Others - Completed - The Lord of Isekai Brothels [Final] [FShadow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    I give 5 stars because game is good enough even if I could have been better if the management part was better.

    Sex-Battles are fun, and art is good, the simulation part is not bad, but there is not much in it, I wish the game was longer.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a management game without any managing part. Your own brothel is pretty much a side character in this story that exist so you can spend money to go to other brothels.

    The managing minigame is boring and confusing. There isnt much to do and you arent explained what does much of things do. Just go use solicitation and watch as screenshot changes.

    Sex scenes and fights are just bland. Its a static CG image with 0 changes during the fight. All animation is the same exact sprite that is looped. On top of image just moving a bit on the screen to make it look like its animated. Lets just add the fact that game sometimes bugs out and your actions just dont count. So you can only just leave to end the scene.

    Also the amount of grind to get anywhere is way too big. Even getting S rank each time you have to visit same person multiple times and normal rank at start is like D or C. So you will be seeing same image a lot.

    TLDR: Just watch gallery cause this is a CG gallery with lots of grind before it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun little management game held back by some superfluous grinding and buoyed by an engaging sex-battle system.

    Playing the game on normal (it's highest and intended difficulty,) both for the management and minigame settings, is still very easy. You'd be hard pressed to fail; money is quick and plentiful, and many of the girls are pushovers to defeat in its battle system.

    The consequence of this very lenient system is a relative plus at first: you're allowed to upgrade and research what you want at the pace you want with very little detriment. I say very little, because the negatives are obfuscated until the late-game, where you'll have to occasionally grind out girls and new research in order to fully complete it's main questline.

    This moment is a bit jarring, as the rest of the game seems to be a-okay with you being a vastly overprepared for whatever you need to do. Even so, a rough estimate would be placing this grind as an extra 30-60 minutes of gameplay. For reference, my total game time was around 4 hours, and that was with screwing around in post-game. So not terribly egregious, but still annoying.

    The forced grind would have been much, much worse if it wasn't fun to play.
    Management sees you constantly upgrading your brothel and girls, and nets you money at a very quick clip. Down the line you're able to buy girls from other brothels whose 'love' trait you've hit 100 with, so you can build a brothel of monster waifus you enjoy.

    Building on this, the brothels around town offer the usual collection of demi-humans, although with excellent variance. Ya got slime, ya got cowgirls, your foxes and your oni's, and each brothel features a different puzzle to uncover during the sex battles, which keeps it engaging.

    The sex battles, to finalize this review, are the highlight. They play out as mini-puzzles where you have to out-fuck your opponents in order to win, using either touch, oral, or good ol'rammin. Most of the time you can do what you want, although every once and a while you'll need to have specific item or game plan to win. Furthermore, the game does a very good job of communicating what you need, and frequently rewards you for going the extra mile in these instances. Big plus.

    Overall the game is worth your time. It can be buggy, as I had a few crashes, but thankfully there is an auto-save 'continue' irrespective of your latest save. Thank god, as I would have ripped my hair out if I had lost 2 hours of game time here, and subsequently rate this game much lower. Also a minor translation bug, where attempting to buy girls will say you 'have too many hostesses,' but this is incorrect: you need to max the girl's 'love' to recruit them. I have no idea why it didn't say that at first, but once I figured that out the text prompt was fixed. Strange.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The management aspect of the game is really easy and you can almost ignore it completely. The game is more dedicated to going to other brothels to fuck girls and make them fall for you (and your skillful dick). The management side of things only makes it so it takes more time for you to accomplish what you want in the game. I think it's an average game. I was expecting more from the management side of the game, so I'm really disappointed with it. But I can't ignore the good things, as I had fun with it. So I'm giving this game 3 stars, but if I could it would be 3.5
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Translation is a bit off and annoying at times. The mechanics are not explained very effectively in the beginning and there are many questions I find myself having no answer to. Still I enjoy the management aspects of the game quite a bit so it certainly feels satisfying enough to earn a good rating.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The battlefuck system is great, HOWEVER:

    1.) The game is buggy. Some of the species traits just don't work, work only some of the time, or are unlocked by totally different methods than how they are described.

