VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Lawyer [Chapter 1-3 Final] [Taboo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a Humiliation game and if that is what you like 5 stars.

    It's short it's sweet it is definitely So Bad it's Good. In my opinion this is a 3 star game it is so rudimentary and amateurish. The story concepts I like but the writing could be better. It is very interesting and kind of fun especially for being so short it does not over stay it's welcome.

    I'm giving it 5 star simply to counteract the 1 and 2 star people who are being very unfair in my opinion. If you like humiliation games this is short, funny and fun, I wish there was a bit more.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    No real logic in the story, no options for choices and actions done are very illegal, even against criminals. I don't don't were this game plays but not in a civilized land. Just a perverts fantasy with no real story and work behind it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Rating games like this is difficult and hard
    For an average player, dont play it,
    For an Humilitation lover a must play, so 5/5 is the minimum for this awesome humilitation stuff, not really my thing, i am more into romantic bdsm stuff but ok.
    Overall very rare really hard humilitation stuff. I really miss love and logic and feel really bad for the poor girl because I really like her. But when you search for the humilitation tab, than this game is the best you can get!
    Humilitation is the hardest you ever seen 10 /5
    Kink 5/5
    Story 1/5 I really like the girl and would love to treat her with love
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is humiliation niche greatest masterpiece was ever made by someone! :)

    This game including giant list of fetishes and none of them didn't pop up by random but cleverly integrated to the plot or scenes. Sexual scenes are very inventive and unique.

    Developer has wonderful storytelling skill which working on many differrent level: characters creations, theyr faces and costumes, locations, cliche avoiding e.t.c.

    First class 'disquisting shit'! :)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game hits the spot for some and misses it for others. If the content in this as a VN is something you like, then I'd recommend it. Fans of Devin's life should def check this out also. Hopefully Devins life also gets completed.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So rare quality humiliation game. Super cool. My wishlist - more tattoos, piercings, photosessions, prostitution. Wish there would be more of this... Tattoos
    Waiting for Devin's Life to be completed...
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Played the Chapter 1-3 Final version.

    I thought this was a pretty good revenge fantasy story. The main girl looks pretty good at the beginning and with changes that come down the line.

    To be clear this is the story of a pretty abusive situation, so if that's not your thing, you're probably best off skipping this one. There were some particularly harsh moments that I found a bit jarring, but overall it was in line with what I expected.

    Personally I would have liked it some of the other women were more attractive, but that didn't take away much.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Good completed VN. The story is original, interesting and reminded me of some dystopian novels - kind of. The graphics starts pretty bad but later on it got much better (less shaders i think).
    I don't know why people complain about lacking gameplay in a VN - personally I found it good:

    I found about 5 different endings and you have different scenes depending on your choices. Not so much in the beginning, as the early picks lead to mostly the same scenes, but later on they branch out to different scenes and kinks, as well as different endings.

    I had fun:
    Complete and better then average makes 4* in my playbook.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played your game and I have enjoyed it. Best of all, the lack of sugarcoatting, with not a "happy ending" chance. Well, there are a kind of happy ending, but not a conventional one.

    The only thing I have disleked of it its the music. Only one theme in loophole gets boring, and don´t mix with the scenes. After ten minutes I played it mute.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This isn't a game. It's a visual novel with zero choices. And don't get me started on the legal side of everything. The "second" court case would never have happened in real life. At the initial hearing, no matter how corrupt a judge, they would have thrown out the case due to several issues. They would have to, to avoid legal proceddings against them, and still remain a judge. This is a waste of time. And should be played if you suspend all reality, and like a click game. Avoid this game at all costs.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    art 3/5- only good, just average,
    scenes 4,5/5- some of them are quite interesting and hardcore sometimes to much hardcore,
    story 3,5/5 it's quite original but nothing special it's about lawyer who gets punish.
    gameplay 0,5/5- just clicking,

    Game for players who likes hardcore scenes, although it's a renpy game it's pretty ok but also not so long.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Soooooo many black screens and how many clicks to get past them? 5? 6!?! Ok aside from that, the vn's fine so far...except the "top-notch" lawyer doesn't know how to protect herself from a warrantless arrest(maybe), sexual harassment, a day in jail w/o a call, and she can't use all the mentioned violations to the court to defend herself. She really needs a decade of lessons from Saul if she wanna get in cahoots with the drug lords. But ok, fine... That's what they are in planet taboo.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Thats some twisted, taboo, hardcore shit right here..

    Most of it I skipped because it was so twisted and inhuman, that my SM meter went trough the roof and pierced our moon. Its no longer BDSM at least not for me if both parties involved do not get some sort of satisfaction out of inflicting pain or getting beaten.. its simple torture and humilition

    Besides that.. if some characters looked at least decent, had anything more inside them than violence and perversion then I would watch some of the scenes..

    yet with each passin moment I hated them more and more..

    shame that after one kill she did not kill all of them.. it would be to my satisfaction
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is waste of time and very stupid - its only humiliating Ema all the time and everyone choice,which you decide to pick its going to humiliating her more,just in different ways and of course all the ends are bad humiliating ends - literally transforms it to a dog,drugged and use it from the guys in the dirty alley,killing Susan and go to jail,don't kill Susan and finish in some cabin(box) in the center where everyone can use her for the rest of her life.....,not even a chance to make her try and win her life back,only the same things all the time - humiliating,humiliating,humiliating..... That's very stupid and also disgusting,only someone who is insane will like this!
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    this is my first and hope last review on game I just can't stand it

    well, with due all respect to this dev but that was one of the worst game I have ever seen , dev clearly doesn't know what is submission or even bdsm and he thinks that bdsm and slavery are same as getting a woman and raping her and treating them as object....

    it was just bad ... my fav niche is bdsm but after this game .. God o.. I will never get close to bdsm again
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the story line, for the most part. The artwork is great, in my opinion. There were things I don't care for, personally, having to do with the story itself, and how much it just didn't make any sense. I prefer stuff that at least seems like it makes a little sense as to why it's happening. There was a lack of choices in the game play, and honestly, I fealt it could've had a few more choices than it had, but that's my opinion. I won't rate it lower than 3 but can't go higher than that. I'd say it's still worth a play, as other people may enjoy it. Just not my thing, I guess...needed more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Sexy, my kind of game, submission, it has it all. I love this game. Would like more choices but otherwise perfect. I love the girl, love that susan is twisted and has made her a pet. It's amazing. This is really annoying however that I have to make this review 200 characters.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The story have no option and jumping from one BDSM scene to another, make this boring. I miss at least a option to change this way, but there no way to accept all punishment. As well I miss reality in this game or any little fun, it´s simple to harsh with all events in first 2 chapter.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I clicked through Chapter one. There was no gameplay and no action. You are required to click multiple times on a blank screen, or a single image that doesn't change with no text befre getting the next line of text. I don't know if it's intended to build suspense and drama, but I found it to just be annoying.

    The image quality is fairly low, and all the models are taken from Honey Select.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This game don't deserve it's current rating (1 star). Sure, it's not the best I've played, but it's better than many others. It's almost a kinect novel, very few choices, but the story (for a porn, of course, you can't take it too seriously, just embrace the ridiculous situations and have a laugh and a fap) it's good, the writing is solid (some spelling mistakes here and there, but compared to what I've seen in the past, it's almost Shakespeare) and the overall plot is interesting enough to keep you hooked on. The renders are well done, not the best ones but far from the worst. The main character is hot and her face (in the beginning, that is) reflects her personality quite well.

    Overall, I'd say it's a pretty fun and nice game, worth the time.