VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - The Last Dantr [v1.1] [DescoNTR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Tall mommy Scarlett Johansson 10/10

    A bit of broken english, and way too short with barely any good sex, but I am extremely optimistic as this can become an incredible game!

    Here's 5 stars purely because of horny giantess Scarlett! Need more of this.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders look awful. The author should work on the lighting in the scenes, as well as on post editing in photoshop.
    The girls don't look sexy or attractive.
    The story is boring.

    This is just my opinion and I'm not imposing it on anyone, but the author needs to greatly improve the game to make it a success.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is not a game, it is just a group of meaningless scenes, the MC's "family" has no coherence, they are just whores and that's all, nothing is going to be corrupted, they are already whores, the MC has no personality, clearly this It's just pointless fast fap.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    If u are coming for a well-based VN with a lot of choices and good English writing with no cringe sentences, then this is not your game. This game is straight up FAP the shit out of your whiner with nonsane dialogs and whores, a beauty for those who like fast action and no grind at all, just press play and go FAP.
    I got excited about the next update, I see a future in this, cause I like crazy kinky shit and just porn. If the English were better written then this would be perfect!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    v1.1 played...

    Finding the version number confusing, I just saw what appeared to be a completed game and downloaded.

    While the kinks aren't really in my wheelhouse, the execution so far is what leaves a lot to be desired.

    When you're building a new world, you hope for at least some exposition, and there certainly isn't much to be found here. You're thrust into the middle of a dysfunctional family with very little context to explain the current situation.

    This really feels like "fledgling 3D artist thought he'd try his hand at creating a VN" and then realized how difficult it is to pull off the trifecta: Art, Writing, and Story.

    The art is passable, the dialogue is cringeworthy, and the story nonexistent. As of v1.1 I have no idea what the plan here is, unless it's to come up with increasingly ridiculous reasons to sluttify mom and sis in front of shota MC.

    I'm not exaggerating... here's one example of the dialogue and QC: "Erik thoughts: Mmm. Sych delicious kitty. If you want I cal clean you with my tongue."

    Further, the pathing has issues, for example...If MC interrupts the creepy boss with the mom, he simply goes and sexually assaults a sister intead , avoiding the mom scene. The later conversation in the living room still refers to a mom scene that never happened due to this choice.

    At the same time, I don't want to discourage the dev. I think there's potential to create something worth playing, but for my tastes, the framework he hangs his lewd scenes on needs to be more coherent and contain more context.

    He would do well to keep in mind that the kinks he's catering to here are largely psychological ones rather than visual ones, so scenario construction matters. A lot.

    Best of luck, dev, and if you show more effort in the worldbuilding and QC, I will adjust this review accordingly.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    For those type of games has two speeds when it comes to the build up. It's too fast and lack any dept.

    A good first impression implies a slightly more buffed introduction with some more info on the MC and other characters... The lewd scene is .. I would call a little absurd. Erik is just a ugly fat old bald man with a massive dick and is right of the bat a rapist. The build up is just not making any sense.

    I'm not sure. It's not for me, maybe it's for you. Enjoy!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Game story looks good but right now there is not much content . I hope in future version we get to see many interesting event because in this version there only some images . I hope in future version we get proper animation videos scene . Story looks very promising .
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Well what can i say, this game is down right terrible. The english translation is just woeful but even getting past that the actual writting is just poor. You have a fairly interesting idea with no execution. The renders are mid at best. the characters arent too bad in terms of looks, it is nice to see a milf character who looks her age and not the same age as her daughters ect. but honestley this game jst isn;t the one. There is no build up, no setting just awful.