    2.) Some of the battles are insane. Your "attacks" will be completel ineffective unless you manage to figure out some obscure combination that again, only works some of the time. Your other option is to go into the fight massively overleveled.

    Overall its pretty good, but be prepared for some frustration, grinding, and not getting a 100% clear
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable battlefuck system. The amount of actual CGs are limited and there are some uniqueness among the fights. Overall an enjoyable game with plenty of room for improvement. The UI could use some imporvement when equipping items and such, but overall is alright.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    butt wipe

    the interface was slightly wonky, but great game. Even on normal mode it was hard to lose though. It is about story and content, not difficulty. The shop also refreshes after every other type of interaction breaking some balance too.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent game. It's missing some polish that would elevate this to a great game but it's fun for what it is.

    Story 5/10

    A bit of a unique story. You're an ex-adventurer turned brothel owner. There's a new brothel in town run by a female reincarnator. The reincarnator's got techniques that are unheard of in this world and so all the patrons are visiting them and running the other brothels out of business including yours. So your plan is to copy the techniques of the reincarnator's brothel, band together the other brothels, and take down that damn reincarnator.

    This perspective of a native in a world of reincarnators was interesting. Although not very fleshed out. Each brothel has a mini-story and some minor character development which was nice. The slime brothel's proprietress is an old acquaintance of yours from when you used to be an adventurer (and she's a ex-dungeon boss). Again, these slice-of-life style stories are interesting.

    There's a little lore drip fed to you here and there like there used to be a demon lord who was defeated and disappeared, the elven kingdom was taken over by reincarnators and so the elves need to wait 50 years for the reincarnator to die of old age, the reincarnators are able to make chocolate which they mistakenly shared with the beastkin who are allergic to chocolate and so they've fallen ill.

    All of these interactions are really interesting... but at the same time really shallow. I want more. There's no chocolate in the game. You never meet the ex-demon king. And the only elves are the two elves who work at your shop from the start of the game.

    Lastly, the ending was kind of lame. You defeat the big bad reincarnator in bed and she turns herself into the authorities for causing trouble. The end.

    Gameplay 5/10

    The gameplay loop is 2 actions per day, morning and evening. There are a few limited actions per time of day such as only being able to rest during the morning while you can only visit brothels during the evening. Every couple of days a cat beastkin merchant visits you and this is the only real place to spend the money you earn running your brothel (the other is your fixed monthly debt payment).

    Running your brothel manually lets you earn more money while if you do another evening action, the brothel runs automatically but earns significantly less money.

    Visiting other brothels is the majority of the content as each brothel house contains a type and set of ladies of a particular race. Then you engage in a mini-sex game where you try to get the girl off while you don't get off.

    Don't get wrong, the gameplay loop was entertaining, if a little grindy. Time doesn't matter (aside from your monthly debt payment) so just grind up some money, then grind the brothels both figuratively and literally. If you rushed the game, then I'd sure you can beat it in like 5 hours, but I wanted to 100% it and it took me 10 hours to beat the game.

    The sex mini-game is a little repetitive but adds some flair to the art. My usual big complaint for h-games is the separate of h and game. The Lord of Isekai Brothels integrated them together quite nicely.

    Art 8/10

    The art is right up my alley. Slily's character design is my favorite in this game. The cows have pretty big but not massive breasts. The foxes are lovely and colorful. The reincarnator's art was kind of meh.

    There are a couple of short special scenes that occur outside of brotheling but the text is quite short (and where most of the character development happens).

    The amount of pure CGIs is comparable to the size of the game as there's a couple of characters for each race and there's 2 CGIs for pre-insertion and post-insertion. However, there's very little variation CGI. Instead the camera just kinda swings around with your mouse pointer and special effects are blasting off here and there.

    Obviously the best choice is to have both. I like dynamic images alongside variation CGIs. But even without the variation CGIs, again, the art is right up my alley.

    Overall 7/10

    I enjoyed the game. It's quite pleasant and unobtrusive to play.

    I wish there was more content in terms of lore, more girls (some girls were literally clones of each other), and more way to spend your money for upgrades.

    Also I wish there was more purpose to the grind. You can grind a girl (both figuratively and literally) and your reward is that you can invite her to work at your brothel and... your brothel is kind of pointless. You just earn more money which can only be spent at the catgirl merchant who randomly visits you once every couple of days and doesn't sell anything cool.

