-. --- - .... .. -. --. / -. . .-- --..-- / -... ..- - / .-- .... -.-- / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ..--..
nothing new, but why in morse code?
The below are fun fact (dont look at me as a wise guy, just a former wireless operator and radioamateur):
You are good at morse and used the correct name "morse code" and not as some "morse alphabet". But you made 3 errors
1: comma --..-- should have been between /--..--/ (between /'s)
2: same with question mark /..--../
3: for a correct ending it hould have been /..--..// as end of a sentence, when full text ends /// are used.
This is the way scouts are making morse messages, in the real world you dont have the /'s but start and end of text as BT -....- And transmit it as is, when receiving messages you write the plain text, morsecode is a kind of language for wireless operators.
Look at my avatar, its a morsekey and i'm educated as wireless operator (telegraphist) in the Danish Navy, now retired.
May you all have a nice weekend, and may YOUR god be with you