TL;DR: F*cking awful. But i got a lot to say about why.
So, first of all, gotta say what this is because overview is trash and is insanely misleading. In actuality it's a cheap knockoff of a certain vampire filled universe mainly consisting of board games, but much worse. Main conflict has nothing to do with overview and it's about vampires versus hunters with a lof of nonsense like mages and reincarnation and literal devils and angels thrown in.
Second thing i need to bring in immediately is that it is not finished, while the game is stated as completed it's only first part of a saga, ends in the middle of nowhere and developer now works on a side story instead of a sequel, so if you want a full story you very likely will have to wait for 20-30 years at the very least. Have fun.
Now, this review gonna be kind of a mess because SO many things went wrong here and i can't reasonably structure them but i will try to address really bad things. There will be spoilers tho.
Game immediately shoves a disclaimer or dark themes into your face, which is fine, what is not fine how those themes are executed. Immediately at the start of the game you meet a character and dialogue goes something like this:
-Hi, tell me something about yourself.
-Hi, i was sexually assaulted 3 times, one successfully, tee-hee, let's go bang.
I promise you i exaggerate only VERY slightly, and the worst part is it leads NOWHERE. It is never relevant, never mentioned again and treated like a joke. Same thing happens when a girl loses a child because of a physical trauma. It is a sad moment, sure, but it's never relevant again after and doesn't play into anything. Very serious topics that should be treated carefully and with respect are thrown around like a joke for short term shock value, so this entire disclaimer is pointless.
Main character barely exist. He has no personality, he is a pure vessel for the story to continue which will say most basic words and do dumb things. Even worse he literally has sort of magic aura because of which every woman just jumps on him, it is a plot point, this monkey does nothing to earn any love or respect. If you hope for any sensual development, romance or some effort from MC that's a swing and a miss.
Story got ludocrious amounts of dumb events, contrivancies and Eve, especially Eve. It ranges from small issues (at the start when someone is KILLING YOUR FAMILY behind the door and there is a literal pool of blood, our MC goes "ah, let me just get my spare socks before i run") to absolutely mind boggling and story breaking (a trained combat veteran who went to confront dangerous armed people without reloading, good job there), to absolutely insane, like Eve. Oh goddamn Eve.
Starting from the second half of the narrative Eve starting to live in MC head rent free to tell him what to do. And remaining cells of his brain die at this moment because from now EVERY little piece of information, decision making and actions will be given to MC by Eve and he will always obey. Dangerous situation? Eve helps. They need to know something but don't? Here is Eve. No one pays any attention and let worst things happen? Don't worry, Eve will wake up characters to prevent it. EVERY singular shitty writing point and plothole is plugged by Eve-ex-machina, it is an abhorrent example of horrible writing that permeates entire second half of this product.
Variety of girls is nice, BUT. Some of them have only one scene, some that actually have a mark "Not yet in your harem" never become part of it (reminder that it's first part of the saga), one randomly dies off screen for no reason to which i could only shake my head, individuality quickly dissapears and most of the girls become the exact same person in the second half.
Scenes are tolerable, a lot of stills with rare animations which vary from laggy nightmares at the start to decent ones in the end, transitions are... awful at best however. You don't play this for scenes.
Little personal grievance that didn't affect the score, we never get to do anything with BB and SB. Seriously?
It's not for story lovers, it's not for vampire lovers, it's not for banging lovers, it's not for romance lovers, it's not even for harem lovers because you technically only love one girl. Truly awful final product that fails on every single front and incredibly likely never will be fully finished.
So, first of all, gotta say what this is because overview is trash and is insanely misleading. In actuality it's a cheap knockoff of a certain vampire filled universe mainly consisting of board games, but much worse. Main conflict has nothing to do with overview and it's about vampires versus hunters with a lof of nonsense like mages and reincarnation and literal devils and angels thrown in.
Second thing i need to bring in immediately is that it is not finished, while the game is stated as completed it's only first part of a saga, ends in the middle of nowhere and developer now works on a side story instead of a sequel, so if you want a full story you very likely will have to wait for 20-30 years at the very least. Have fun.
Now, this review gonna be kind of a mess because SO many things went wrong here and i can't reasonably structure them but i will try to address really bad things. There will be spoilers tho.
Game immediately shoves a disclaimer or dark themes into your face, which is fine, what is not fine how those themes are executed. Immediately at the start of the game you meet a character and dialogue goes something like this:
-Hi, tell me something about yourself.
-Hi, i was sexually assaulted 3 times, one successfully, tee-hee, let's go bang.
I promise you i exaggerate only VERY slightly, and the worst part is it leads NOWHERE. It is never relevant, never mentioned again and treated like a joke. Same thing happens when a girl loses a child because of a physical trauma. It is a sad moment, sure, but it's never relevant again after and doesn't play into anything. Very serious topics that should be treated carefully and with respect are thrown around like a joke for short term shock value, so this entire disclaimer is pointless.
Main character barely exist. He has no personality, he is a pure vessel for the story to continue which will say most basic words and do dumb things. Even worse he literally has sort of magic aura because of which every woman just jumps on him, it is a plot point, this monkey does nothing to earn any love or respect. If you hope for any sensual development, romance or some effort from MC that's a swing and a miss.
Story got ludocrious amounts of dumb events, contrivancies and Eve, especially Eve. It ranges from small issues (at the start when someone is KILLING YOUR FAMILY behind the door and there is a literal pool of blood, our MC goes "ah, let me just get my spare socks before i run") to absolutely mind boggling and story breaking (a trained combat veteran who went to confront dangerous armed people without reloading, good job there), to absolutely insane, like Eve. Oh goddamn Eve.
Starting from the second half of the narrative Eve starting to live in MC head rent free to tell him what to do. And remaining cells of his brain die at this moment because from now EVERY little piece of information, decision making and actions will be given to MC by Eve and he will always obey. Dangerous situation? Eve helps. They need to know something but don't? Here is Eve. No one pays any attention and let worst things happen? Don't worry, Eve will wake up characters to prevent it. EVERY singular shitty writing point and plothole is plugged by Eve-ex-machina, it is an abhorrent example of horrible writing that permeates entire second half of this product.
Variety of girls is nice, BUT. Some of them have only one scene, some that actually have a mark "Not yet in your harem" never become part of it (reminder that it's first part of the saga), one randomly dies off screen for no reason to which i could only shake my head, individuality quickly dissapears and most of the girls become the exact same person in the second half.
Scenes are tolerable, a lot of stills with rare animations which vary from laggy nightmares at the start to decent ones in the end, transitions are... awful at best however. You don't play this for scenes.
Little personal grievance that didn't affect the score, we never get to do anything with BB and SB. Seriously?
It's not for story lovers, it's not for vampire lovers, it's not for banging lovers, it's not for romance lovers, it's not even for harem lovers because you technically only love one girl. Truly awful final product that fails on every single front and incredibly likely never will be fully finished.