VN - Ren'Py - The King of Summer [v0.5.0-full] [No Try Studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Admittedly it's the first ntr game I tried with the POV being (partly) the cuck. But it's really annoying how stupid Satoshi is and how there's great sound effects for scenes with other men but with him it's slow soundless scenes with zero reactions from Mary, and he's only involved in scenes with his girlfriend unless he's getting heavily humiliated (EVERY TIME) . Then Mary goes right back to being a whore( I guess that's the point of this genre?). Non-Satoshi scenes are great but the rest wasn't really for me I guess.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an epic NTR game. Basically a story about a couple who went for a summer vacation. Over there they met the MC uncle who happen to have a super large dong and then he conquer the MC's lover with his large dong. The NTR is not those serious kind but more of those fun kind that gels together perfectly to form a quite good storyline. Lots of sneaky hidden sex scene, very likeable cast of characters, great sex scene, an old uncle with super large dong, a handsome lad with small pencil penis, some mysterious couple, lots of big tits ladies ( except for one ) , this game have everything and is super entertaining.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly it's decent until it's undeniably gets boring and make one lost interest in the middle. I admittedly didn't read much of the dialogues but I mean, this game is just so intent in making Satoshi (The bf) look bad, and is literally a walking excuse to make Mary have justification for her cheating. Like in every turn, Satoshi always end up as a screw up. Either magnifying the fact that he has no megadong, that he isn't a lovemaking god or just downright making his personality as full of flaw as possible.

    That honestly kinda suck cause Devs literally made him our first point of view that until you are force to play the uncle as if being called "King of Summer" with that body and look is an enticing prospect for the players to play...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good VN with good scenarios/scenes. Needs more/better audio. Some of the scenes, the girls have a weird sharp, pointy mouth when they're giving a blowjob. Probably because the dick is stupidly large on the uncle, but w/e. Could also maybe work in more scenes to build a more believable corruption because Mary didn't really need much convincing
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Two MCs, same NTR...

    Story starts off with one MC that gets cucked by his Uncle, who is the other MC with a megadong.

    I was really hoping the writing would progress beyond just the typical NTR stuff (MC's girlfriend falls for Uncle megadong) because you get to the control the Uncle as well and get his POV.

    The story seemed like it was actually going to reach a point where the cucked MC actually stopping being a cuck and taking action to bring some resolution to the whole situation, maybe exploring the aftermath of it all...but then it just veers right back to it, making the MC either retarded or just in full blown denial about the situation.

    Game has great the sex animations with anime/koikatsu based models (starts off initially with no animation) and steamy scenarios. However, I actually skipped through the sex scenes at a certain point to see if there was going to be some refreshing take to the story/genre, but it's just the same NTR.

    To keep stringing the game along, the dev has added more ladies and couples to be fucked by the megadong MC.

    Gameplay consists of choosing a location, racking up 'manly points' for the megadong Uncle MC to unlock scenes with the ladies. The progression is actually quite linear as scenes unlock based on unlocking the previous scenes. Thankfully, the game doesn't add pointless gameplay chores to it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The King of Summer [v0.3.2 public] review
    Yeah I'm not getting it.
    In between fanservice-style lewds there's a nonsensical story and a very weirdly told NTR scenario, where it's not really clear who the main protagonist is.
    It's a weird mix between playing as [boy] who watches his GF get NTR:d by [uncle] and then having the gameplay be about collecting stat points for said uncle (which is also "you", depending on how you look at it). It's confusing and messy and takes away more than it adds. Keeping the viewpoints separate throught 2 different playthroughs would have made much more sense.

    Characters are introduced mid-story which add absolutely nothing except as a way to deliver some very meh lewds.
    It's a handjob, boobjob, blowjob extravaganza and it's served on a backdrop of trigger-hunting style gameplay. Neither of which is fun.

    If this particular kind of NTR scenario intrigues you and you've played all the other 40-60 better NTR titles then I guess go ahead and try it. Otherwise, don't waste your time.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Holdem High

    This game only having 20 reviews is a bit weird. There is a lot of quality here, and also some issues. 5 Star rating given for art, hotness, main story setting and animation quality.

    If you are above 30, and just start the game identifying with the uncle; this will not feel like an ' NTR' game. In fact, playing as if the uncle is the MC (you) makes the game really hot and really motivating/immersive,

    To summarize:
    Extremely hot setting with an absolutely gorgeous main LI and the start of the game really pulls you in, if you can imagine yourself being ' the old guy'
    From the looks of it, this also gets regular updates, which is of course a big plus.

