aware enough that it chooses "silly" over "stupid" every time. For example, there are some implausible and hackneyed setups for the incest, but they play with a wink and a smile, which makes them fun instead of irritating.
    * UX is better than average quality. It has some weaknesses (*cough* phone bugs *cough*), but generally it's pretty sweet.
    * Lots of animations, and the quality is good. Not just the lewd scenes either-- there's a lot of love put into the highway stuff and it shows.

    * Not that much content for how long the game has been out there, very likely because of the large number of quality animations.
    * I get the impression that the dev has some scar tissue from dealing with the self-insert penis-waver crowd. For example, none of the named girls touch each other, so if you're looking for hot lesbian shit keep looking. (There is a pretty sexy glory-hole 3-way scene with random NPCs, though.)
    * People obviously not from the American South should not try to write characters using that accent. You don't do it right. Just stop.
    * Overuse of the 4th-wall-break device
    * This is a taste thing and many will regard this as a pro, but if you don't like giant distorted tits then you're out of luck here, it's basically unavoidable.

    Also, just in case some poor sod is looking for a business sim along the lines of <insert your favorite brothel game here>: No, the actual "inn" makes a brief cameo for like one scene and is barely even mentioned after that. It's basically a slice-of-life game (loser MC who lives at home and girls throw themselves at him because he's hung like a grandfather clock).
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Tim Long Curry

    Review of Version: 0.07.10

    Great writing. The Inn is definitely one of the top three funniest games that I've found on this site, and the characters are all memorable in their own ways. And while the overarching story seems to be just getting started really, what is there so far is more than good enough.

    Good models. All of the main girls look amazing by Honey Select standers, and each cater to different tastes and niches. The men all look oddly Asian no matter what ethnicity they're supposed to be, but that's just how Honey Select males work sadly.

    Quite a few well done animations. Some sexy, some funny, and some seemingly just for fun.

    The sandbox mode is not only completely optional, but SO FAR also completely painless if you do use it. While this may change in the future, as there are hints of far more sandboxy bullshit that might become a thing when you actually get around to opening the titular inn, as of yet sandbox mode just adds a some more options and jokes for you to find, and I recommend using it for now unless the thought of a few dozen extra clicks in your playthrough gives you hives.

    Lykanz clearly has fabulous taste in both music and memes. Some may say that this game relies too much on dated memes for it's humor, but I say that only the most plebeian of zoomers can't appreciate a finely aged vintage meme every now and then.

    The UI might take a bit to get used to, it's not bad at all, just different than you might be expecting. I almost want to list this as a pro since Lykanz has obviously put a lot of work into making this game stand out from the same old low effort patterns that most Ren'Py games tend to fall into, and this is just one more part of that, but I figured it's worth pointing out all the same.

    The game has this thing where when you see someone in a particularly sexy pose or outfit, it will zoom in on the image a pan up and down. This WOULD be a good thing, but it never seems to give you the chance to see the full picture all at once. Maybe the Gallery would give you the full shots, but the one bug I found in the game is that it won't let you open the Gallery and kicks you to the main menu if you try, someone else has pointed the Gallery bug out to Lykanz so hopefully it'll be fixed next update, but for now that's a thing.

    Lykanz has said that he's not sure if you'll be able to impregnate everyone. And if the game ends with out you being able to knock up at least the four main girls that would be, like, a negative 35 Stars to the game rating right there. But that's a future worry, and hopefully such a dark and unbased fate will never come to pass.

    Game good. You like the funnies and big tities? Play, you will enjoy.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The inn [v0.07.10]

    This one is very much underrated game. This one surely deserves more attention. Renders are good for a HS game and smooth and great animations. There is sound which gives more immersive feeling. Models are good. All the characters are fun and they got their own personalities. My fav is little sister. She is surely a muse. She is so much fun and a tsundere. The main positive part of the game is humor. It's very much enjoyable. If you are a weeb you are surely gonna enjoy this game. There is many references in this game like anime,meme, and much more. You can also see characters from other game in some random scenes or background. And about the sandbox part : not a grindy sandbox. You don't have to roam around many doors and room. No need to go to a specific location on a specific time. No need to skip the time. You can simply click on the lower part of the screen where you can find different rooms. There is a star symbol on the room where an event is happening. Just simply click on there.

    This one is surely a hidden gem. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates.

    + Animations
    + Characters
    + Humor
    + Many references
    + Not grindy sandbox
    + Sound effects
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok so ive played this latest update and man was is stunned with the amount of work put into it, also the game runs smooth as fck now which i appreciate very much. The amount of actual romance and romantic atmosphere in the new event is something which is hard to pull of i feel but daaaamn was it done well! Cant wait for more dude the love and care put into this game is insane and it shows, also some of the most believable "tenant,roommate,landlady relationships ive seen. Will be pledging as soon as soon as my poor student wallet will allow me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game, very exciting and fun to play! I just finished the whole game, and I was stunned at the amount of detail added in the gameplay. It feels like a real life experience, MC is engaged on so many levels. Events feel like they're happening in real-time, the build up and story is fantastic!

