Unreal Engine - Completed - The Kingdom of the End&The Witch of the Beginning [Final] [c3 art]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Well the game is really short thats true but I think this dev(s) have something good here behind the stinky stuff.
    The gameplay is just fight through 6 or 7 scenarios which are linear and read some text with animation for the story, quite simple and straight forward.
    For the combat you have the choise of magic and strength, here starts the wrong choices since strength only seems impactfull on one single skill which is the RMB attack but for magic (int) it works for all other 6 spells so it´s a blind choice what to choose. Talking about spells each one is different but not very useful each of them: you have the basic fireball, a fire tornado which deals little to no damage (which is a shame because it sounds better than what it does), healing which isn´t a bad idea if the game was hard enough to force you to heal but it isnt, a quadruple attack with remote control proyectiles, a teleport attack (which again sounds nice but its quite useless cause of how slow it works and how dumb ai is) and a fire beam which deals 2 hits to everything in a line. From this set of spells after you get the 4th one (the quadra attack) everything else becomes useless which is a shame because every spell except the tornado could be fun to use in a more polished game because the mobs are quite dumb: they are slow to react, attack slow and hardly follows you after you´ve killed half of their team mates, the only ones that could be excused are the archers which have some actual coding to back away if you´re close enough and the final boss which has some movements to harrass you except he too is somewhat slow for a final boss yet in the end it all doesn´t matter at all because the game needs them to be slow since your movement is somewhat bad so their lack of follow up makes the game playable. Finally the thing I had the most problems with gameplay is that sometimes the input didn´t registered meaining if I tried to use a spell or melee attack it just didn´t worked after a couple of seconds from smashing the LMB which is quite annoying.
    Now for the presentation it looks quite good in general, they have a nice simple design with unifroms to identifythem a bit better if there were more characters and mainly they all have voice acting which is a good point on the commitment from them to make a decent game and they all make a good work at that.
    The MC has a nice design good to look at all the time and she even has some alternative outfits which is always nice to have in case you get bored of the same design.
    For the secondary characters there´re only 3 with a design: the main villain and 2 members from your side/party. The villain looks good but perhaps a little too simple for the only antagonist of the story, meanwhile the male friend of the MC is very plain to look at but since it´s the only other male it´s hard to miss him, for the other female character its the classic secretary in military uniform but an extra female character besides the MC with scenes is a welcomed addition. Besides these 4 characters all the mobs only have about 7-8 human designs and 3 creature designs, from the creatures side they´re somewhat generic except for the robot which it has some work but from the human side they all have some work invested on them and most of them look quite decent which is just enough to dont make you bored to look at for the short duration of the game.
    The story is too boring to even mention and they really need to work on the naming of things because the names are too similar between different characters and even territories that it just makes it too confusing to even care even if the story was soemthing to write about.
    Finally the H scenes or the animation in general: there´re very few scenes and are somewhat basic but the design of the MC helps it a little bit yet the animation in general really reflects that this is the first game they make since some movements are exagerated a bit too much, the limb movements are a bit stiff and the jiggle effect of the body must be worked on since it tends to move around too much.
    Now taking all into consideration it sounds like a garbage game but there´re some bits of details around the game that helps it to look better:
    1. its their 1st game. I know I repeat this too much on the review but the fact that there is VA on an out of nowhere game is something to take into consideration at the very least. That and the mob desings look good enough for something you would expect of lower than average quality.
    2. The details on the presentation. As I mentioned all the important characters have at least some degree of design invested on them but there´re also some other details like the fact that there´s a map detailed for the story (even if it sucks), there is a whole animation for the pause menu, there´s an extra mode (the arena) which would be quite fun and even pose challenging if the gameplay was better, there is a whole section that they only used once where you control the other female character of the game and move around on an area exclusive to these scene, which is an interesting choice because they could have just made an animation for her scene and be done with it, and finally there´s an extra mini game found while talking to a random npc which is a small mix of an mmd and a rhythm click game which is quite simple but the fact that there´s all this little details inside the game puts a little star of good job on my review to them and in my eyes shows that they´re at the very least trying to do something here, not only a random game made just out of boredom or what not.
    In all this review of mine might be flawed, yeah maybe, but it´s mainly in hopes to see more stuff of this kind dev(s) that gather small ideas and make a game from them. Hopefully they´ll launch more games and keep getting better on this kind of games.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had me interested when I saw it in steam upcoming games. All the previews points to this game being amazing/ something with a similar production quality as Holy Knight Rikka. After playing and completing the game I was extremely disappointed at how much of a wasted potential this game is.

    First let's talk about the positives about this game. Graphics is a notch above most H games, sure there are several assets that are probably store bought/ default unreal assets but that does not detract at how the protagonist looks good. The game also has voice acting, all characters (male/female) in cinematics are voiced. The main character has several voicelines in battle. Those two are the only things this game has going for it.

