Ren'Py - The Legend of the Goblins [Ch.5] [Mad_Rabbit_Works]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    the maze is truly idiotic. What the hell is the point of that? Add a map with it or don't put it in. Unplayable garbage until that gets fixed...........................................................................................................................................
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Hmm, that is all you have managed in the time between the last update?
    Thought you moved to Ren'Py because you didn't know anything about RPGMaker and things would be so much easier and quicker for you.
    Well, in the time it took you by now to rewrite, you could have learned the previous engine (RPGMaker) easily.
    After such a long time, the game content/story is still not where it was last in the old engine.
    And the movement controls are abysmal.
    I fear, this game is on a downwards development spiral. Moving to Ren'Py re-coding the whole thing was a bad bad decision.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a great effort and I can see the passion driven from the project however it's my personal opinion that this UI is not suit for this game, it's very complex in is own way, why I need to use the arrow in a mouse user interface, it's most simple to point the location also it's slow everything down. In the last version I arrive to the falls by accident. For the mecanics of the game the rpgmaker was very good, this new version sorry but it's not playable. It's a shame because I liked very much the game at the time.
  4. 1.00 star(s)



    in my opinion the Ren'Py remake makes the game that I was initially finding not so good even worse. The developer kept the RPGM mechanics and that creates in my opinion very user un-friendly game that only confuses me. I do not recommend even to try it at that stage (Ch.3) maybe later the Dev will find a way to make it work but for now I think that is waste of time on both sides.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The ren'py rework isn't anywhere close to the original in content yet and updates are sparse and short.

    Apart from that the art is better and if they actually manage to be consistent and quick with their progress, this has the potential to be good.

    The movement system is atrocious though right now and the quests are simplistic at best and annoying at worst. To expand a bit on the movement system (as of Ch5). Even with the changes, it's game-breakingly bad and adds nothing to the game. It is confusing, makes movement slow and given nothing is marked you never know where to go anyway. Everything (even opening the map) is animated and s....l....o....w. It's a real pain to play right now. As it stands, it's not worth the bother.

    So, it is a mixed bag for me right now. Try it though if you like the topic, you might enjoy what's there.
  6. 1.00 star(s)



    My Latest opinion: if you want to learn how to ruin a perfectly good and working gameplay, learn from the developer here. I have lost all hope. You could have easily studied the RPGM and continued the game by this time. Yet, you chose to shift. Gameplay is bad, girls doesnt have a life, animations are average, scenes are crap and gameplay is trash. I am removing the game from my bookmarks, sorry.

    This was my review for original RPG game (5 star): just amazing..... i cant wait for the next update. Hoping that it will be even more engaging. the girls are good, plot is thick, animations are good, and scenes are lit.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    + Models are nice

    - Gameplay is really boring (almost everything is "fetch X amount of this") and way more often than scenes, which gets frustrating fast
    - Menus are pretty over the top on effects and layout, gets a bit confusing
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The Goblin theme is one of my favorites, so this game was especially disappointing for me. There seems to be a lot of issues with the game itself, leading to the playability being reduced greatly for me.
    The 60fps rate limiter does not work and catching a wench with a bolo that only works part of the time at 144 FPS is a crap shoot at best.

    Eliminate the bugs and add a quest log that actually provides usefull information and we could have a solid 4~5 star game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Gonna say it straight, usually i give this type of very average game 3 stars only, the fourth is because i believe that you can cook this into something pretty good in the long run.

    Moving on, as i mentioned this still needs a whole lot of time in the oven, the devs clearly ain't very skilled at using RPGmaker hence why you get the occasional black screen and errors that force you to close the game if you sit in the game long enough, like a couple hours or more.

    The cave that serves as a nest is a bit too... blocky, inorganic. It doesn't feel like a cave, it feels like some building.

    The dev-room is kinda fourth wall breaking, i can't say that i appreciate it.
    I think it should be a secret and MUCH harder to find if you want to insist on it's continued existence dear devs.

    Events constantly fire off out of sequence just because you can interact with objects that fire them off before it is time for them to fire off. Like the campfire in the cave, you can talk with the goblins about Lilith even before she is present in the cave. And there are a bunch of other similar out-of-sequence facepalm-inducing fiascos across the game. May want to fix that dear devs. :sneaky::coffee:

    Also some proofreading would be good for this game.