    That being said, this was 10 hours of decently enjoyable gameplay with great character art.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 7/10
    Imagery: 8/10
    Gameplay: 8/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 7/10

    A blow job? What is that? Do you blow on the job?

    Imagine working at a brothel and not knowing you can use your thighs, mouth, and breasts to please your customers. Now imagine a bunch of fantasy girls sharing these techniques to battle against some isekai chick who is stealing all their patrons, and then there's you, the guy porking them while managing your brothel.

    It's a little bit like Interspecies Reviews, if instead of reviewing the monster sex you stole their techniques and adapted them to your own brothel.

    CG variations were pretty good, each brothel sporting at least several variants of women to choose from. You "battle" them in sex, earn that S rank, and then bang their brothel mistress into submission so she'll lend you one of her own and the technique their race can pass on.

    You got the slime girls with the SUCC, cow girls with the Booba, oni girls who are kinky AF, cat girls who just want to be stuffed like a Boston Cream doughnut, the succubus where you have access to only one girl who is more of a lolibus, the fox girls who drug you with mystical LSD, and the "reincarnations" or human girls who look at you with disgust and then you mind break them with your dick.

    The story behind the why Miss. Reincarnator is doing all this is actually kind of deep, which was weird with everything else going on. Since it was a little surprising, I'll leave it up to you to find out.

    Gameplay-wise you can a few avenues to peruse, you can manage the nightly brothel activities which may result in greater revenue, you can visit other brothels to learn techniques by fuck-batting the women of the night, you can research the techniques you learn and improve them, visit the cat girl merchant to buy supplies, stock up your brothel with items to improve certain aspects of it, and equip items to improve your sexual prowess. Even if you don't manually manage your brothel, it will automatically run at night and collect revenue.

    A fun time waster, a bit repetitive if your trying to earn all the rewards from the girls, but it was fun and had some humorous interactions.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A very enjoyable experience. Stellar art, engaging gameplay and an overall good story.
    Took me 5 hours to complete the main story and another 2 to complete all CG and if not for the ingame timer i wouldnt know how fast that time passed.
    Combines management with an interesting real time battle system that neither gets stale till the finish.
    Includes quite a lot of fetishes and a good amount of unique ladies to match everyones taste.
    The only gripes i have with the game are the weird scaling of the game.My conclusion was level is above all! If you are below the opponents everything feels way harder, while when you are over it becomes a cakewalk(equipment greatly offests this thankfully) .Another one is the monthly 8000 debt which i honestly forgot it even existed after the first month...like why was it even there. And the last one is that i wish there was something to give the game replayability as it feels it has the potential for that but sadly it isnt there.As it stands its for an amazing single playthrough but up to that.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Looked interesting at the beginning and after 1 hour i got hooked charcters were great i also like the races hooray for slimes.It was 6 hours of fun only complain is that they could put some more cgs.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a great game, with decent game mechanics and decent story in here.

    It's not in my personal top 3 of management games here but it does represent what I expect from a management game.

    It is not complex by any means, if you so choose, you will have to juggle between paying rent and meeting objectives.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game came to the forum several days after Kagura drop a mega How to build a magnificent kingdom. Even tho this game is vastly underwhelming in compare to the magnificent kingdom, it still appeals to me more than the other due to its simplicity. After a long day thinking hard at work, I got around 2 or 3 brain cells left to try to jerk off, why do you drop a ton of thing that I have to process before jerking off.
    + Gameplay:
    The game has two type of gameplay: brothel management and battle sex with other prostitution. The first part can be automatically done without you have to do it. The battle sex is a brain dead clicker. Tips: make sure auto boost (left bottom corner) is on, the insertion gauge is the small horizontal gauge below thee two vertical satisfaction and cumming gauge. After you play for a while, money is not a problem.
    + Story:
    Well I haven't finished so nothing I can tell ya more than the synopsis.
    It's engaging to me, guess that is because I love prostitutions feature in general.
    + Art:
    Good, likable. Also this game featured types of multiple monster girls.

