VN - Ren'Py - The Interview [S2 v0.7] [AnimArts]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    As this is a novel and not really a game the plot is what counts. Any story should have some kind of a twist at the end. There is none here. And also an extreme misoginy outcome. Hence minus 3 stars for the end. Game would have been much better if it was ending just before the flight so if you are playing best is to close it once you see the plane. The end is just a disapointment
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    i tend to enjoy games about male domination, blackmail, corruption etc, so i had high hopes of this one and going towards the end, had no single moment of disappointment. the dev shows he's an animations master, even details like the blinking of the eyes are pleasant to watch, let alone the various very well done sex scenes (with sounds fitting into the secene). the bff's have quite different characters and one is much more desperate to get that modelling gig than the other, so it's fun to witness the different corruption routes of the two unravel. beside them, there are a few other female characters, most notably sharon, who are hot as fuck. the dialogs also are spot on for a game like this, often including hilarious lines. i hope the dev keeps on making games as the potential, judging from this relatively short one, is huge.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A good kinetic novel with juicy animations. More of a movie than a game. 0 romance so content might be disturbing to some. Potential sequel might be interesting in case it will have more choice driven idea.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Very good in some parts, quite lackluster in others.

    Where this game really shines is the art and animations. I generally don't care all that much for animations, but here, there's a significant number of them, and all of them are very well done. Mostly, this refers to sexual encounters, where you usually have a choice between several options, sometimes each with different viewpoints / angles. Besides those, there's also nice little touches, especially the characters blinking their eyes - this adds some life to scenes, so it comes much closer to a "video experience" than if you were just staring at static renders.

    Asset selection and scene building is also solid, with very few outliers.

    Some renders appear slightly "off", but maybe that's just me - by and large, visual quality is top notch.

    There's even sound, though especially the sound of the male ejaculation is more like a comedic relief than anything else. Otherwise, it's better than no sound, I guess, but also nothing spectacular.

    On to the in my opinion most important part of a VN, the story. It's a kinetic novel - I feel some player agency would have done wonders to engagement, but can't blame the game for that, it does what it says on the tin. Unfortunately, the story is the part of the game I called lackluster.
    It's mostly a power fantasy for the male protagonists, told from the viewpoint of the female protagonists, if that makes any sense.
    The guys, especially our main protagonists Jason, are ruthlessly exploiting the girls and have their way with them. This is told in a nonchalant way - some reviewers seem to enjoy this, but without any context, it was all a bit flat for my tastes. It also didn't come off as particularly realistic. Not that I have any doubt that exactly this thing happens all the time in real life, but ... I dunno, I'm not in that business, maybe it IS realistic after all. But it wasn't too enjoyable for me as a player to witness.

    Sure enough, the girls are coerced into intercourse time and time again. It's quickly made clear where is everything is going, and despite second thoughts, the girls quickly enjoy at least parts of it all in their inner monologue - and make stupid decisions to begin with - which doesn't lead to me being very sympathetic to them.

    So, in the end, it's a plot like you could see in any actual story-heavy adult feature film. Somewhat disconnected, shallow, basically only an excuse to keep the scenes going.

    It's okay to click through, but for a kinetic novel, the story needed to be stronger, imo, as without player choices, the game foregoes the main strenght of the medium, interactivity. What's left could be realized as an actual adult film feature, and even with The Interviews good asset selection and decent animations, that would definately be a superior experience.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like dark corruption and borderline consensual sex, this is your game. I enjoyed every minute of this. The animations and renders are very beautiful and the atmosphere of corruption is intense. Sure, this theme not everybody's cup, but the lac of support of this brilliant game is not justified. Finally, I found a developer, who produces this type of art and I went to patreon to support them. I was very disappointed to read, that they gave up because of lacing support. If they decide to put up another game, I am instantly on board. I hope the developer gives it another chance and this community starts to value this great game. The end is a bit rushed, regarding the circumstance of stopping the project. But still, this game is worth playing a lot. Full recommendation.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Critique - v1.0

    I don't know what to think of this game, it's more focused on the sex scenes than it is on plot or anything else.

    There is no choice in terms of the plot, the only choices that are available are those during the sex scenes; position, camera angle etc.

    The plot is simple and does not draw you in, it's unexciting and uninspired. You just watch two girls who want a better life get into an increasingly desperate situation, getting increasingly brutalised along the way.

    The renders and animations are decent quality, they're however lacking in any moans or female sounds of pleasure (which sucks). This game is mostly full of rape but you would expect some moaning in the odd consensual scene that does appear.

    As mentioned above the game is features mostly rape scenes and the sort of actions that would accompany rape, beatings and such. It didn't turn me on, the one scene that did get me hot was the one where the woman begins to enjoy the sex after being coerced into it.