    Animations are amazing, artwork is very, very good. Female characters are beautiful, and the love scenes are really HOT!

    I'm glad I found this game, and I can't wait to see how everything unfolds. There is currently a TON of content in this version [v0.07.10] and I strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a Good game to play.

    Thanks, Dev for your outstanding work!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game! I was pleasantly surprised when I downloaded a Public Version from here. I immediately pledged because I wanted more! No regrets at all! Usually, there is an update waiting for me at the first of the month. It is the perfect pick-me-up after crying because I pay so much for rent.

    A quick Pros and Cons list to quickly sum everything up:

    - Great cast of characters. Mike is the typical MC, but we are not here to talk about him. We’re here for the Love Interests. There is Joana, Valentina, and Luana. Each have distinct personalities. We can’t forget about Linda Mae even though it will be some time until we go back to her.

    - It’s hilarious. Tons of meme references. I haven’t laughed so much playing an AVN. Poor Weird Guy (I think he was given the name Phil much later on) He should've never peeped in the Glory Hole.

    - Top tier animations, definite top five in all the games out right now, in my opinion. Smooth and multiple angles.

    -There’s no actual Inn. This doesn't affect me in any way, but poor Lykanz has to hear the same redundant joke day in and day out.

    Overall, you have to respect the amount of work that Lykanz puts in each month.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    version reviewed: v0.07.09

    +the good:
    the characters
    the renders
    the sex scenes

    -the bad:
    Lots of cheap jokes!
    If I want to laugh I watch a stand up comedy show. After awhile it totally kills the mood.

    This was on my favorites list for awhile but I decided to stop following it. The turning point was a joke about a sound file on the protagonists phone which was a women loudly cuming with an intendedly too high level of sound. It was hilarious but in the mean time it made me angry. Remember those prank videos where at the end there is a very loud jump scare?
    I can't take this seriously anymore. I'm too old for these jokes.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Man, it was so easy to decide on a game score. The graphics are decent but the story is mid. The character models are ight too (except for the MC who has a face that looks like Max's life and every other character in the Honey Select game which annoys me for some reason). not to mention the silly weird fake ntr tease by the dev, while the premise is pretty good, there's nothing to play for here. Its graphics are not good enough to justify the file. Size. I liked the Filthy Frank reference tho it made me smile.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    I'm Canadian bub

    In my opinion, this is a top-tier game. The gameplay, graphics, and UI are very well done, but by god, the writing really makes its mark. It's active and engaging and I really love how well-crafted the characters are in this game. It really took me by surprise considering what type of game this is as well as how it's marketed. The women are all clever and robust individuals who actually care about their own existence which is a breath of fresh air in a world with a lack of such characters.

    I only mentioned the women for a reason, for I do have a gripe there. The characters keep saying Mike is dense, but goddamn, he is DENSE. So dense reading how idiotic he is has me feeling like I'm attempting to watch a rock think. At first, I dismissed it as just another porn game trope, but as I said this is written almost too well for just a porn game, so the humor of the trope falls flat for me. Especially since it's included in every introspective scene, a scene used to flesh out characters or to show us their growth. Just when I think he'll hopefully be a little less bone-headed, he goes and proves to me that his mind is on one track and one track alone.

    That being said, don't worry it's no major issue, if anything it's an issue substantially alleviated by the circumstances surrounding the writing. If this were a highly published novel, like fifty shades or twilight, and not an adult visual novel with sandbox elements then the issue would be more significant. Throw the damn thing away to never see the light of day kind of affair, if you know what I mean. But this is not a highly published book, so the magnitude of disapproval is no greater than an eye roll and head shake.

    The dev is well aware of what the game is and doesn't let the game become too self-absorbed so it's pointless to hold them accountable for the game's sometimes over-abundant levity.

    Another issue is the lack of content. It's futile to dwell on what has probably been mentioned a hundred times, but, relative to the duration of development and frequent releases, the actual quantity of what is playable is too limited. Replayability is sorely lacking, and that's putting it somewhat lightly.

    The game is still a very good time though, on a once-in-a-while occasion.

    I'd give this game a solid four out of five.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    My impression on this game/VN is that its average at best.

    What i like about it:
    Renders are pretty high quality.

    The design on the chicks are hot.

    The personalities on the chicks is very varying and interesting without being repetetive

    The grammar and spelling is great.

    What i dislike:

    The MC, not only is he damn ugly but he acts too much like an insecure virgin despite having plenty of experience. He's also pretty dumb, i dont know if thats for comedic purposes, however i dont find it funny.