    General rating:

    Story - 3/5, could be much better and much more hardcore both sex-wise, and brutality-wise. All that kissing nonsense needs to disappear, goblins supposed to ravage the shit out of everything like a swarm of locusts, not play boyfriends. Playing boyfriends is human thing. There should be gangbangs and orgies and
    breeding-stalls 24/7, yet the mc goblin pretty much hogs the first slut to himself and the rest is some vanilla titty chewing... how boring, (except the first night with the other "guests" that was a good start, keep that kinda thing up my dood. Also about jokes and humor in general - only do it if you think you can pull something tasteful, otherwise stick to brutality and ravaging. ;):coffee:

    Music - 4/5, pretty good but could use more variety.
    Don't be afraid to use more of the modern tunes in your fantasy game. And replace default rpgmaker ambient, my ears bleed by now whenever i hear it due to hearing it so many times in so many different games.

    Sex sound - 2/5, it was rather meh to be honest, i felt it didn't matter whether it's there or not.

    Animation - 1/5, you need to work on that.. a lot, or not have it at all.
    Your current animation level.... leaves truly a lot to be desired.

    Combat - 2/5, basic unmodded rpgmaker combat is the epitome of boring. Heavy armor is kinda useless with that debuff to evasion since gobs are supposed to be all about evasion and sneaky, backstabbey-bastardness. So, give us some armor that doesn't diminish our biggest advantage but enhances it instead. No limit on maximum level means i can just grind till i can easily wipe out everything (was level 20 day-1). And if you try and fix it by having mobs level up with the player then the point of leveling will disappear, don't do that either. Instead try introducing some interesting mechanics to skills, enemies, boss fights, combat in general.. that kinda thing. Keep things balanced, delete that "difficulty percentage slider," and instead force everyone to play it the way you meant it to be played. Also throwing rocks at people (what did you call it? Bolos?) is an absolutely worthless system, scrap the entire thing. I doubt anyone will bother with it.

    Okay, i think my overall opinion is that the devs need to up their 'game' a notch if they do not wish to find their work lost and forgotten in the massive pile of other just-average games. Work hard and good luck. :giggle::coffee:
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    As of 0.21 this is a pretty alright game, the content tops out at around 3ish hours I think. The actual porn content is good although I wish there was more of it.
    Most of the problems really just come down to small things. You enter an area an use the mouse to click move and whoopdee doo you accidentally walk into the exit tile right below you and have to reenter the area. Some of the quests are not well explained, not awful but particularly the side quest with you trying to get a musical instrument which requires two hints in the hint section to even get there. Honestly, I would replace it with something more worth while.

    The daily quests are good just wish there was more variety then, click on bars, sneak into house, and kill monster. Also I feel like how equipment is gained should be changed, maybe have a bigger emphasis on gathering materials because I had more then enough money by the end where I literally took no damage from most monsters. Honestly balance is a huge problem seeing as confusion is so bloody good, use that on any boss and your pretty much set, most of the abilities should be changed or nerfed heavily cause it takes most of the challenge out of the combat.

    I look forward to more updates and honestly this could be an excellent game in the future to watch out for.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished v0.20.5

    I did enjoy both the porn and regular gameplay aspects of the game, I would recommend playing this game, but only after a few more updates have been added, as it is now some porn content cannot be replayed by the end point of this version, but once the future parts have been added it won't be an issue.

    A few issues I did have with the combat, attacks will miss frequently, and both single hit damage-dealing skills are pointless, they don't do much damage for their costs and the bleed status effect is ineffective, dealing a single point of damage per turn, a waste of mp and tp, also both skills have higher miss chances than the regular atacks too, stick to using the 1st hit-all skill, it is pretty cheap and useful, and also regular attacks are fine if you get the better weapons.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I was looking for a game similar to a raveger and found this one. Despite the fact that it is very raw, I still give 5 stars for its potential. It may turn out to be a worthwhile game in the end.
    + MC is a goblin
    + The very idea of developing a goblin nest has a lot of potential

    - The animations are very simple so far
    - So far there is only 1 girl
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    For V0.20.5
    Great setting so far . The story, plot and gameplay fits everything.
    The details that are there in the fame world make the world feel lively.
    Breathing characters and animated sprite are really a nice touch.
    The CGs are also well done.