    I played it to the end in the hopes there would be some kind of interesting twist in the plot, however it doesn't exist. Kinetic novels need to work extra hard on the plot to keep things interesting, this one failed miserably, there is no story here of any kind. Had I known how basic the plot was I wouldn't have played it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I thought long and hard about making this review.

    I actually like the devs of this game and the game is actually pretty good and polished.

    Having said that, this is not the kinda game that I enjoy. I'm always willing to give a game a try even if it's not my favorite genre. Technically, the game is fantastic and on that alone the game is an easy 4 or 5 stars.

    So the good parts of the game is full marks:
    Graphics 9/10
    Animation 9/10
    User interface 9/10
    Sex scenes 10/10

    The story is also not that bad, although on the simple side.

    So that brings me to my (Please note that this is my own opinions, other players will have feelings about this.) negatives.

    There was no one in the game that I could in any way, remotely connect with. The closest one to that would be Angie, but she ends up making such dumb decisions throughout the story (especially in middle), that I could not really connect or feel empathy for her anymore.

    The BF's are absolute losers. Just about all of the female are pretty weak. And all the other characters is pretty much one dimensional abusers with various states of depravity. (You know David is worse then Jason, but Jason is already pretty terrible) Angie shows a bit of fight right in the beginning, but then just loses that pretty soon afterwards, for no apparent reason.

    It sounds bad to say it, but her initial decision to have sex with Jason just seems so weak. Maybe having her being completely forced/raped would make more sense in terms of the story and would kept me more connected to her throughout the story.

    In the end of the game, there was no one I connected with and I felt a generic badness for what happened to the girls, but I honestly did not care about them that much anymore, since pretty early on in the game.

    TLDR; The technical aspects of the game are very good. If you are into corruption, humiliation then I would expect you to enjoy this game. If you want an engaging story.... less so.

    3.5 stars would be more appropriate, but since I can not give that, I will stick with 3 stars.

    P.S. I do hope the developer will continue to write games. He definitely have everything in his toolkit for excellent games.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This could be a good game, maybe even a great game if I had influence on what was actually happening. But the total lack of player agency absolutely killed my mood and left me rather frustrated. I don't mind ntr at all, but at least let me experience it on my own terms or let me make decisions based on the impact it had on my character. Respect your own creation and don't just throw stuff at me. I give three stars because the artwork and storytelling is not bad at all, it just never comes to fruition. Also, there should be something like a "no choices" tag so I can avoid this kind of experience and spare the developer a rather negative rating.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This games true protag is jason as he is the only one fucking the girls. everything else is pointless! the animation are good and renders are good too. the girls act dumb and it is annoying. it does have a lot of content. i just wish the black guy had a role similar to the derpy jason. would have enjoyed it!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Beautiful characters. Wonderful plot. Few game like this one turely embodies the Male domination, FORCE FUCK every woman to out their brain.
    Although it is only a virtual novel, but still let people very enjoy it.
    It's a pity it's coming to an end.
    I really want to see how that Angie bitch became a complete submissive sex slave. been FUCK, been ANAL, been impregnated, and been piercing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    Excellent dark corruption kinetic visual novel!

    • Excellent renders and visuals
    • Excellent character models
    • Hot and sexy characters
    • Attractive male characters
    • Excellent sex scenes
    • Excellent story
    • Excellent writing
    • Good character development
    • Good sound
    • Good animations (overall)

    • Animations are a bit weird. They are in slow motion and a bit rough/choppy. It feels like the animations are slowed down for some reason. The animations need to be higher FPS so they are smoother (generally 20 FPS or higher is needed for smooth animations).
    • The story is a bit unrealistic at times. For example, girls will often beg for more cock or to be fucked harder half way through a rape scene. They will also beg to be called whores and sluts half way through a rape scene. The fantasy is sexy as hell but gets to be a bit much at times. I would prefer to keep it more realistic and believable.
    • Male orgasms sound like an air compressor nozzle

    This is the first game that I've come across that exposes the dangerous world of modeling. Lots of young girls get taken advantage of and abused in the modeling industry. Oftentimes the abuse comes from those posing as someone from the industry, looking for new talent, and they take advantage of the fact that girls will do just about anything to become a successful model. Girls gets scammed all the time from those looking to take advantage of them.

    This story needs to be told and I'm glad that the author took on this project.

    Too many of the negative reviews for this game are simply complaining about tags in the game that they were told in advance about (corruption, graphic violence, rape). It takes a special kind of person to hate on a game about specific tags/content when they were told in advance about them.

    The game is often dark and girls are corrupted and raped. Life isn't always full of rainbows and unicorns and stuff like this happens all the time in real life.

    The game is well polished and excellent! The character models and renders in this game are gorgeous.

    This is one of the few games on this site that has attractive male models. Everyone seems to focus on making hot and sexy females while the males look ugly as fuck. This is not the case with this game thankfully.