    In conclusion, I suppose this game is okay. I've pretty much spent all my h-gaming time on this for 3 days straight.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Tl;dr: "What if Stunk and Zel from Interspecies Reviewers would open Borthel".
    Long Version: MC is pleasing prostitutes to unite everybody against "evil" borthel mae by Isekai Protagonists. If someone saw some Isekais, then he would love story, filled with refferences to stereotypes of this genere. Arts are awesome, there are a lot of races and characters with their own style. In 95% of porn games I'm turnig off sound and music but here: I'm positively surprised, I really like music. Flaws? Borthel Management is too simplified and game is a bit grindy. It could be better. But I don't understand why it's get so low rewiews. It's not perfect, there is still some bugs and management could be better. And I agree: Bifrost was better... But imo it's still one of best games on F95 and second best borthel game after Monster Club Bifrost
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    In general i liked the game:

    Basic set up:
    Have sex battles with prostitutes from other brothels to earn SP. SP can be used to increase your skills (stamina, sexual stamina, research and host). Which will make it possible to defeat more difficult prostitutes. Manage own brothel at night. The only thing you can do is click some special skills during the night for example to attract extra customers or to refuse picky customers.

    - A lot of girls
    - Nice art
    - Interesting story

    - The H battles are a bit boring. Either you win easily or its impossible because your skills are too low.
    - The management is also not that great. You dont need the money and leveling up your girls is also not necessary for anything.
    - A bit grindy to get SP to level yourself. Try to get the SP amulet to get extra SP (from Koume).
    - It crashed my computer twice.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Even though i do really like the story, it's really cute and sweet, light but still interesting enough to keep you hook up, but maybe because i have really shit taste when it come to literature, i will just make a review about the porn aspect instead.
    Firstly, the art is so good, but there isn't any variation, each scene only uses 1 cg with expression change and doesn't even have cum layer for creampie state, 3 stars.
    Secondly, the girls outside of cutscenes feel pretty 1 dimensional. 1 good example to look at is dungeon town, the girls in there will comment whenever you tease their nipple, make them cum, etc. In this game, there is none aside from "it's so big" when you switch phase in sex combat. At least their moans are cute so 3 stars.
    Thirdly, the trainings doesn't feel as impactful as they should be, Take bitfrost for example, the longer you train the girls, the slutier they become. Training in this game is just stat raise, therefore i think it's a chore to do and no fun at all.
    Lastly, the game is TOO EASY, i mean, they even bother to make each week different with random states in each day of the said week, like bulls' week that guests only take cow girls, but the requirement is just 8000 gold, you won't fail even if you don't hire the right girls for that week.
    In conclusion. it's a decent game with kinda good story imo, art is good for some quick faps but nothing noteworthy about it. I still really like it though.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Played and beat, took about 5 hours.

    Lets begin by saying the game has 2 aspects of gameplay, "battles" vs the courtesans of various brothels and then managing your own. The latter having very little signifigance and might be best played at max speed setting so it just takes 10 seconds.

    The former though I really enjoyed the concept of. Figuring out the weaknesses of the races. Sadly IMO they misused the idea since you do repeat fight vs same race and with same weaknesses which is more of a stat-check than knowledge based. And even if you don't know their weakness at first you can in most cases just use the observe power to get the answer told to you within 5 seconds without any pre-requisites.

    I think the game coulda have had more fun variety in gameplay had it been more like "Tower of Trample", repeated fights where you use actual observation of your own along with experimentation.

    I enjoyed the idea but grew slightly tired of it 70% or so in.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Meh, you'd think you play a management game. You manage a brothel after all. Whelp nope! You manage brothel but that's just your side business. Your real business is just going to different brothels stealing their girls. Meaning you have to have sex with them to convince them. But yea. That is not management. I expected more like you buy out your competition or something. Nope. You go there have sex with all the girls and then you take over. While your own brothel is... forgotten. No wonder all the brothels in the City go down the drain. All the brothel owners seem to go around and waste their money on the competition instead of taking care of their own brothel.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Many of you probably played Monster Girl Club Bifrost and decide to check this out. Monster Girl Club Bifrost is in a league of its own, but this game does an alright job against it. The game is pretty easy as, after the first month, I was making a bunch of cash to pay off the monthly debt and get all the items in the shop. The artwork is pretty good and the gameplay was interesting. Good time-waster, but I wish it had more H-scenes.