    Only one thing the animation should get better. It's okay since it atleast has animations.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Rev on 0.20.5

    +good overall theme

    -fighting system not totally awful. There are worse, but doesnt really add anything to the game either.
    -mediocre animations, sex scenes


    -dev not customer oriented. He thinks it's more important to insult someone pointing out a flaw instead of maybe thinking how he could improve the game
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3539429

    I hated It. A lot of grinding, stupid quest that break inmersion tagged as daily in which after looking for a cunt u have to answer 3 correctly or go find him again.
    After grinding the first girl they go and put u on a grab and seek quest that really looks like a 10 to 15 minuts pain. I stopped here since the animations are scarce and not so good.
    It is sad because I kind of liked the writing.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Beautifully made, with enough humor to make you smile without trying to be ToTaLlY wAcKy. The corruption aspects in particular are well written, and the CG is detailed and serves the story well. The creators clearly have plans on where they want to go in the future, though the conflict between the human knight and elven paladin seem almost a little too on-the-nose, but it's perfectly acceptable.

    I would offer a few gripes that detract from it enough to bring it down to 4 stars: first, it crashes with some regularity. This is mostly mitigated by the fact that the game autosaves everytime you leave a screen, so these crashes are more annoying than rage-inducing. Food consumption seems uneven: it seems like sometimes 400 units will disappear overnight while other times 50 gets you through a day no problem. The daily quests are a nice idea - they allow you to advance your objectives (i.e. your virility) in a way that also advances time. I found stealing the clothes to be fun, but Cxnt Crow to be annoying and repetetive to the extent that I just stopped doing his quests.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very unique style from most rpg games. One thing is like about games is immersive elements. There are swaying trees, weather effects, small details which make the world more interesting.
    Then there is the story, really good. Looking forward to making my own gobbo army.
    The music which many dont notice is different from regular ones and UI elements are great too. Wish i could support the team . Hope many people can support this team.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing 0.15. Overall I thought it was a decent game, dialogue was okay to the point that I didn't fast skip over most of it -- it could probably be edited up before final release, but nothing that should be the focus this early into development. In terms of plot, mechanics, and aesthetics, if you liked A Goblin's Tale / The Rise of Vruk, you'll like The Legend of the Goblins.

    Crashed quite a few times while playing. Usually when transitioning between map areas, or in the middle of dialogues. No real rhyme or reason for why; a sequence of actions which may cause it to crash one time would cause no issue the next time. Thankfully the auto-save didn't make it too much of an issue to continue.

    A bit grindy, but not much. As a bit of a strategy guide to players, it helps to spend your initial money on armor, so that you can hunt animals without taking too much damage. Get some easy XP farming bunnies & deer, sell extra meat, then get enough to be able to equip yourself with a full set of armor and 2 spears. Then move on to the forest with a buddy, switch them to the Seeker class (to double gold gain and have a tank protecting you), and attack minotaurs. By level 5 your tank should be able to withstand a Lvl10 minotaur at 100% difficulty, while your MC whittles away at the enemy. With a Seeker, the gold should be rolling in so that you can easily afford to get all 3 of your goblins the top tier armor. From there, it is just a grindy battle that can last up to 10 rounds per enemy, with little to no risk of damage to your own guys.

    The main grindyness comes from resource hunting. And I'm not sure what's wrong with the programming, but it seems like when a new quest calls for resources, there is no consideration given to whether you already have pre-harvested enough of that resource, meaning you have to go and collect the resource again. Might be a limitation of RPGM that quests must have specific actions taken and cannot look at existing item in inventory.

    Grindyness also comes from the virility quests. There are basically the same 3 quests that only give you 5-10% virility, and you lose 1% per day. You start at 0% virility, so you spend a week repeating the exact same quests to get up to 100%.

    I did like the timed events, they added a unique flair not found in most RPGM games.

    Was decent. Again, very similar to the art style of A Goblin's Tale / The Rise of Vruk if you're into goblins using their drug-containing body fluids to corrupt women into seedbeds. There are some animations. Have to give a big thumbs up to the impregnation scene -- the ovum fertilization animation is a nice touch and something not many pregnancy-tagged games do.