    The negatives are a lot and really soured my opinion of this game. Combat is fcking bad/ seems tacked on with no thought put into it. Your first skill is the best skill/spell. 2nd skill is shit short range/ short aoe that does smaller damage than skill 1 (fireball). Skill 1 costs little mana, deal decent/great damage, can be aoe targets are near the explosion radius. Skill 3 is a shitty heal (better than no heal, but heal is so slow, hp regen is 1 hp per second; while skill 3 will make it 3 hp per second). Skill 4 is a "better" fireball but it costs a shit ton of mana, sometimes does not deal damage (only low burn damage), has a long cast time (1-2.5 seconds) that can get you killed/interrupted . Skill 5 is a blink/short teleport like skill. Skill 6 is the ultimate/ supposed to be the "strongest" spell in game. It deals double damage of fireball (skill 1) but costs 10-20% hp in addition to it's mana cost. Not worth to use. Enemy Ai is braindead, most of the time you can hit them without them aggroing you. Free hit. Your character is a glass cannon, enemies hit hard but it does not matter since AI is braindead and your damage is insane (just upgrade int). Only time I died multiple times/ died ever is on the bonus arena quest. The crazy mode/ hard mode. It took me 7-9 deaths to clear that. The crazy mode has no unique reward/CG for beating it. Just 5k gold that is useless at that point. H scene quantity is extremely low. Like "that's it?" levels of low. The costumes are just purely cosmetic/ no impact to h scenes (one h scene uses a costume but that's an exception not the norm). The other use of costumes are on the dancing minigame that goes nowhere. Just an MMD like dancing of the heroine. No follow up h scene.

    Game is extremely short (I think this is a good thing for this game as padding it with useless shit will further sour this game), story ends on a cliffhanger making this game look like a demo/prequel like shit. Translation is okay, not MtL but a lot of minor errors.

    TLdR: not worth playing, look for CG if you want (it's BAREBONES). This full whole game is almost the same as the demo of Holy Knight Ricca, but with much more jank and less thought given towards gameplay. It seems most of the budget for this game went towards Voice actors and beautiful game graphics/assets (in comparison to most h games) [the positives I listed are mostly where the budget probably went]
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Bad gameplay, bad levels, bad AI, but some nice scenes although not a lot of them.

    This one got my interest in the Upcoming Steam releases, but honestly this game is not that good. The main character has an appealing design and there are some good scenes here, but overall the gameplay is pretty bad and not worth going through for them.

    The combat is very janky and you are often locked into animations when attacking especially swinging the staff. Even with Lock On, using your melee attacks never really feels worth it as the Fireball skill, along with other magic, are just outright better options. Since you can always charge MP by holding "R", you can just fire some fireballs, recharge and continue at a distance which the enemies can't react to.

    Speaking of enemies, the AI in this game is really, really bad. Many enemies will do an attack, and then stand still for sometimes over 3 seconds before they do anything else. Archers will almost instantly fire an arrow at you, and then just stare at you like they were questioning their entire existance. You can run up to them and then they will casually just run away until you stop.

    Even the bosses didn't really feel satisfying to beat besides maybe the Snake and the final boss. Even then I can't give it too much credit as you can just stay at a distance spamming spells and for the most part you will easily clear levels even on the non-story difficulty.

    (That said, the final boss of the Arena was difficult but you only get that after you beat the game and there's no good reward for doing it)


    You'll also quickly notice the level design feels very much like store assets, with extremely linear levels and almost no side paths or exploration besides maybe 1 chest every so often (some of which contain new spells so you ideally don't want to miss them.) The most egregious example is the "Devil's Institute" which is a futuristic complex with spider robots that feels like it belongs in a different game entirely.

    Since the game is divided into these levels to progress the story, you'll spend basically all of your time going through these very bland levels with enemies just scattered all over the place with no care in the world. At one point, four of the "Kings Guards" jump out of the water in a lake just to attack you. It's the best example of how this game treats enemy placement and level design.

    Story didn't really engage me either, nothing stood out to me as particularly notable and the translation had issues throughout that made the dialogue a bit hard to follow. Not enough to struggle playing the game but I just kinda ignored the story.


    The H-scenes themselves are not bad, but they can be confusing to get. The game has no hint system for them, and some are defeat scenes but you don't really get a good idea of when that is. Thankfully you unlock them all after beating the game, but it's not like there are that many to begin with.

    They are all animated with 3D models of the main character and the receptionist though. There is nothing super special about them though and a lot of them are either bad ends or self contained so they have no effect on the story or the characters. Most of it is either defeat rape, some scenes with the Receptionist and some other random ones like the Witch girl taking a bath.

    There's also 5 costumes for the Witch which are nice to look at, although it doesn't really help the immersion when she's fighting the final boss trying to stop a war with an erotic costume on.


    I guess overall conclusion for this is that if this game interests you, I'd just download the Save that was provided in this forum and use that instead. You can see all the H-scenes and check out the costumes, as well as revisit the levels by talking to some of the guild staff, but I at least think it's not worth going through the game normally.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Not much of a game from my point of view. The story is rushed as well as the number of gameplay events. On the other hand the actual combat is done fairly well, though all the events outside the arena are very easy even on normal difficulty vs story mode. All the boss battles are keep your distance and shoot. Recharge with R and lock onto target with E. We can replay all the combat events even with as few as they to get more cash to boost your power. As for the arena the snake and the crazy mode are actually tough. Finally the story itself has very lame character interactions. Fun for the combat at least for a little while, otherwise this game just leaves a lot to be desired.