    The dev said that there will probably only be one more update. I personally feel that there is a lot more story to be told. The girls could find a way to get revenge and many other possibilities. If there is only going to be one more update, I hope the author makes it huge. I'm hoping for lots of threesomes in the next update.

    As long as you aren't opposed to corruption, graphic violence, and rape content, I highly recommend this game! This is a story that needed to be told!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly one of the best games so far. The story has all the characteristics to catch the players: gorgeous girls, hot sex scenes, amazing animation and a plot that grows in a rising tension making us to always been excited to the next update. The interview has the potential to explore many possibilites to the girls's fate, so much angles for the sex scenes....Anyway, all I can say it's that I wish long live to this great project. Please, keep rocking my friends !! And welcome to Bahamas Bibi and Angie... Many pleasures waits for both of you :love: :love: :love:
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the benchmark for VN's

    Excellent animations as I would expect from a professional animation team and they even added sound
    Well paced with interesting story line making each update a joy to read and watch but the main reason for 5 stars is the game managed to press all my buttons. all the scenes would leave me with a contented smile
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Fair warning: game has its dark moments and it will not be everyone's cup of tea.

    The game has some great things going for it:

    • Animation, some of the best, if not the best, you will see among games here
    • Corruption, subject that is not easy to portray in the game but this one pulls it great
    • Variety, it’s not one and the same sex pose or one and the same characters
    • No boring mini games or click fests
    But the biggest thing going for the game is the regular updates and developer being active. There are so many great looking games, great storytelling games that you wait for 6 months to make even the smallest update.

    Of course, nothing is perfect and this game could also be improved further. At moments I feel the author/team has taken the game that feels a little bit out of sync with the general flow of the game.

    10/10 from me for the visuals and the story.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 0.9.

    A girl does a casting to get out of a sticky situation. Her GF accompanies her. They get drawn into a world of abuse and violence.

    First the positives - the girls are gorgeous, their outfits are great, the renders are beautiful. The animations smooth. The writing is pretty good.

    The dialog struggles a little, as blackmailed and abused women suddenly start begging for more cock, halfway through a rape scene.

    Be warned - this is a game that lives up to the rape and violence tags. The way the women are treated is deeply disturbing and respectless. For me, a deal-breaker - I won't be continuing to play this game. My score of 3 stars is intended as an objective rating - for myself I'd give it 1 or 2. It's a shame, as I'd otherwise be keen to keep playing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Incredible animations and art. The developers don't try and incorporate boring time sinks so it's a concise story. Updates have come pretty regularly and dev also is responsive to community feedback. Make sure you are okay with tags.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello dear reader ntmu :)

    Here is my review for this game : The Interview.
    We get to see two girls as the main characters of the story. Their are young and try to find a place in this world. Like all young and pretty girls their dream about a career in the the model industrie. Quick money and easy going. So they go to "The Interview". A model casting for new talents and what happens than to them? Nothing good! We as the player can see in the first moment that this model job is just a farce to get innocent girls into the porn industry or worse but the girls are just seeing the quick money and everything gets worse from that point.

    The writing of the story isnt perfect but still a solid 7 from 10 and most decisions make a certain sense. I mostly wrangle about a scene in Update v09 where one of the protoganist "Angie" acts a little bit out of character and this was surely done as a gift to the suportes that wanted a sex scene with her. But in a nutshell: The story is good with a passable pacing.

    Animations are top notch 10 from 10 and a maybe one of the best animations on this site. Cheers to the devs.

    Porn is also very good in this game and u can have much fun if u are into coruption games. The girls have BF and their are extreme stupid but sometimes there are people that are this weak minded. So it isnt unrealistic and u dont play from their view, so it also isnt an NTR game.

    I give 5 stars and everyone who loves coruption games, should give this game a chance. The Devs are really doing much work and their are also on this forum and u can talk to them.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't like kinetic novels, I'm not a fan of NTR and rape, but if you forget about personal preferences and look objectively, this game is one of the best in this genre.
    Good story (although sometimes stupid decisions made by characters are annoying), characters, renders and animation.

    Probably I give 5 stars in advance, but I still hope for something like a bittersweet ending, where each of the characters will get what they deserve.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Good VN and doesn't hide behind fake facade, it let's you know from the start what it is and what it's outcome will be, so it should be easy for those who can't stand this kind of things to avoid.
    Animations are nice and well made, yes there is room for improvements but still better than 90% out there.
    Usually not really into that kind of stories but what I like about this one is that there is no MC, you just watch the story unfold
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best NTR games out there. The models and animations are done professionally, and you can tell the dev have put some thoughts into the plots and not just throwing bimbo into animations.

    Beautiful models, professional animations, and a kind-of-convincing story. What else do you want from a NTR game?