    Mechanics that could use rethinking / rework:
    • Weapon durability. Glad they took it out of 0.15 release. Seemed like 30 attacks and the weapon breaks. Which is a bit too few IMHO. A typical battle with a Lvl10 minotaur could run you 10 successful attacks. This means you can fight 2 fights before you need to swap weapons, or risk the thing breaking. And you usually face 2 bats in 1 fight, meaning you'd risk a weapon break if you got into 2 fights with them. Maybe increasing durability counter higher (like 100, 150?) would balance things a bit. Otherwise you're having to run around with multiple weapons and swap them out after almost every battle.
    • Resource gathering. Scale the units a bit better. Meats are cheap and plentiful to the point you're constantly having to head back to unload it into storage. Killing everything in Forest Area 1 map gets your nearly 90 food, and max you can hold is 99 (RPGM limitation I believe). So maybe each animal provides less meat, but it is worth more per unit and isn't needed as often? Same with flax.
    • Battle length is a bit long. Standard enemies take 2-10 rounds each depending on difficulty level. And your tank pretty much does nothing but defend, as their unaided attack power (can't equip weapons) is too low to score any damage on an enemy. Perhaps allow MC to bring both the goblins, so one can tank as a Seeker and the other can help attack as a Fighter and shorten the battle length to 1-5 rounds? Or Attack/Defense stats could probably be tweaked a bit -- I'd rather my tank take minor damage every round and wrap up a battle in 3 rounds than to take 0 damage every round but have a fight drag on 10-20 rounds.
    • Crux. Dialogue is reused too much, it just doesn't end up being a pleasant mini-game fast skipping all his repetitive dialogue, seeking him out, and answering his 5 questions. Same goes for finding the dress when you consider the house is far away from anything else you'd need to visit, so it's a lot of unnecessary walking around.
    • Hidden shop items. First, I think the mechanic of needing more than gold to make items is a pretty good change from the regular RPGM scene. However, the additional requirement icons don't give enough guidance as to what items are actually required. Also, hiding the items from the purchase menu unless you have at least 1 of the material item isn't preferable, as I tended to dump all materials into storage (which then doesn't count to unlock the hidden menu).
    • Bolos. I was expecting the "capture" skill to actually work, sort of like throwing a pokeball. Instead, it just did reduced damage versus a normal attack and was not needed to capture her. You can just standard attack / kick her until she is beaten and the game progress as normal.
    • Classes. While I like the idea of multiple classes a character can be, there seemed to be no significant benefit to multi-classing, other than unlocking some skills. I would have thought starting a goblin out as a tank (to survive encounters and beef up HP & Defense) then switching to fighter (to allow equiping weapons and beefing up Attack) would have been a valid strategy. However, the stat gains from one class do no carry over to the other. Can there be a base character parameters set, and each class has +/-% adjustments to parameters for "equipping" that class? That way gaining 2-3 levels as a Seeker has some benefit to a Fighter. As it is, switching classes is quite punitive if going from Lvl10+ in a class to Lvl1 in the other class, as you essentially revert back to a newb again. Thus essentially no reason to switch classes, and then no real reason for the class system in general.

    A good game. And a very engaged developer, who reached out to thank me for & discuss integrating some of my feedback into the game design.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    There is potential here, but right now it's very ambitious. The main hideout is massive and almost completely empty. I understand maybe leaving a little room, but wow it's far too massive. The resource collecting is ridiculously tedious. And on top of all that, not a good animation style.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I completed v0.1 and I want to preface this review by saying that I am giving the game 5 stars because I'm a mark for this style of game. Rapey goblins combined with RPG elements, turn based combat, and base building is a perfect cocktail of my sexual depravities being mixed with preferred gameplay mechanics. Therefore, because I'm the mark for this game I want to support the developer catering to my tastes, thus, the 5 star rating. Nevertheless I shall give feedback on the gameplay.

    Recommendations & Criticisms
    • Weapon and armor degradation appears to be a core mechanic in the game, I'd urge the devs to tweak this if possible. Currently weapons/armor perma-delete if they reach 0 before being repaired. This led to two annoyances I couldn't shake while playing.
      1. It left me constantly worried that my gear was going to disappear, every few battles I was in the menu screens checking to see if gear needed to be repaired -- RPGM menus are not something players will constantly be wanting to sift through, it's a clunky menu system.
      2. There's a fair bit of grind (which I was ok with) but the grind felt all the more tedious because of point #1. It was like I couldn't even mindlessly grind fights, which I found irksome. I see too much grind listed constantly by users of this site as being a major turnoff for a game; something that should be handled carefully by the devs.
    • Blacksmith or Forge building additions to the goblin's cave that give a quick "repair all" option or increased weapon durability would be a welcome feature.
    • It would be a very useful quality of life adjustment if we could equip gear on the rest of the goblin party without needing to take them into the forest one at a time.
    • Game needs more Lewds!! ;)
    Cheers boys, good luck on development!