VN - Unity - The Lust Voyage [v1.05] [NTRMAN]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The best part of NTRMAN's work is his animations and his art-style. They're getting better. As for the story, it's very fast paced and I was really expecting a lot out of this one since this took a while. Hopefully NTRMAN can push out more great content like Adelaide Inn.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Read any other two star review, my opinion is the same. Not worth anything other than the H scenes. Long wait for this is kind of a kick in the head to anyone who supports this dev. Hopefully it gets developed more some how.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game can be summed up by the words of a legends.

    "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined"

    This is rushed and unfinished through and through. The only good thing it has going for it is the art style but that's just the standard for NTRman.

    This new writer or whatever they have here has done a very poor job with the story and it really shows, nothing like the actual creators' style of storytelling. Everything is rushed, the corruption is INSTANT, which is an absolute let down. Having a loving wife instantly turn into a slut that sucks dick is just boring, unimaginative and lazy writing. Almost like early day NTR games.

    Don't waste your time with this game, it's not worth it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Ah, NTRMan... a name that gets you excited to play a game, only to have your expectations free-fall uncontrollably. And once again.. he doesn't disappoint.

    So foremost a little spoiler-ish summary:

    You play the role of a corrupt, now politically assassinated, official after your enemies get wind of your ill-gotten gains during your tenure, which forces you to make an hasty estrus under the cover of the night with your wife and loyal servant in tow, lest an angry mob skins you alive. Obviously, with wanted posters out, your only reliable way to make for a new land and a new life is to be smuggled in a shady looking ship crewed by an even shadier looking crew. Your actions on the journey decide your fate. Will you become the captain or you will you become a slave? Either way, your wife gets railed.

    Now with that out of the way, lets focus on the execution of this particular story for a bit. NTRMan has had a lot of projects under his belt, but personally I always found storytelling not to be his strongest suit when it came to consistency. At times he would impress with games like Adelaide Inn(Remake) or Mother's Lessons, but then he would completely middle out with offerings like Rural Homecoming and Camp with Mom. This game joins the latter category and in a worse way.

    Make no mistake, this is an NTR game, but of a humiliation variety. Dependent on the choices you make, the game will either abruptly end on a "good note", if you can even call it that, or on a "bad note" later on if you pick the beta choices. While NTRMan makes effort to make the player hate the MC from the get-go portraying him as an embezzler and a foul person in general, it still does little to help the story in anyway. There is no corruption development either. The wife is on her knees blowing a stranger's pole passionately within 10 mins of the story, even though there is not a singular hint of slutty behavior portrayed beforehand. And all of the action happens so fast that the game is over within 30 minutes. 45 if you decide to read it from the perspective of a cucklord.

    Outside of the story, there were other jarring things. Like for example the old weird UI behavior where save and load functionality vanishes right before a choice. Or the fact that the MC looses his hair in middle of the game effectively making him more unintendedly pathetic. Did no one playtest the game before release? I still am unable to fathom NTRMan's love for the Unity Engine when RenPY exists. It would suit his VN style games better, but all devs are free to choose their engine, so I guess power to him. I still believe however that going back to barely 9 saves slots is a step in weird direction. Thankfully it doesn't matter but the UI experience is still subpar overall.