    - Main setting
    - Unique Art Style that works
    - Good animations
    - Main LI is drop dead gorgeous
    - 1st Chapter/Story Arc really well done and draws you in, wanting to play more
    - H scenes are not short and hot
    - Plenty of scope to add more content and improve the existing content
    - Dev made his life easy by the way he structured the game, making further updates at a good pace a likelihood. Many devs hamstring themselves by way too many branching storylines.

    - Some of the events in the game miss 'build up'. The Dev did a great job in the introductory story arc to building up to the finale of the opening, making it a very hot experience. But it seems that the dev is skipping 'build up' in some follow up events. I think this is a big mistake. Seeing some boobs/mouths interacting with d1cks is fine for a fast fap, but what makes good AVN, excellent, is writing that provides a good build up with plenty of expectation and then getting rewarded for it. This can be fixed and I hope that the Dev takes note of my constructive criticism <3
    I would recommend the dev going back to some of the events and adding some build up to the scenes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an NTR game, but with a very unique perspective, where you in theory play as the "MC", but are often in the eyes of Kendo, his uncle who goes off on weird and wonderful horny adventures that may or may not also involve MC's gf and the other characters - the levelling is all done through Kendo, though parts of the story are explored as "MC", so it gives a nice bounce to the situation - there are also side characters that can have stuff done with them and it explores some great themes, and overall its NTR, but it doesn't feel the same as most games? Here, while very horny of course, there is a calmer more connecting side and the characters like the MC's GF are explored more, which I like, it explores themes like seduction, cheating, willful and unwilling NTR and so on, but it does it in a way where you can still enjoy it.

    The characters look very nice, I like that they don't all have "clone face syndrome" that sometimes happens in other games on here involving anime characters where it feels like everyone has come out of a character maker slightly tweaked rather than looking like invididual characters. The personalities of the girls are a tad tropey, but also pleasant, there is no immediate dick diving, and each girl has their own problems that are explored through the story, which is nice, it gives a genuine interest to "what will happen next?" rather than "ok, this girl has nice boobs, lets spam skip so I can see the scenes"

    For feedback, there are some writing mistakes and bugs, misspellings here and there, and sometimes either the label showing the wrong character speaking, or the wrong character name being mentioned, but its not too bad and the writing overall is good, so just something to neaten up.

    A little more clothing / bikini / lingerie variety would be nice, where the girls don't just wear the same outfit in each and every scene to give it a little bit more variety and keep it from feeling slightly samey, and that can probably feature as a story piece with the girls to make it feel less of an add-on.

    I like the flow of the game at the moment, but it would be nice to have a thing to say "you have reached the end of the current version, please save here, and click continue to replay scenes, etc.", rather than what it is now where you only realise that you have reached the end of the current content by having no more new scenes.

    Overall, I can definitely recommend playing this game and would definitely say it should be a great play for any one who likes NTR (Netori and Netorare too!), cheating, seduction, cock worship, cum play and so on along with some wholesome moments thrown in and a nice story that adds to the sexual content and keeps you going without descending into skip hell.

    For the future, I hope the dev has a good plan on when to hit the "apex" with each girl, how that happens and whether there is anything more, or whether the content pivots to scenes past that "apex" and explores more that way, maybe throwing in more fetishes and kinks that suit each girl, new experiences and so on, but keeping it fresh and varied so the content does not just skew towards one girl, or you hit the apex and then there is no further intrigue in the story that can very quickly just descend to "I want to finish the game, this is the character I like, oh that's a hot scene, next", so hopefully the game builds on the relatively strong foundations it has and ends up an excellent example on F95 of what a NTR type game should be like!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The best netorare game of this style I've played so far! Animation, SFX, setting, dual perspectives (cuck and chad), not to mention the character design, of course. I feel that after this, there will be other true works of art from this creator. LATOM!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    OK finally gave it a try. Based off the reviews, the art I really wanted to try this, but the description and even some of the reviews put me off due to the NTR stuff.

    So after playing this I HAD to give a review. Some clarification of what is in this game is required.

    To be clear for myself I don't want to play a MC that is a cuck and getting cucked or cheated upon (not my thing). BUT playing a MC that is cucking others, taking the LI's from others, OR playing a female MC that is cheating on her significant other is great. Using a clear description instead of trying to define the different Net......

    This game description kinda makes you feel the MC is getting cucked, thus I was not really wanting to give it a go. It does state other POV and multiple but it made me hesitate. So I wanted to be no time was I feeling like I was playing the cuck or the dude cheated on.

    The multiple MC's works great in this one, and I really didn't feel invested into the Satoshi guy's personality. More so I felt more connected to the Uncle and the Fem prot. The writing made the difference and it was so worth giving it a go.

    Great graphics, animations are good. Narrative is very well done, gameplay is fun and engaging. Fliping between protagonists was very well done.