    The sandbox, i really dislike the sandbox aspect in almost all games mostly because developers usually fuck things up, although Lykanz has made the sandbox part easy to grasp and understand, sandbox is still the bane of my existence.

    The phone messaging feature, While very interesting and well made, it feels somewhat wonky for some reason, i dont know why, i just feel that way, lol.

    and lastly, the comedy, its more annoying than funny, but that might just be me hating comedy in general.

    All in all, it was a moderately enjoyable game/VN.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    v 0.07.08

    Would recommend(y)

    This game doesn't take itself too seriously, and that's a good thing. Plenty of eye candy from the beginning, actually written in English, enough humor and boobie density to keep you from skipping through.

    The Inn is refreshingly unpretentious. It knows it's a porn game and doesn't try to tell you some long-winded, dark and detailed story. Which isn't to say the story is bad (even if unoriginal), it's just lighthearted and unburdened throughout.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.07.05

    Welp, this one sure is special, isn't it?


    First thing: Probably by far the funniest lewd game i've played. The game doesn't take itself seriously (most of the time) at all and constantly throw memes, easters eggs, jokes, gags and all kinds of culture references. It was honestly really fun to play through just on that alone.

    All the characters are really damn fun and interesting. They feel genuinely unique and while there is a few cliché bits (Younger sister in love with bro, mom who is secretly a horny ass woman with huge knockers, etc...), i think it's refreshing that the game doesn't try to shy away to it and embrace them fully. Also, i love their designs, coupled with a great care for facial and body expressions, which make them so much more relatable and alive than browsing between very basics inexpressive faces like we're used to.

    I personally love that it focus on a substantially small crew of people (4 romanceable characters) instead of shitting out 30 different people that you're supposed to keep track of. Also, the MC isn't a clueless dumbfuck that somehow attract top models based on nothing but shitty writing.

    And despite the overall very goofy and funny attitude of the game, it does have a few sparse, but important serious notes when it matters. I love this actually, as the contrast between the happy and sad moments, making each stand out more between them rather than being a single color all the way.

    The dialogue is clean and well written, and doesn't drag out for years on end, wishing you to just skip through it like a father going for milk only to find out you missed the one important bit through the mountain of tiresome talk.

    Graphically, the game looks pretty average as it uses Honeyselect models, but eh, it serve it's purpose well enough.


    By far the biggest concern for this game is the slow pacing for content, and the overall amount of content it has right now. For a game that came out in 2018, i was genuinely surprised how there is a relatively small amount of content in general. There is a few lewd scenes, but there is only one route that i'm aware off that's really juicy, with the other routes being in development and not offering much beside nekkid girls and maybe some foreplay. And even then, there isn't a lot of it.

    To give you an idea, the current amount of events happens on a 10-day course.

    This is mostly due to the choice of how the content is displayed. Like many lewd games, they use a story board type (meaning every single image is constructed, posed and rendered separately) which is notoriously very ineffective at delivering a substantial amount of content in a timely manner.

    Then there are the gameplay elements, which are currently unnecessarily complex for the current amount of content and structure of the story. It's the classic "Pick this option for affection/lust points to get sexy time, otherwise fuck yourself" where the player really has to pick the obviously point related choices in order to make positive progress in the game. And the player can get permanently stuck points wise because they didn't make enough "good" decisions.

    There is also the current mechanics where you can explore different rooms by clicking around, but what's the point when there is nothing for the player to explore, beside the already scripted events that you must go through anyway? The game obviously has a linear approach with branching points, so it's a useless system.

    All of that combined means the updates, while frequents, are usually not substantially enough at all to make it worthwhile to return to the game. You're better off waiting a year or two before so that you can get a decent amount of new stuff to explore.

    In short: this game is an absolute blast to play when it's your first playthrough. But sadly, you'll be let down by the overall small amount of content, which you can't expect to get larger anytime soon.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I was excited for the visuals of this game, nothing ground breaking, but better than most games on this site. But good lord the fourth wall breaks. The main character has entire conversations with the writer of the story. The game suffers from a case of "too much personality". Which is to say, it's all fourth wall and memes, and not any kind of real substance, at least for the thirty minutes or so of reading. Unfortunately the immersion killing jokes and fourth wall breaks killed all enthusiasm. I think the RE4 villager saying not one, not two, not three, but four lines from the game in rapid succession was the final nail.

    Wanted to like it, but certainly not made for me. If the writing above sounds like your cup of tea, I'm sure you'll love this game.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah, this is a classic ton of potential, all of it squandered situation.

    Graphics? As far as the world goes, if this was a few years ago, I'd say good. Now? Out of date and vastly underwhelming. As far as characters are concerned, you have the classic pretty faced girls and troll looking MC who somehow gets all the girls. It's a cliché that I really wish would pass on. I mean, come on, it's no that hard to spend a little time making a believably decent looking guy.