    Either way, the game left a lot to be desired. It's good to see his erotic content presentation is still on point, but honestly once I found myself losing interest in the story, I wasn't exactly enjoying the scenes either. Overall, a middling experience, and though I do not follow NTRMan's activities, if what I read is true, I've a feeling a lot of his future projects, that will mostly be short stories, aren't going to fair any better either. I truly hope I'm wrong though. It will be a shame to not have his older style games anymore.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This might be his worst work yet.
    Don't get me wrong the art is good as always but that's pretty much the only good thing about the game.
    First of all the game is super short and forgettable, You can easily be done with it in less than an hour and it's not worth the long wait.
    And the story, OH BOY the story is just bad, the build up is good (till going to the ship) and the plot is decent and it had the potential to be good but the game just beats itself to the ground and ruins itself.
    There's no love shown to the characters and the story, the events that happen don't make sense at all, one minute you are with your lovely wife and the minute you leave her alone she starts sucking on a random guy's cock whom she just met and there is no build up to it. She just instantly goes from a pure loyal wife to a cock loving slut which makes no fucking sense at all! The characters are all boring and it makes you just don't care about them at all.
    Overall im disappointed with this game, the art is good which is expected from NTRman but the story and the content in this game is a let down.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Lackluster. Rushed. Missing the quality you come to expect from NTRman. Something needs to change. Whatever he's currently doing isn't working. This is coming from a creator that would push out quality games. A guy who would make android ports for his games. After Adelaide it's been a peaky decline.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Good things come in small packages, and this VN is a recent proof. A little gem of an NTR experience with great graphics, good supporting sounds, speech (Japanese) and music, alluring main female and a great supporting cast of rough seamen who know a good lay when they see one. All in all a rather short playtime but a great NTR experience.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Finally have some time to try this out and just 5 mins in I already get why everyone's disappointed at this.

    This is more like a rape than NTR honestly. The heroine went from a lady to slut in literally 5 seconds- without any buildup and went through zero stage of corruption like we used to see in NTR genre.

    The writer, who is allegedly not NTRman himself, took zero effort to please us NTR lover. They just wrote a lazy scene where the heroine started sucking the cock of other guy immediately after the husband left for like 5 mins and boom, the corruption is complete. I suspect the new writer has zero knowledge in the genre - they thought as long as a girl is getting fucked by someone else they can slap a NTR tag on it and call it a day. No moral dilemma, no persuasion, no cockblock, no fall of the heroine to lust; just forced sex that not even a beginner NTR writer would waste the effort to put in their work, let alone this is coming from the legend NTRman who made Adelaide Inn. Thus nothing that happen in this short game is arousing or exciting like the past works of NTRman - they are just blatantly made up, convoluted and tasteless.

    Usually there is also double POVs in this kind of setting where we only see partially from the male POV and learn the whole story from the female POV but this time that is not even available too.

    Can't believe this was delayed a month - this is more like some custom made scenes stick together than a long awaited release from a major NTR dev. Really really not worth a try.

    The two star here is solely for the art and the clean UI with some fair animations. This is so short it is not even fappable. Anyway let's hope the dev can regain his sanity and return to the right track: we want spicy ntr story with the right build up, not some junk food that took almost half a year to make.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I dont normally review games, but oh damn, i wasnt expecting 11 months of development to be such a big dissapointment, the game is way too short.

    First the Story starts with an interesting start different from any game, explains the what is happening and the situation very well but soon we reach the Boat the story crumbles all over the place, there is quite amount of gaps on the story primarly around the h-scenes, where you will get the scenes but no context/background of why is happening, its simply randomly pop up the scene and u happy to see the h-scene but same thing confused where is the background and why is it happening.

    Gameplay there is a few bugs, primarly visual bugs to me, where the character husband portrait keeps changing hairstyles which is odd, goes bald, blonde, etc idk is that bug though never seen it before.

    Art and Animation the quality is very good has always.

    Overall the game shows no more then 4 months of work, idk where the rest of the develop time went, very short and confusing, scenes turn to be bland due to no background, yea a very dissapointing wait, i must say might be the worst VN he done so far.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    There is only a handful of scenes. They are extremely rushed, as is the story. NTR Man used to put out great novels. With lots of detail, build up and fantastic scenes. Now this? Its a shame what this has become. I really cannot stress how poor this is.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The wait was not worth it at all, the game is mediocre plot wise. Very little build up and even less pay off. The sex scenes are predictable and lazily set up. I'm really sick of the warp animation it doesn't look good for anything other than character sprites and it takes me out of the game. The recycled backgrounds are repetitive and annoying (panning across them doesn't change that!) This creator went from being my favorite in the genre to becoming mid at best and it is really disappointing.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Rayor

    His art is usually on point, but there was hardly any story to chew on. Just auto corrupted and the game goes on. Also the decision don't have any effect on the game and their inclusion is baffling. Even the endings mean nothing as they are the same with different text.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm a huge fan of this guy's work. But this game was horrible. Super short and soulless.

