Man that's a lot of points to address, so I'll do my best.
First off, the reason there's so many bugs is because, I'm not a professional, and this isn't my day job. I do what I can, with my free time (which is more abundant than most).
If clothing articles don't show up, that means the slot is "empty", or you're not wearing them.
Which articles don't stick? If you're referring to the "special" section. That was made as a proof of concept/christmas gift for the fans, hence the christmas themed clothes.
Which clothing article is failing to load? I'll look into it if you tell me what one. I must have just missed that one.
I do believe I fixed that Lexi thing, but I could be wrong. Try again with the bugfix and let me know.
Ahh, looks like I missed a setter there as well. No worries, I'll fix that.
I think I fixed the riley stuff yesterday too. Could be wrong though.
Baileys bar is probably a typo, there's a real passage like that, but if you put a typo in, twine generates a new passage sometimes and that's the default text.
Lexi's demand for 10k is just an oversight, I left it out from taking your cash purposely for testing, and just forgot to fix it.
The scenes where the girls are "deep-throating" your 2 inch schmeckle, well, that's just a lack of dynamic writing. An oversight on my part.
The vaginal passage shouldn't even be showing up... I'll tweak that! Thanks for the heads up, and if you have any more constructive feedback. Feel free to share. I tend to read these things