    As far as bodies go, it's like 50/50. Some girls look good and have realistic/attractive bodies, others not only need to find a gym but suffer from the incredibly unattractive trope of having beach balls for breasts. The MC isn't perfect either, his body is nice, but his dick is ever-changing, and it's kind of off-putting. In some scenes, it looks normal and has a decent size, in others it's randomly a lot smaller, and in some it looks like it was put through a roller made for metal pipes with how exaggerated the curve is on it. It looks gross.

    Animations? Not only lacking in the overall quantity, but the quality and variety leaves something to be desired, as well.

    Writing? Definitely not my cup of tea. The constant fourth wall breaks are immersion shattering, cringy, and just plain annoying. As far as memes go... Jesus Christ. Look, I can respect a well-placed meme in a game here and there. This game, however, is 50 percent memes, 50 percent everything else. It's - to repeat a word I just used - cringy as hell and feels like a teenager wrote it. For a game that claims itself to be adult oriented, the immature writing style is just really off-putting.

    Also, it's funny how just before the game starts, you are given a little popup explaining what a nukige is (basically a story focused on making the player cum, not on actually telling a story) and telling you that this game is not going to be like that, yet not even a couple of days after meeting the first heroine in Linda, you're getting sexual with her. Great way to stick to your guns, author, the 'plot' has been thrilling thus far. Who needs relationship build up in a nukige game, right? Let's just get right into the action! Oh, wait... this isn't supposed to be one... well shit.

    You're also given a huge house and lots of money to be able to help renovate it, yet for the first while you're just locked in Linda's house and are forced to follow her around like a lost puppy, it's really annoying. Like, don't tease a management system and free-roam/sandbox gameplay then hard lock me on rails right after.

    Look, I think the game has potential, it just isn't for me. If you like high school level humour and writing with instant sex gratification and no story/character development whatsoever, then this game is for you.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd say the game is pretty good and the art isn't bad. The only critique would be how hard the MC seems to work to find his Lis girlfriends of their own. The threesome vibe is too central as girls who love you start throwing other women the MC's way and never worry that it might backfire. Fetish works in moderation not when you can see it coming from a mile away. The game works better especially when the one on one scenes are happening and make up for the silliness of the rest of it. Worth a play for sure.
  18. 5.00 star(s)



    Not convincing enough?Pff, amateurs.

    Anyway, the main selling point of this game are the animations, they're crisp, they're clean.
    The plot looks very basic, but I'm no plot guy so whatever.
    The game looks very promising, the HS shader looks nice, it's not going to revolutionize the adult game genre, but so far it does its job and it does it very well.
    Good speed to the dev.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Max Muscle

    I remember playing this game even when it hadn't remastered yet, it was good time, I love this game since then . And now seeing it getting better and better, I'm very hype about that.

    Good story line, great sense of humor :D, I laugh my ass off a lot.
    Beautiful girls, each of them have unique characters, although I don't like big boobs lol.
    Nice renders, especially the gallery in extra.

    I would love to see more of this, wish devs best luck in the future.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing V

    First things first, let's get this out of the way. This game looks great. Seriously, the presentation and animations are stellar, some of the best I've seen, and all the characters look great. Just enough variation between them to help differentiate, while also giving them all a consistent style.
    The story itself is a little standard, classic down-on-his-luck dude gets randomly chosen to inherit a house by a old plot devic- I mean, old gentleman, and then wacky hijinks and naughty situations ensue. The humor in this is what kept me interested and laughing throughout, even if some of the jokes don't land, and the 4th wall breaking was a little too much at times.
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    And it seems to have been used less as I got later in the game, so hopefully this is a nonissue.
    My only real complaints are
    1. There's not enough!!! Just as I was getting really invested into the story, the content ends! Considering the game has been out for almost 4 years now, I felt like there should be more, but at least what game there is is great. Don't know if this is due to life problems or a lack of motivation on the creators part, but while I don't want things rushed, it does feel a little too slow for my liking. This is more a personal complaint than any measure of the quality of the game though, so take it as you will.
    2. I hope that we don't just keep getting girls thrown at the MC, until suddenly he's trying to bang so many chicks that it takes forever not only to play though it, but make in the first place! Feature-creep is a real problem in any game, and I'd rather a tight cast of really well done characters than another game where you bang 15 different women, with personalities as deep as a puddle.
    3. Lastly, there's only one animation I thought was extremely weird,
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    That was the only animation I thought could use some tweaking.
    Overall, I really enjoyed my time with The Inn, and only wish there was more of it for me to enjoy!! Keep up the great work Lykanz, and I eagerly await further updates to his game!