    Immersive wise, I immediately felt invested with Kendo (uncle) and truly felt he was the main protagonist in this game. Your points are awarded to him, and the other MC who is getting cheated on...well he gets no points, no levels.

    Thus, love the game, hope the dev keeps it up. Even pulling farther away from the Satoshi dude would be better.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel like giving this anything below a 5 stars is a crime.
    I've played countless NTR games, this has by far the most reasonable plot development, when it comes to the corruption progression. Even if it's not necessarily required for it to make sense, i like when a dev puts effort into making it seem beliavable, and not just a 180° change on a character's personality and behavior, out of nowhere.

    I feel like this can easily become one of the best ntr games on the f95 platform, but, with the current content, it's already a 5 star!
    Keep it up.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love the atmosphere of the game, it's not too problematic like other Ntr games I've played so I really enjoyed it

    I also love Uncle's character as he's not purely evil and the scenes are so hot and exciting
    Likes: Ooh
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game. Great character design, animation and set pieces. The unhinging blowjob animation can be a little distracting, but it's understandable and not too distracting. The main character can be a little frustrating, but the game isn't done, so I'm eager to see what the dev does with him.
    Likes: Ooh
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    probably the only good dilf ntr game I've played on here. Was worried about the animations being mid, but they are pretty great all around. Looking forward to future updates and where this one goes. 5 nuts outta 5.
    Likes: Ooh
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Been awhile since I gave a review so Ill just cut straight to the chase.

    Dev updates the game FREQUENTLY as of writing this review. When it first released, I liked what I saw but I was skeptical as so many games start off looking great and end up abandoned. Or they end up being a milkfest. As time progressed, I jumped back in. While the sandbox element was annoying since I HATE sandbox, there was absolutlely no grind and tons of build up with actual pay off. No blueballs.

    The NTR is the best kind of NTR. Sneaky sex between an Ugly Bastard hung like a horse and his nephews Busty sex queen. Game has some of the best scenes on this site and it joined a short list of games I end up paying for. The main LI Mary steals the show altogether.

    No Grind
    Big Tits
    Smooth Animations
    Looong Sex Scenes
    No Rape or anything like that, the LI consensually falls for the Ugly Bastard
    Sticks to the Plot and setting
    The MC suspects things but never truly finds out
    Cream Pie
    Multiple Characters
    Loads of content
    Dev is very responsive

    Some bugs here or there but nothing game breaking
    Early scenes animation are not as good as the later scenes but Dev will more than likely fix this

    5 out of 5
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great first attempt. Simple storyline, barebones selection and lovely cast.

    What makes this shine is that No Try have managed to really make sure all the basics is as high quality as possible. Animations is fantastic as well.

    This feels like a very polished adult game.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ The King of Summer [v0.2.4 public]

    Art's fine, it's one'a the render suites with appealing slider settings.

    Writing is weird. Scenario's been done but the narrative in this iteration blurs the lines of who has what role and what response would make sense for a given character. It's blurred in less in an innovation way and more in a 'my paint by numbers got left out in the rain' way.

    Porn is uninpsired.

    Gameplay is as off as the writing. Faux sandbox presentation over a near-enough linear progression. Instead of knocking about discovering kinky misbehavior the player is just trawling for whatever spot increments the gate variable so the next Stuff can happen. The viewpoint switching seems pointless as well: NTR games usually do this for different views of the same events, but the protag / antag are rarely in the same scene and when they are it's morkish and unbelievable.

    TLDR: A bit too much in some places, a bit not enough in others.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    For version 0.2.4

    Hate to be the metaphorical fly in the ointment between all these honey filled reviews, but this game is an absolute narrative mess.

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    Overall I wish I could give it 2.5 stars but I will give it the benefit of the doubt and round it up to 3. The game is still young, maybe it will improve. It really has the markings of a very good game, once it decides what it wants to be when it grows up. Will edit the rating if it improves down the line and if this stupid system actually lets me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty simple game concept, and has definitely been done before, but it's executed very well here. Standard netorare concept with good gradual corruption and a moderately likeable NTR-protagonist.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! I was totally blown away by this one. I found myself completely absorbed and hanging on every word of dialogue. A stunningly well-done NTR game.

    + Astounding writing; corruption happens gradually and believably, there's a lot of text for each character's inner monologue and tantalizing dialogues, characters are well-developed and having multiple protagonists allows for some flexibility
    + Graphics; didn't think I was a particularly huge fan of this style, but the graphics in this game are seamless and the women (particularly Mary) are hot targets; animations are well done as well
    + Gameplay; not sandbox, not choice-based, but a VN essentially broken up to feel like you're having a role actively navigating the story

    - None