    I hope he focuses more on ''season of loss''. If his other side projects are at this level it will be a waste of time and energy, I am extremely disappointed.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Good heroine design
    Hot ero scene
    Good pacing

    Too short, but considering NTRMAN situations, i can understand
    The choice option doesn't really affecting much to the story, this flag is annoying in the end
    Speaking of the ending. The ending was very weak, personally the ending was disapponinting the most


    I would recommend it if NTRMAN give extra scenes, but with this condition i will only recommend to someone who is familiar with NTRMAN.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This is my personal rating

    Story : 1/10
    Originality :9/10
    Render : 6/10
    Sound :5/10
    Animation :8/10
    Voice Acting :7/10
    Amount of Content : 2/10

    Actually it's a good game it's just that the story is not good or too fast and it spoils everything.That's in my opinion
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't get why you'd need a build-up if it's set to be a short story. You could just start the VN on the boat right away and quickly explain what happened. I mean, if the author doesn't care to have characters being anything else than clichés or predictable, it's a pointless burden to the reader. You could make them work together, get actual twists, true decision-making and whatnot.

    At first, I thought the author's talent lies in working on 10 ideas simultaneously, but then I realized the core of them is always empty. There's no reason to actually create stories, so he probably just likes to draw different themes without a clue of what to do/to reuse assets in order to easily cash in (10k-15k a month). Damn.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Man, this does not look like the long-waited-a-month-delayed product after a long break. This looks like some random shit put together that you give your boss right before a long break. I love NTRMAN's VNs but this is just subpar. I mean it's definitely not bad among all the other ntr games. But it does not compare to his other earlier games.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    NTRMAN's worst game by far.
    Weaker visuals compared to his last few games, story even more rushed, nonsensical than usual, annoying protagonist and cast. There is nothing of value here no matter how you look at it.
    The suicide ending clearly mirrors the artist's state of mind. Bud needs to take care of his mental state ASAP.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    While definitely not one of his stronger works, Lust Voyage has enough content to show itself as another NTRMAN title. As this is an early build it is way too soon and unfair to judge this with a critically harsh pen.

    Not to mention the guy we are following, is a scummy noble I have no problem to cuck with. Julia definitely deserves those manly men aboard the crew. XD

    I am looking to see more content eventually added as this definitely not the last we see of this cast and crew. No doubt with more story, content, and very juicy scenes ahead.

    Hoping for the best regarding his other projects, such as the greatly appreciated continuation to 'Seasons of Loss'. Best wishes to NTRMAN for his content, short or long, they are always great treats.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing NTRMAN work as always!

    This one is definitely on the shorter side, spent about 2hrs on it. Most of the people complaining about the length probably held ctr and ran through the whole thing, which would take a couple of minutes.

    Only one choice really matters for scenes from what I can tell, and to be honest, Id rather have no choices in a Visual Novel. Im not looking for gameplay im lookin for a short story to bust too.

    And that is exactly what this is, a short contained story to get your rocks off. I don't want 12hrs of buildup to only get a fondling scene like a recent game I played. I want somethin that gets on with it.

    The art is amazing, wonderful animations, and excellent female voices.

    Id say its biggest downside is its got more of a netorase feeling. The husband isn't fully on board, but also gets hard and watches.

    If you looking for a big game, this aint it. This is a short contained story that won't eat up much of your time. NTRMAN has several games in the work, and this comes off like something he could create quickly without much investment to give people some content while he works on his other works.

    Id say the length of this is like reading a oneshot doujin, if you come into it with that mindset, you should enjoy this. If you looking for a full-length game, then go buy one.