This game has pretty cool mechanics system (on which this demo focuses on). It's pretty cool to be an annoying brat to the guards, that also change with turns passing (or you kicking them in the back of their head, im not sure). Showing off they have different personalities (first female guard likes to play with you, one of the male guards is guillable and you can ask him to untie you to play hide and seek, while another one is just lazy and will just sleep.
Game could've used a readme file or a sign/introduction at the start telling you the controls since I were busy smashing the keyboard randomly for the first few minutes until I figured out only WASD, C, arrow keys, Ctrl and obviously Enter do anything.
Shame there aren't any animations for any explict content (there's small text about it with the first guard, but it's not even well described).
Mechanics seem that they could make for a very good base of the game. I'm not a fan of allowing saves only on specific conditions, if anything there should be the opposites - conditions at which you CANNOT save (for example while bound on the ground or currently going through the bandit camp to prevent save scumming if that's what the devs are going for) but that is my opinion.
Half the screenshots aren't in this demo so idk where they in the previous version or am I missing a huge area.
Mechanics should include more explict content (more toys, same amount of rope plz), with a bit more than change of the model and text informing you it happens (pleasure bar?).